Were my blunt rollers at

cuz the stuff the grinder cathes makes a nice additive to the blunt, i like it but mine doesnt work so good now at catching pollon. has anyone had succes with woodtipped cigars, i like the flavors of them but havent tried to re roll one with weed
cuz the stuff the grinder cathes makes a nice additive to the blunt, i like it but mine doesnt work so good now at catching pollon. has anyone had succes with woodtipped cigars, i like the flavors of them but havent tried to re roll one with weed
I just dumped it n repacked it when I had to deal with one. In Mexico I put a oz of brick n in a cohiba:) fuck I love Mexico
Hell no u gotta feel like a baller every now n then. That oz blunt was the only way to stay high in cabo lol. Tho I did find good prices:) halfs for 2usd

damn i think i needa take a trip to Mexico but Ive always heard that a lot of weed from Mexico was dirt weed tho
a blunt befo bed and joints throughout the day. if i smoke blunts of the shit i smoke during the day i aint gettin shit done!
word thats wat it is what type weed you smokin on

right now some northern lights...was harvested early so its got that head high goin on. good combo ....high as a kite right now...but i got LA Woman comin soon which im excited for...what green u puffin on

oh and mcpurple, jamaica gots cheap cheap prices for unbricked, organic lambsbread at prices the same as mexico. mexicans dont care bout they weed...the cartel fckers down there dont even smoke it so they dont care about it,,,just as long as some dumbass american are gonna smoek they're moldy ass hard ass grass smellin ass schwaggity shit weed.
im still smokin on choco tai...damn that would be nice rite now some of dat nothern lights and jamaica sounds like the place to go get some green then but its always pays off in the long run to grow ur own shit
I can't believe no one on here rolls Games. They're by far the best I've ever used. Better quality then Dutches and they don't taste like shit when you get to rilling a few of them like dutches do. Plus half the time Dutches got that nasty ass big vein running through it. Way less of that going on with the Games. I started on wine then moved to Grape, now i strictly roll peach.
i bought a few game blunts but i did not like them at all. theywere all way to dry and cracked and broke, they cost more where im from, and i personly dont like the taste, but thats just me
never smoked a blunt, I stick to the usual...
a quick pic!
Some crappy hash (barely) and a tiny lil nug off some land-race sativa (kenyan).
Sometimes you gotta make do!

The land race is actually a pretty good smoke :eyesmoke:

damn dyzel, looks like mexico lol

i think its called landrace cuz it came here by land and its a race to hurry up and get it off lol
never smoked a blunt, I stick to the usual...
a quick pic!
Some crappy hash (barely) and a tiny lil nug off some land-race sativa (kenyan).
Sometimes you gotta make do!

The land race is actually a pretty good smoke :eyesmoke:

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the nug aint to bad but that hash looks to have no hash in it it looks like wt compressed crushed leaf