Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I just wanted to make a quick introduction. I go by A.J. I'm a 7 year vet and have been growing since my middle school days but just recently started upping the crop by a large amount. In the next year or so I hope to be one of the first people to spark a new trend in cannabis cultivation by using solar panels to harness large amounts of energy to do a big indoor operation with over 400 plants which would eliminate almost if not all the risk involved with the energy problem with large amounts of plants. I am currently working on plans for the setup and will post updates and pictures as I go along. Note my idea may seem a little crazy but I've worked out almost everything and in theory it should work, and I DO! realize every risk associated with such a large operation and will be 20 steps ahead of the DEA at all times.Till then
Peace and Large Buds! - A.J
can't wait to see


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I've been coming here for a couple years now as a guest as I didn't have the balls to register(ex wife got them in the divorce). I've since grown a new pair so here I am..LOL Been growing in soil for 25+ years and this year I'm switching to hydro. I've gathered a lifetime of information from you folks so I'm sure I won't have any problems so thanks to everyone for the how to's,tips and stuff.


Active Member
What's up, I've been a browser of the forums for a few months now as I just started my first indoor operation. I'm growing in a mix of soils and limited space but my first prospect is looking good for the age of 4 weeks.

Just wanted to say hey and give a big thanks to all who post grow journals and helping with people's questions, just browsing around has helped me with a lot my first time around. Hopefully I'll have some more valuable stuff to post soon, but I'd be almost ashamed to show my crop in a place like this every plant I see blows mine out of the water. I just hope for a good smoke at the end of it all :)

peAce and happy budding


Active Member
Hello all. I am an old dude thats been around awhile. Have grown a few plants in my time but mostly smoked 'em. Last plant I grew in the closet X old lady killed it. Now I'm in CA got a prescription. About the only thing thats cool about CA. Anyways growing again. This time getting semi serious about it. They just broke ground and hoping for a good crop. Cheers all around.


Active Member
Hi hows it going guys and girls? First timer here.
This is my first grow in a green house and its been 4-5 months now and my ladys are doing pritty well. The 1 thats waist high and trained sideways is flowering up very nicely.But... My other 1 i let grow quite high and all the stems off the main stem are long az but the flowers are weak. ive got the ph of the water to 6-7 ,1ltr water per day,+nutrients every secon day,Good heat and breeze but not the best light, as its in a greenhouse made of thick clear plastic. it is still daylight savings over here. do you think when the days are shorter after april it will flower better? its 6ft and just been tied down a bit and still in sem veg growth but it has small 1" buds all over the stems. ?? blah blah blah. I think i got it all out....
I mainly want to know how to fatten the buds?
any help is very apreciated.
ill try put a couple of pics on in the next week or two. ( need battries for camera )


Active Member
:joint:Hi hows it going guys and girls? First timer here. My names Matt:peace:
This is my first grow in a green house and its been 4-5 months now and my ladys are doing pritty well. The 1 thats waist high and trained sideways is flowering up very nicely:twisted:.But... My other 1 i let grow quite high and all the stems off the main stem are long az but the flowers are weak:evil:. ive got the ph of the water to 6-7 ,1ltr water per day,+nutrients every secon day,Good heat and breeze but not the best light, as its in a greenhouse made of thick clear plastic. it is still daylight savings over here. do you think when the days are shorter after april it will flower better? its 6ft and just been tied down a bit and still in sem veg growth but it has small 1" buds all over the stems. ?? blah blah blah. I think i got it all out....
I mainly want to know how to fatten the buds?
any help is very apreciated.
ill try put a couple of pics on in the next week or two. ( need battries for camera )


Active Member
Hey Just Starting my grow in southern ontario march 13, and the biggest plant i have is about 2 inches tall under a 27 watt flouro with 3 sprouts accompanying it.. i also i have shit load of nutrients for all types of stages of growth.. do nutes really make plant size and bud quantity bigger?.. and when do you guys think will be a good time too plant outdoor in brampton, Ontario

word itz chris

Active Member
Hey everyone, I just joined and am looking forward to learning all there is about growing. As of right now, I know absolutely nothing, so any and all help or tips are greatly appreciated. So far Ive germinated a few seeds and thats about it.


Active Member
hello everyone im new to growing the green and think i have a male on my hands ill try to upload a few pics hopefully someone may be able to help me determine sex happy growing.


Active Member
hey all. i live in the tampabay fl area. got 3 growing now. they are about 3' high. suckers are growing like...well like weeds. heh


Active Member
i found that u can start a thread by going into the category u want to post in. then there should be a button you click that says start thread. basically keep clicking on the red captions till you see the button.

i think though.


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I am new here, growing some Drgreenthumb Millennium bud and here for pointers and help with problems and to share. I love the site, and how everyone shares. I posted a problem I am having in plant problems section, please check it out, also pics included there. Thanks :)