Oh, there are a few out there that do just that! In fact, I know of at least one breeder that is a member here that does it. I don't think any of them
GIVE their seeds to just anybody though.
Some years back I belonged to a growing site that had a handful of breeders, most of which are either no longer breeding or if they are they are not hooked up with any seedbanks I know of any might possibly only sell to small shops, but some would watch the growing forums and look for people who clearly knew how to grow and now and then they would PM them saying something like they had one or two or three new strains and they were not sure if they were ready for release and ask if the person would grow them out and give their honest opinion. It didn't happen all that often, but it did happen to me twice, but they would want the input of growers/tokers at times before they would release something.
Around the same period there were a couple seedbanks, I believe if I remember right Heaven's Stairway was one, where if you could provide a copy of information saying you were a legitimate medicinal user you could get free seeds .. though you could not place an order for like 50 packs at a time, and at sometimes seeds would not be free but there was a large discount and at the price many of the genetics at the time some ended up being almost free after the discount.
I don't know if anyone still does either or both of those things, but there was a time it was not all that uncommon.
Come on people! Are seeds that expensive or hard to get that people are reduced to begging online to strangers?
People that beg for free beans just SCREAM 'I'm a kid' or 'I'm' a cop' or 'I'm poorer than dirt' or 'I'm the cheapest bastard that ever lived.'
They can't claim paranoia to purchase online to be the reason because to any sane person dealing with some totally unknown person over the internet would be far more risky and far more paranoia producing than purchasing online from a top rated seedbank.
I have used credit cards and debit cards to purchase seeds since seedbanks began accepting them for payment and I have always received my orders and I have never been charged so much as one additional penny over what the final price was supposed to be. The bank statements do not say PAYMENT FOR ILLEGAL MARIJUANA SEEDS on them so there is not really what could be called a paper trail and definitely not a big red flag being waved. For a while now some people have used international pre-paid gift cards/debit cards, but it seems that they might possibly not be able to be used now, or at least possibly not at all that many locations. But there are still the two remaining methods of payment that we had to use previous to seedbanks accepting credit and debit cards. International money orders and cash.
For year I, and everyone else, had to rely on paying with one or the other method. I never had an order not arrive at the seedbank, when using cash it never vanished between point 'A' and point 'B' and I never failed to receive an order, though you did have to include a secondary choice or two in case by the time your order arrived by snail mail what you wanted had sold out.
If someone wants seeds unless they are a kid or a cop posing as someone just asking for freebies or poorer than dirt or just the cheapest bastard to ever walk the face of the earth, they can get all the seeds they could ever use easily enough and safely enough from a seedbank.