Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Higgins and NoeNoe, welcome - I am a noob doing my first grow - skunk #1 and orange bud - I just got my medical card and once I have what I need hope to grow for others who can't as I think the quantities will work out. You should be able to get all the help you need here. It's been really great for me. I have a tiny grow room so a 400 watt was all I could handle, but I have 1 big plant and 7 -18 plus inch young plants under the light with room to spare. The room heats up, but just about right. When I had to have them under a 250 because my ballast went out, it was actually too cold.

Good luck to you and all newcomers!


Active Member
I had not heard that feminized seeds tend to go hermaphrodite! Is that true? I had hoped to save up for some since my luck with regular seeds has not been anything close to 50/50. Yikes. Is that true for some varieties more than others?


Active Member
hey noob here, um i just recently started storing my hash in a vitamin bottle, kinda like centrum. and i was wondering if i should put the cotton back into the bottle, the cotton that comes in it from the store, will that dry out my weed?


Active Member
hey guys im new at this whole forum thing!!!
i have been growing and studying marijuana growing for going on 6 years and never joined a forum!!!
i thought it would be fun and intereting to make friends who enjoy the same hobby and to learn new things!!
just need some help learning about using this forum!!!
thank you!!! skeefmister


Well-Known Member
Plumberry, why would you put the cotton back in? I dunno about yours, but my hash is pretty sticky, and would probably get all stuck to the cotton and then I'd be screwed. Do you think the cotton is necessary? The only reason it's in there in the first place is to take up space...


Active Member
Whats good everyone? Im from virginia, Iv got a dozen seadlings outside already and there doing great, Im surpirised since its still a little chilly out for them. Ive never started them outside this early and Im wondering if they will go right into budding since the days are still about 12-12.....


Active Member
hi all, i am starting my own grow, i have 3 plants, one bubblegum and 2 ice-cream, (from paradiseseeds). my grow room is a spare bedroom (10ftw-8ftw-10fth) so room isnt a problem. im using a 600w hid light which is about 1-2 feet above the biggest plant. i have mylar on the walls, the temp is about 74F, i dont have a humidity reader. all 3 seeds germinated within a few days. the bubblegum is 3 weeks old and looks nice (exept for really big fan leaves drooping) its about a ft high. but ice-creams have been a big problem, they started fine, first week was fine but now they seem to have stopped growing??? i am using a 30-70 mix of perlite and water every 2 days!!!! can some one help????????????


Active Member
hi all, i am starting my own grow, i have 3 plants, one bubblegum and 2 ice-cream, (from paradiseseeds). my grow room is a spare bedroom (10ftw-8ftw-10fth) so room isnt a problem. im using a 600w hid light which is about 1-2 feet above the biggest plant. i have mylar on the walls, the temp is about 74F, i dont have a humidity reader. all 3 seeds germinated within a few days. the bubblegum is 3 weeks old and looks nice (exept for really big fan leaves drooping) its about a ft high. but ice-creams have been a big problem, they started fine, first week was fine but now they seem to have stopped growing??? i am using a 30-70 mix of perlite and water every 2 days!!!! can some one help????????????


Active Member
whats up yall. ok i hear a lot of comotion about these aerogardens and ive seen the comercials and thought hey thats possible right? so i bought one just for the purpose of growin pot. i was wonderin if anybody might have some pointers for me to get started and be able to produce a good plant.


Active Member
Hello. I'm new to growing, figured I'd try it to save myself money and to make a little bit of money of it also. I'v started a couple plants outside, would like some advise on how to make sure my plants come out awsome so please message me with adivse. Thank you.


Active Member
Hello all! I just wanted to make a quick introduction. I go by A.J. I'm a 7 year vet and have been growing since my middle school days but just recently started upping the crop by a large amount. In the next year or so I hope to be one of the first people to spark a new trend in cannabis cultivation by using solar panels to harness large amounts of energy to do a big indoor operation with over 400 plants which would eliminate almost if not all the risk involved with the energy problem with large amounts of plants. I am currently working on plans for the setup and will post updates and pictures as I go along. Note my idea may seem a little crazy but I've worked out almost everything and in theory it should work, and I DO! realize every risk associated with such a large operation and will be 20 steps ahead of the DEA at all times.Till then
Peace and Large Buds! - A.J