Putin doesn't like free press....View attachment 4229177
This piece of shit is deathly afraid to answer any kind of tough questions. Why does he hate America so much?
Even an abject retard could maintain a 65%+ approval rating after inheriting a stable economy like Trump did. But, just like in every other aspect of his life, Trump used his inheritance to spread fear and hate.People have effectively been brainwashed. The approval rating of the free press is lower than Trump.
Did you see some of those exit poll results yesterday? 40% approve of Mueller probe, 43% do not???
WTF is not to approve of? Russia interfered in 2016, every intelligence agency verifies that.
Indictments, charges, plea deals and convictions and STILL, 43% don't approve of an investigation?
So it's perfectly cool, perfectly acceptable to have the Trump family directly benefit financially off the American people now.
Every single surviving republican lawmaker will look the other way like a bunch of castrated dip shits.
This country now suffers from literal brain rot. Who put the lead in the water?
Because this Nation (and this web siteDid you see some of those exit poll results yesterday? 40% approve of Mueller probe, 43% do not???
Respect is earned, fuck trump and his little twat that tried to take the mic from him.Did any of you watch it live?
I did.
Look, I hate Trump as much as anybody else, but when you've run your mouth non-stop to the point the President of the United States points at you and says, "That's enough", then you sit down, shut the fuck up and hand the young lady the mic. You don't keep on running your mouth and pretending you were just told to sit down and shut up.
It's the fucking white house, not a comedy club where you're free to heckle a hapless comic.
Respect is earned, fuck trump and his little that that tried to take the mic from him.
Oh fucking well, Im sure Jim is heartbroken.WRONG!
Orders are flat out followed, or you get your press pass yanked. Period.
He deserves no respect ...I have no respect for anyone who lies to meDid any of you watch it live?
I did.
Look, I hate Trump as much as anybody else, but when you've run your mouth non-stop to the point the President of the United States points at you and says, "That's enough", then you sit down, shut the fuck up and hand the young lady the mic. You don't keep on running your mouth and fending off the young lady following the presidents instructions and pretending you were not just told to sit down and shut up.
It's the fucking white house, not a comedy club where you're free to heckle a hapless comic.
Trump changed that, the office will never be same.Nobody gives a shit about respecting Trump. It's the office. If you don't get that, then you're the problem.
Years ago, Dr. Bill Bennett said it better than anybody. He was at a social gathering (I forget which) with his family and everybody was sitting around chatting when President Clinton walked in. Everybody immediately stood up and many began to clap.
Bennett's son looked up at him and said, "Dad, do we have to clap?"
Dr. Bennett said, "No, son. But you DO have to stand."
This is no different. If you're going to disrespect the office of the presidency, the white house and the white house staff then you forfeit any and all right to cover it. If you don't get that, then you have no idea what respect is to begin with.
Trump changed that, the office will never be same.
Just last month you were saying how great Russia was.Then go ahead and move to Russia. The United States is no longer a viable option for you and there's no reason whatsoever for Mueller to do anything. After all, if the office is ruined, it's all over.
Just last month you were saying how great Russia was.
Lick my sack, df.
They pulled the pass because they claimed he touched the intern.It is a great country, so you should be perfectly happy.
You're acting exactly like those over-reactive, hyper sensitive, cry-me-a-river Bernie voters.
If you don't respect of the office of the presidency, then the United States is dead for you and your best bet is to simply find some other nation to call home. It's that simple.
Yes, Trump is a prick. Yes, he's a fucking asshole. Yes, he's a corrupt bastard.
But if we lose respect for the office, then everybody that comes after him, no matter how great he or she may be, it will be all for nothing. At that point, you're not a nation. You're a fucking half-witted, spoiled brat collective group of idiots paying homage to a particular cult of personality for 4 years at a go and nothing more.
They pulled the pass because they claimed he touched the intern.
You're such a df sometimes, lmao.
Stop it.He did touch the intern. Twice.
Way to change the subject after getting your fucking ass kicked in the original object.
You need to head over to Pada's house and sulk along with him. You two deserve each other.