Well It has Ended


New Member
i'm with bbb on this, there's a big difference between harmless flirting and a full-on cyber affair. it's not like you busted her making plans to meet up with the guy or anything, right?
you care about each other enough to have become affianced, do you care about each other enough to sit down and hash out what exactly constitutes 'cheating' in both your views? i mean, when i make some comment that invites some sort of lewd response from someone and i respond to that with anything but "well actually i'm taken" does that make me a cheater? (imo, no. but that's all subjective.)

for example: say i make some remark about how i have to take care of some business. some dude tells me he'll take care of it for me *wink wink nudge nudge*. the way i see it i have a couple choices. i could get all serious on the guy and be like "well actually i have a bf", OR, i could let him off easy with a "i'm sorry but i don't think i could handle your big thing." <- does this actually mean i actually think he has a big thing, or that i'm the slightest bit interested in it, or that i'm going to get on a plane/bus/train/tricycle and go right over? no, either way the conversation is over. and, if my own experience on internet forums is any indication, if you openly identify yourself as a female, you pretty much open yourself up to be flirted with. i was like "wth?" at one point and was told "well, duh. you're a girl. you're the football, and we're the team. get used to it."

if other dudes want to flirt with your girl online, it means she is sexy on the inside and that is so much more special than just plain lookin' good. you should take it as a compliment. ;)

That's right...now send me pics!!!:twisted:



Active Member
And what would you do with a picture? :)
How are conversations on the Internet cheating, and what can someone do with another person "Online", other than prepare them for their partner? Get them hot and bothered to the point of screwing their partners brains out!!!:eyesmoke:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
MsBBB I would love to prepare you for your partner !!

I tell you ONE thing tho .... You let me play with YOU ... and YOU will
never think of your partner ... while you are doing you know what !!



Active Member
MsBBB I would love to prepare you for your partner !!

I tell you ONE thing tho .... You let me play with YOU ... and YOU will
never think of your partner ... while you are doing you know what !! ;)
Talk to me, anything more would make me a cheater, and I am not!;-)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
There is many ways of talking ... and I will have YOU cheating in your head quicker than YOU can realize !!
What if I can offer you an emotional ... connection .... of wholesome type ... unparalleled
to the ONE ... provided by your lover ?

Before YOU even consider anything of impure nature .... YOU will have learned two things.

That YOU demand more ..
That YOUr lover is incapable ...

What will YOU do then .... how might such things ....
Change as things unfold .... ?



Active Member
There is many ways of talking ... and I will have YOU cheating in your head quicker than YOU can realize !!:)
I have no doubts Puffer Fish, but I am not going to call that cheating. I think of all kinds of weird kinky things that I would like to do to the opposite sex, but until I actually do it or make plans to do it, I am not cheating.


Moderatrix of Journals
I have no doubts Puffer Fish, but I am not going to call that cheating. I think of all kinds of weird kinky things that I would like to do to the opposite sex, but until I actually do it or make plans to do it, I am not cheating.
.... so same sex is ok?.... *lewd eyebrows*


New Member
I have no doubts Puffer Fish, but I am not going to call that cheating. I think of all kinds of weird kinky things that I would like to do to the opposite sex, but until I actually do it or make plans to do it, I am not cheating.

Come me lady...let me take you for a ride.....slip sliding away...



New Member
.... so same sex is ok?.... *lewd eyebrows*

And you ...you are my little:

knew I wrote that song for a reason.......

Now as I whip my thang to pull you closer......
