Were my blunt rollers at

mannn If I could smoke right now I'd show you how a REAL blunt was rolled.
I've out rolled northeasterners, folks from cali, and hicks from the south...
all I ever hear when they take a hit of mine after they hit theirs is
"*Cough*coughitycoughcough*coughcough* DAMNNNNN!" hahaha
I like to surprise em as a "goody two shoes" chika that smokes and rolls a kick ass rillo
i can roll really good to, but i cough on every thing weather it be blunts, pipes bongs, dank weed, shit weed it dont matter alot of people cough all the time off it. i cough the hardest smoking blunts actually but i put up with it cuz they get me high and do the trick
i rolled a cross blunt with 2 white owls today after seeinthe one posted earlier. mine is not as great lookin but it smokes great. its holding 3 grams of shishkaberry, jackfrost, permafrost, and some unkown bud:mrgreen:
i rolled a cross blunt with 2 white owls today after seeinthe one posted earlier. mine is not as great lookin but it smokes great. its holding 3 grams of shishkaberry, jackfrost, permafrost, and some unkown bud:mrgreen:

not bad son. glad i could inspire that.

I wish they still sold flavored papers Juicy J's are my shit man

we still got those here. well not here, but i know where to get'em.
now that Ive rolled cross blunt(wish i had my camera @ time)I'm going to try other letters like a F blunt or a Y blunt
i rolle a backwood once cuz it all i had atm and shit was hard as hell to roll and tasted like fuckin shit i hate backwoods, but dont hate anyone who uses them.

nice lil mini bat, ill take if if he dont....

i love chocolate phillies to me they seem to have the most flavor on them, but i smoke all typs of blunts. sometimes ill buy the 4-5 dollar cigars just cuz theri bigger, i have a hard time finding the bigger blunts. and i to have used bible paper but no more will i, but why else would they put empty blank pages in the back? nice pics

lol..yea..green apple is a nice flavor to..i firgot that one..and about the bible..i dont just smoke the blnk pages ion the back..i smoke the entire bible..maybe god will talk to me trough the smoke..or something..:) hehe..na but i respect religion and everithing..but i just dont think thats the real bible u kno.. after all it was written by a humans..

Yeah. This.
never seen a cigar like that. and lokos like a alot of keif, i use my grinder but it doesnt collect like that unfortanutly mine just gets stuck to th sides. but i dont care
i dont understand why people want to clean their grinder ive had my grinder for at lease 4 yrs now and i never even once wanted to clean it