hey fairly new to this thing....have a look at my first grow in holland
The Irish growers thread! page 374

The Irish growers thread! page 374
Hey Green, 2 things: 1) Try youtube for clone tutorials. 2) "hot water & vinegar" will not "sterilize" anything!i just signed up and I have my plant info as my signature. If anybody know of any websites that show a visual of how to do clones, post it up here for me and other people please.
Dude, I fully realize the merits of vinegar as a "cleaner", however vinegar is NOT a sterilizing agent. Maybe if you used it in conjunction with boiling water.....hell, just boiling water will sterilize, without the vinegar.Yes it will.
This way you don't have to buy expensive crap from a grow shop or use corrosive materials.
Yes, you can just put the cuts in a jar of tap-water, put in low light, 70/78 degrees, and in 10/15 days, little white bumps, then roots will begin to appear. Figure on 65/80% success rate. The cloning powders & gels will give you an edge, but folks were cloning long before they came along. Good luck & good grow.......BBIs it posibale to clone with out cloning gel
Your not from No-town 559 are you?Good luck & good grow.......BB
Hmmmmm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzHlVkRy_4UYour not from No-town 559 are you?
I threw you some "Rep"
Sorry GG, I honest to God can't see well enough, ( I'm 72), I'm sure younger folk with keener vision can help here. Probably the best answer I can give you is be patient, whatever isn't quite clear today, will be obvious tomorrow. Good luck &.....well, you know, .......BBTell me, in these pictures, is this where its gonna bud or is that just more leaves sprouting? (See people do ask dumb questions)
Sorry they are in light cycle, (crappy pics) but I didnt wanna wait till midnight to post it up. Hopefully you can see it. There are about 20 spots on the plant it is doing this.