WH yanks Acosta's press pass


That's one. When she reached to take the mic, he threw his arm up to block her and keep her from taking it.

block move.jpg

That's two. He did it again after she pulled back, looked at Trump, and he nodded for her to take the mic and move on to another press member.
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He did touch the intern. Twice.

Way to change the subject after getting your fucking ass kicked in the original object.

You need to head over to Pada's house and sulk along with him. You two deserve each other.

Trump took the pass because he's a fucking man child that just lost the house of representatives, not because Jim disrespected the office. Go take your prevagen, df.
If a Fox News reporter had done something like that to Obama, you fucktards would be losing your fucking minds.

And for the record, dumb fuck, touching someone is an assault. In fact, verbal abuse is an assault. You don't have to beat the shit out of someone for it to be an assault in the eyes of the law.
[walking through an extremely packed bar] "excuse me, sorry to have brushed up against your shoulder and assault you, but i desperately need to pee." oh my god i have assaulted like 27 people on the way to this fucking bathroom.
well this mystery has been solved.
sadly taco is right, if that was a cop, those brushing up against said cop would constitute thusly.
But was it REALLY assualt?20181108_100928.png
But was it REALLY assualt?

Yes. It is.

He's actually quite lucky that no charges were filed as they easily could have been. People forget, the press are GUESTS there. They have no "right" or "contract" or any other claim to being there. They are guest there much as anybody else is.

When a White House official tries to conduct their business and/or perform their assigned tasks, and you PHYSICALLY prevent them from doing so, not only are you guilty of an assault, but also of preventing a government official from performing their assigned duties. They could probably drum up a few more charges if they really wanted to.

Acosta acted like a complete ass. He knew better, he was just trying to get under Trump's skin as usual and this one backfired on him.
I'm perfectly calm. I'm simply stating fact while you live in a fantasy world of "there are only laws I agree with".
Until this President has Respect for the Office he's in, and continues to Divide the Country and Keeps his small base of followers and does not try to unite all the People he is working for. Why should most americans Respect him ?

As for the ratings of the News. There are lo Because People Choose to Watch either, CNN, MSNBC,CBS,ABC,BBC now take all those News Sources and Combine them Because apparently they all have it out for the Orange king. The ratings would be much higher than Fox or the Presidents.

Why would you want to divide the Nation, He is the President for all, not just the People who like him. He's the one with the Thin Skin, and in that job you need a thick skin.

Nobody Impeaches Mike Pence WTF ? this mans losing his fucking Or lost his marbles. If this is what American Values are with this man, We really need to get out and Vote in 2020 to show the whole World We are not Like Trump, and those who want to live in a World where we pick and Choose who we like and let in, or have certain rights,Color,Creed,Sexuality. might want to move to Russia. Pretty sure Russia likes just white straight people with no real thoughts of their own.