WH yanks Acosta's press pass

I am craving tacos for all the wrong reasons right now.

The Taco Master is quite loco. I was having a conversation once with him about what is and what's not racism.

Me: Racism would be if I judged you by your name, thinking you're a Mexican who only eats tacos. But not letting you play on my baseball team because you failed tryouts, isn't racist, irregardless of the fact if in my mind I really do think that. A person has to say it. Without that proof a person may or may not be racist.

TTM: How dare you judge me based on my name. Just so you know it's the name of my favorite taco joint, and doesn't mean I'm Mexican. You're a racist!

Seems like Putin isn't the only judo master. Acosta has one mean judo chop!
i certainly hope you are joking....if you think that is an undoctored clip.....i don't even have words to describe how stupid you would be....IF you weren't joking....which you surely are......surely.....surely you can't be that fucking ignorant, deluded, stupid.....and what a fucking cunt sarah sanders is for releasing this and expecting the American people to be stupid enough, ignorant enough, deluded enough to believe this obvious horse turd....
Seems like Putin isn't the only judo master. Acosta has one mean judo chop!
Seriously...are you not a little bit offended that your POTUS and his white house are playing on your stupidity. Are you not upset that they take you for a fool that would believe anything ?
At this point of your life do you have a job paying double your age, a checking account holding at least 125,000 and a savings with at least 250,000 ??? If not what is the reason for your support of Trump ?
And here comes the Double Standards.

It's okay for a man to slam a reporter but when a reporter fends off Someone that tries to grab the mic and he puts his arm up to stop the advance he's horrible person, and needs to be banned Really ? if you watched that infowars video your brain needs a tune up if you really believe what it showed.

Where were you when Greg Gianforte slammed a Reporter ? Should he be banned from ever running for Office again ?

Why do the Republicans get so upset and call names and cut down anyone who tells it the way it really is ? if it's not real Prove it instead of dividing everyone, It should be easy..

Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.

Menachem Begin

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

I don’t see any rebuttal there, just a desperate cry that I stop calling your nazi ass out

Go cry about a broken window while trying to downplay a synagogue massacre inspired by an anti Semitic conspiracy theory that trump tweeted out