Well Here Goes Again


Active Member
Daniels- Hahaha they called me for that survey!!! I am a registered repub and I am all for MMJ. Don't bash us repubs too bad guys... a lot of us voted YES for MMJ.


Active Member
Well I used kief from my grinder and some ground up SourD bud to use as the binding agent. I just kept working it with my fingers until it rolled up into a ball. Boy was I fucked up with this shit all over my hands.

Smoke report. I took a small piece of this, rolled it up into a ball and dropped it in the bowl of my bong. Just like riddleme said, it's wonderfully sweet taste, very close to vapor except for the bud. The ball just goes out waiting for the next hit. The way it smokes this 1.5g will last a LONG time. This is the most fucked up I've been on a wake and bake in a long time! :bigjoint::eyesmoke:

So the bottom line. It pays to save your VAPED weed!!! One ounce yielded 1.5g and I have 2 more ounces!! :D



Well-Known Member
Great things happening here :clap: I have 2 harvests in the next 2 and a half weeks, and also 1.5 O's of trim, and some ABV. So I will be doing this very soon :wink: I CAN'T wait :bongsmilie:


Active Member
God I'm still fucked up!!!

This was WAY easier than ISO and much cleaner product, even using old VAPED weed. What's really cool is that you can do this process from buds straight from the plant without cure time! With the box fan, the evaporation time was an hour instead of overnight.


Well-Known Member
So three dispensaries got tagged with spray paint last night. The one my sis works at was one. I'm stopping by today. Pics when I get back. My guess is the LDS Church feed the Mormon army of knuckle-draggers too much Red Bull.:fire:
I have to get that massage then my Master Gardening class. Then when I get back PR #4 is getting harvested. I'll try a Fresh popcorn Acetone bath.


Well-Known Member
wow man! some nice lookin buds u harvested! i want tha PR bud! lol looks like everything u been doin has been paying u bac!


Well-Known Member
That kind of behavior is totally uncalled for. Ignorant people.

I just picked up some acetone today YEA! It will be all I can do to wait till I harvest, but I want some bud and sugar leaf included with my current trim and vaped piles! Have a good day!


Well-Known Member
I see you know what you are doing. I'll have to look at the techniques you are talking about. I assume it is in your sig links. We follow Botany, & Horticulture from University study. We look for cheapest techniques for highest quality. We hate all Cannabis-specific nutrients. We don't follow the herd with myths, so what else is there to try for? Beaverhead is a long way from me, but come to Helena for the Senate Judiciary on March 11th, & we can compare Colas. I've been at this for a year, & my caregiver and other local ones have been impressed for months.
I realize that what RiddleMe refers to as Faire Dust is Keif. It depends how long it is made in the coffee grinder. I've had it come out as pale green/white as the keif from my grinder. It has the fine metal screen.
I know you can make or buy a box with a screen, then use that for the trimming. I'm un-sure of how much Acetone could be residual in this oil once it has fully dried. I can't smell it, nor can I taste it in the smoke. So how would you make Hash Oil? I've read Butane Extraction isn't as clean, so what else is there besides Acetone, ISO, & Everclear?
I want to try those Bubble Bags but seems like a mess, plus it would be a couple harvests to have enough trim to do it.
I have a batch evaporating from PR #4 I just harvested. This was fresh trim, and looks pale, not as green. Pics of the Colas later.


Well-Known Member
First up is the Hash Oil from last night. We just topped a bowl with the first batch, so I'm wrecked.:-P
I did a bunch of gardening so I'll do a couple different posts for it all.:leaf:
Trim Hash Oil Best.jpg


Well-Known Member
I harvested PR #1 that I started drowning on Sunday.
One thing I've learned, even though I keep fucking it up is. When they get a sunburn (or too much light) they are weakened for it later. This one got a touch of it when it was in the FrigiDare. Even with the hood higher it still got more of the burn.
It had started the fermentation, but I needed the chamber. It was done enough. I trimmed those fan leaves off and it was good.:leaf:
3-5 PR #1 L.jpg3-5 PR #1 R.jpg3-5 PR #1 Leaf.jpg


Active Member
quick question, do you use all of flairform products for nutrients and would you recommend them? Subscribing too btw so I can read from day 1!


Well-Known Member
Never ending Perpetual Train Chugs on.:leaf:
I made it rain on SS #1 which got the serious tan when it was in the FrigiDare with SS #2 & #3. I trimmed those crisp leaves, and it is sitting all the way on the floor now.:leaf:
I kinda neglected it and the lower growth was pale so it got a 1 tsp. Jack's & 1 tsp. Fish Poop/qt.
I also made it rain on SS #4-A then fed her 1 tsp. Jack's/qt. :leaf:
I hope it fills out better than SS #4. Look at how thin it's main Cola is? In 2 or three weeks I see it becoming Hash Oil, if it doesn't bulk up. But compared to SS #2 it is pitiful. The Royal Kush is ready for a rain, but I needed more water so tomorrow I will get to it.
3-5 SS #1.jpg3-5 #1 Sunburnt.jpg3-5 SS #1 hair cut.jpg3-5 SS #4-A.jpg3-5 SS #4.jpg3-5 SS #4 top.jpg3-5 RK Best.jpg