Were my blunt rollers at

i smoke usually between 12 - 17 philies a day..no bullshit or joke,, i think its too much..but what can u do.. i love weed..!!
do u grow tha much or do u buy cuz if i smoked that much blunts a day that would be over 30 grams of weed smoked in a day
me and my roomate grow and we buy..we started to grow when we started to buy a quarter each day..not fun anymore..but because i grow i can sell some and get some more and moch more ! i buy phillie boxes 35$ because wen u have to buy 20 phillies a day..not fun..thats why u gotta have connections! :)
Ok not blunts but...

Do those little mechanical cigarette rollers work any good for making joints? I can't roll worth a damn, and neither can anyone I know, but I want to start making up batches of joints easily for myself and patients. Technically I can roll a normal joint, but it's just a major hassle and I'm way way too slow at it to bother.

Ideas on what works fast and easiest for those with no coordination at all?
the mechanical machines work well if ur weed is well chopped..u should start to look ou youtube or something how to roll a joint lol..i mean o learnet to roll like at 11..i think ur older then that..
but if ur thinking on getting the machine.. u should.. :)
I know how, it's just too slow and I am older and less coordinated than I used to be. (over 40, hands are a little shaky now)
hey da07flopro, do u makes beats i know someone who makes beats and is black (no offense) and seems to have the same stuff in his room as you . im just curios if your the same person. also that looks like a whitegrape white owl,
LOL nah man i Dj as a hobby though and its a Garcia y Vega white owls get a pass burn kinda quick Vega's burn smothly, slowly,and they go out if not being smoked and I dont know about yall but blunt roasters(people who hold on to the blunt and let it just roast like a ron popeil cooker) are common among my smoking friends, my gf is the biggest offender I know. it helps the blunt last a lil longer I think
Nice thread

I always try to smoke at least one blunt a day, but sometimes im just too lazy to drive and get one.

All I smoke is dutch rillos, especially now that they've come out with new packaging that keeps em' fresh as a Game. Grape is my favorite, but I like a nice honey or strawberry now and again.
i smoke like 2 dutches a day vanilla only for me i cant do them flavored blunts but before that i use to smoke like 4 or 5 a day i had to cut back so now its just one in the morn and one at night
LOL nah man i Dj as a hobby though and its a Garcia y Vega white owls get a pass burn kinda quick Vega's burn smothly, slowly,and they go out if not being smoked and I dont know about yall but blunt roasters(people who hold on to the blunt and let it just roast like a ron popeil cooker) are common among my smoking friends, my gf is the biggest offender I know. it helps the blunt last a lil longer I think
I said I roll swishers but I won't dog a vega..

i smoke like 2 dutches a day vanilla only for me i cant do them flavored blunts but before that i use to smoke like 4 or 5 a day i had to cut back so now its just one in the morn and one at night

we rolled wit dutches too... I'll get either one whenever I roll through a smoke shop, them flavor blunts to me mess up the taste of sum good green, taste better, but that nilla Dutch is good... I had to cutback on smokin gars too my throat started gettin crazy,
Heres my night cap and the keif to go with it.

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what type of blunt is that a backwood?
I said I roll swishers but I won't dog a vega..

we rolled wit dutches too... I'll get either one whenever I roll through a smoke shop, them flavor blunts to me mess up the taste of sum good green, taste better, but that nilla Dutch is good... I had to cutback on smokin gars too my throat started gettin crazy,
yeah i cant doit all my bois smoke them grape dutchs i rather just put some purp in there and smoke the real thing
what type of blunt is that a backwood?

Its a Cyclone Double Wrap Cone like an empty blackwood with a wood tip. this one is Rolled with natural Maduro Tobbaco leaves. here is the linkhttps://www.rollingpapers.com/cgi/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=6047. Their not flavored and I dont need to mess with trying to roll a cone blunt. I love cones to me they are the best.
Its a Cyclone Double Wrap Cone like an empty blackwood with a wood tip. this one is Rolled with natural Maduro Tobbaco leaves. here is the linkhttps://www.rollingpapers.com/cgi/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=6047. Their not flavored and I dont need to mess with trying to roll a cone blunt. I love cones to me they are the best.
hows the flavor are they real harsh like backwoods
Just rolled a swisher of stankless dankness with my buds, got some monster n greenapple feeling pretty hyphy:)
Man we usd to roll them grape swishers n grape phillys... Then they got kinda nasty... Reg swishers now n more then 1 occassion dutches n Vegas, smoked a vega earlier As a m.o.f.,
:blsmoke:just got done smokein a fatty. I allways try to use starwberry dutch masters, but a lot of places don't carry strawberry, so I gotta settle for vanilla :roll: