WH yanks Acosta's press pass

I have no doubt there will be plenty of resisting. Turn about is fair play. But there are also areas where bipartisan agreement can be reached. Example, both sides agree big pharma is making obscene profits in USA while discounting their drugs in other countries. No reason not to proceed on issues we can agree on.

We should do nothing to make Trump look successful just like the Republican party did to Obama for 8 years

You brought the obstruction and now the worm has turned ...Enjoy the BIG Beautiful BLUE wave
(capitalized Trump style...derp)
I stand with the Free Press...yup I am an American
i think Carlson is a fucking douche bag.....but he nor any other legitimate reporter deserves this...
you "antifa" organizers should do a favor to the whole fucking democratic party, and just fucking shut up. Antifa is quickly coming to mean "another non thinking ignorant fucking asshole".....
before you try to defend freedom, it would be a good idea to look the word up so you know what the fuck it means.....terrorizing a reporters family, threatening him, and trashing his property is not doing a fucking thing to promote freedom.......
whether you like the stories he reports or not.....
how is doing this any different than trump shitting on reporter he doesn't like?
i think Carlson is a fucking douche bag.....but he nor any other legitimate reporter deserves this...
you "antifa" organizers should do a favor to the whole fucking democratic party, and just fucking shut up. Antifa is quickly coming to mean "another non thinking ignorant fucking asshole".....
before you try to defend freedom, it would be a good idea to look the word up so you know what the fuck it means.....terrorizing a reporters family, threatening him, and trashing his property is not doing a fucking thing to promote freedom.......
whether you like the stories he reports or not.....
how is doing this any different than trump shitting on reporter he doesn't like?
Careful. There a difference between ignorant mask wearing assholes using violence and people that are legitimately trying to raise awareness of white nationalism.
Careful. There a difference between ignorant mask wearing assholes using violence and people that are legitimately trying to raise awareness of white nationalism.
Not really, both ignorant vigilante types coming from opposite ends of the political spectrum.
Careful. There a difference between ignorant mask wearing assholes using violence and people that are legitimately trying to raise awareness of white nationalism.
of course there is...but when every asshole out there claims to belong to "antifa"...it's going to start giving the non existent organization a bad name.
"antifa" doesn't mean freedom to me, it doesn't mean enlightenment to me, it doesn't mean peace to me. fogdog tells me again and again that they make a difference, but i don't see that difference....i see a bunch of guys out trying to cause trouble. for the few that try to act as "police" at events and keep shit from escalating, respect, but that's the job of the police. if the police aren't doing their jobs, a few guys aren't going to make any difference, it's just going to cause more shit to happen. either organize, train, and go in force, or just knock off the useless "demonstration"...making yourself feel like you did something isn't the same as actually doing something.
for those that go out looking to cause shit, and use "antifa" as a cover...you're just exactly as bad as the "proud boys" we all despise....
i really think the whole antifa label is just bullshit and needs to go....why label yourself at all? to help your opponents identify you?
why not just be people who are concerned about stupid bullshit? plenty to keep you busy, for a long time
I denounce any violence used in the name of political justice.

Antifa are a terrorist organization.
White Nationalists are a terrorist organization.

Do you disagree?
I would clarify a little by saying that 100% of white pride people are in darkness. I can't say what percent of antifa are, it is a more ambiguous group. Some antifa are in darkness, these are the antifa that wear masks and go looking for a fight or to do property damage.
the idea of antifa is noble, and admirable. those few "members" it has that go to events and try to stop shit from escalating, and protect those that the nationalist attack, are also noble and admirable......but i think that accounts for maybe 5-10% of antifa "members"...the rest are just the same as the nationalist they claim to hate....small fearful people that group together to be strong enough to lash out at those they fear....
I would clarify a little by saying that 100% of white pride people are in darkness. I can't say what percent of antifa are, it is a more ambiguous group. Some antifa are in darkness, these are the antifa that wear masks and go looking for a fight or to do property damage.
Violence is bullshit. We don't need it to make our arguments. I will say that it can be an effective tool, but you don't need a chainsaw when you're trying to weld a couple steel beams together, you know what I mean?