Well It has Ended


Well-Known Member
My fiance (ex-fiance) was caught fucking around online with other guys, I rather not go into to much detail but it has been going on for a long time.

I met her online playing Left 4 Dead.. I decided to come up and visit. 1 year later we got engaged.

Then things went down hill... I just bought my plane ticket back to Arizona. She is currently begging me for another chance.. when this is like her 10th chance.

I am confused >.< this is my first serious relationship also. Just needed to vent.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, really i honestly belive every girl will cheat. just the way it is. girls be scandalous, but from personal experince i can say most cheaters end up fat with tons of kids, a man that beats them and a STD for life..........


Well-Known Member
I hate crying... Why must we secrete salt water from our eyes when we are in pain.
It gets everywhere.


Well-Known Member
In your situation... i'd be a little more like this guy than i'd like to admit....

Crying is probably better...


Well-Known Member
My fiance (ex-fiance) was caught fucking around online with other guys, I rather not go into to much detail but it has been going on for a long time.

I met her online playing Left 4 Dead.. I decided to come up and visit. 1 year later we got engaged.

Then things went down hill... I just bought my plane ticket back to Arizona. She is currently begging me for another chance.. when this is like her 10th chance.

I am confused >.< this is my first serious relationship also. Just needed to vent.
Ahh bro you seem like a pretty nice guy on RIU, thats really not fair on you!!

Meeting on Left 4 Dead online sounds like you guys are pretty chill, but dude, nothings your fault you have forgiven her 9 times already!

I think you have given her enough chances bro! I say its more up to her than you, if she really wants you that bad she will somehow get you back, when she knows what she really wants...

Not fair, I hope things work out one way or another for you!

And don`t forget to smile because deep inside you know nothing in this universe is worth tears or sorrow brother! Chant it!



Well-Known Member
Aw man, that sucks. I can't believe you gave her 10 chances though, that's some commitment you have there mate. I know you don't want to go into too much detail, but what exactly do you mean by "f*cking around"?

Oh, in an interesting parallel I met my partner of 2 years on L4D Eurogamer too ^_^


Well-Known Member
Deepest sympathies Karmapuff, just had fuckup of a talk with my period crazed girl... Ended up hanging up on her face... Don`t know what happens here on but she doing it too often...

Honestly man these girls are fucking BONKERS!!

But I`m gonna stick to the fact that the most important thing in this world is my :)

And that :) doesn`t depends on a girl damn it! In fact, it doesn`t depend on anything!!

When people are asses to me I feel like yelling out "YOU KEEP ON KNOCKIN BUT YA CAN`T COME IN!!!!" :D
well first of all it was a frien that i said i love you too which is completely diffferent from the love i have for karma. He seems to think that i would cheat on him when i am not i work two jobs to support him cause he wont get one. He has stayed up until 2 in the morning talking to other girls online and not showing me the convo, but did i leave him no because when he said i should trust him i did. I left my ex for karma cause he was better and he thinks im going to do that same. there was no cheating he is overreaction. I love him so much this is my first relationship and it hurts knowing he is ending it over something so small. It would be different if i actually did cheat. I am sorry that he spilled it all on you guys but i wanted you too hear my side. i am not a cheater and i will never be i have been cheated on before, i know how it feels. It was a great relationship karma ill miss you tons, good luck with everything. ill always love you.
well first of all it was a frien that i said i love you too which is completely diffferent from the love i have for karma. He seems to think that i would cheat on him when i am not i work two jobs to support him cause he wont get one. He has stayed up until 2 in the morning talking to other girls online and not showing me the convo, but did i leave him no because when he said i should trust him i did. I left my ex for karma cause he was better and he thinks im going to do that same. there was no cheating he is overreaction.I love him so much this is my first relationship and it hurts knowing he is ending it over something so small. It would be different if i actually did cheat. I am sorry that he spilled it all on you guys but i wanted you too hear my side. i am not a cheater and i will never be i have been cheated on before, i know how it feels. It was a great relationship karma ill miss you tons, good luck with everything. ill always love you.


Well-Known Member
She met the guy 2 days ago lied about all the chat logs. Messaged back and forth lovey dovey shit and every line was I love you <3 ect...
She cheated on her first bf with me

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Puff ... You knew it was going to happen .... kinda Karma ... went full circle as it always does. :)
I am always here for you buddy.
