Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
hey hey, i read somewhere that if you caught a male plant quick enough you could just cut off the pollen sacs. now my question is this, if i was a little late in cutting clones could i just cut off the part where it was about to start budding and not have to wait for it to turn back?
Hey guys.....new member, just a quick question ive searched and havent found an answer to my issue, but is it possible to delete a thread that you have started?? if this has already been answered could u just send the link to the thread that talks about it. thanks


Well-Known Member
i have got 4 thai bag seeds growing i'm using 1 18W and 2 20W Cfl bulbs one blue spectrum and 2 red (i think just guessing by that one gives of a white/blue light and the other more of a warm orange colour) there 5 days in and have produce their first proper set of leaves and just starting the second set. can any one give me some help? as in all these forums every1 is growin a hybrid plant and on a much more advance level than me. and how much weed can i expect to get out of a thai plant?


hello everyone. im new to theses forums. just started growing my first plants. they are 3 weeks in. i was thinking about starting my first post as my first grow we will see....

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
i have got 4 thai bag seeds growing i'm using 1 18W and 2 20W Cfl bulbs one blue spectrum and 2 red (i think just guessing by that one gives of a white/blue light and the other more of a warm orange colour) there 5 days in and have produce their first proper set of leaves and just starting the second set. can any one give me some help? as in all these forums every1 is growin a hybrid plant and on a much more advance level than me. and how much weed can i expect to get out of a thai plant?
With the amount of information given, the question is unanswerable.......BB

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Here BB...
I got some much better pictures. Maybe you can tell me now if this is where it will bud. Please help if you can.
GG, yes, this is the part of the plant where buds form. From the pix you present, it appears to be almost that time. Again, I urge a little patience, soon you will know without a doubt, just what you have, male/female?
Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
have you got any tips for me ? isit it possible to have my plants ready to harvest by late June? i havent found much info on thai plants so i dont know if they need any different care to other plants?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
have you got any tips for me ? isit it possible to have my plants ready to harvest by late June? i havent found much info on thai plants so i dont know if they need any different care to other plants?
Rufuss, when I say more info is needed, I'm referring to YOUR grow-op: what are your containers?, what size?, what is your media?, what is your light schedule? This information is necessary for any kind of accurate answer.
You say "Thai" bag seed, so I will assume you're growing something very sativa dominate. Forget late June!
My best guess, (pulling one outta my ass, LOL), maybe sometime August. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
alright i don't know much its my first grow and i'm only a teenager lol. but i'm only growing in a small pot for now growing in soil just some stuff from my shed, got some seaweed nutrients that i'm gonna start using on the second week, also when i re pot my plant to give the roots some more space i'm going to mix in some stuff from a worm bin thing (dont really know what it does but someone recommended it and i have one in my garden) i also have access to a compost bin. at the moment i have my plants on a 24/0 light cycle but i change the lights eg. at night i only have one on when at school i have 2 and when i'm at home have all 3 on this is only because i'm worried about how hot it can get and would like to watch this as it is getting up to about 28 C with a fan on. the plant is growing fast at the moment larger than most of the plants i've seen the same age on the internet with a few exceptions. this is the plant on day 5, i'm currently on day 6 and has grown quite a lot, the new leaves have developed more and the main leaves have got bigger tell me what you think



Active Member
I have been secretly following this site for ages by using badgerbadger and his (our!) grow! But its my turn to do a solo grow now and he taught me NEARLY everything I know - I too did a lot of research and have been learning at the same time as him and reading some great journals like scottyballs: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/344359-pineapple-express-g13-labs-seed.html. His journal taught me so much and inspired me to do waterfarm grows. there are so many really useful grow diaries on here and I am going to attempt to do one too!
So here I am please- any tips/advice are really really welcome and if I can help anyone out I surely will and please check out my grow (its in my sig if you want the link)


Active Member
the main thing you want when you transfer her to a bigger pot is soil with REALLY good drainage, mix up your soil with some hydroton or even really clean stones from your garden. I made the mistake of not doing that in one of my soil plants and she is so unhappy.
re the worm bin stuff- hells yes! that is some super good nutes there- be gentle and don't rush in with that though- you could hurt your plant.
Also i could be wrong here but there is no reason to be on 24/0 for your lights, 18/6 is fine for vegging and it gives the plant time to develop (they are very slightly stressed under light and time in the dark is something everything needs! can you imagine if you never slept in the dark?) Plants often do a lot of their developing at night. And 18/6 saves just that little bit on electric!
Hope this is even a little bit helpful!


Well-Known Member
yh thanks for the help, i'll make sure i mix in some small stones with my soil because i have a budget of about £0 so it will be a lot easier. when i'm using the worm bin stuff should i use the nutes i have in a bottle as well or maybe just a much more diluted amount of it? and i'm thinking about changing to 18/6 but theres so many mixed opinions on it so i'm not to sure, might change next week or something
Hello all, noob here. Noob to rollitup, not to growing so much...but I am having a small problem that caused me to finally join this forum (had been reading it for almost a year now). Ive got a mother plant in soil that was being vegged under a shit ton of fluorescent bulbs. Using earth juice full line of nutrients (plus botanicare silica blast, and superthrive) every other feeding with straight water in between. The plant is approx. 30in high at this point, and is overall pretty healthy looking. During that time, i started to notice some bottom leaves and leaves that generally werent getting enough light starting to go dark green and becoming crispy. The plant was starting to become root-locked in its 1.5 gallon container, and I figured it wasnt getting enough light. So Ive now transplanted (with flush) to 5gal bucket and put her under 600w HPS. The tops are looking fantastic, but it does appear that the problem is staying constant and maybe even spreading slowly. I do pH balance to 6.5. So heres a brief list of symptoms:

Leaf tips become dark green and crispy
Sometimes the tips will curl upwards
On the rare occasion it spreads over a whole leaf, the side edges canoe downwards

Thanks guys! Any help would be greatly appreciated! I was thinking it might be related to the superthrive--I accidentally doubled the dose in my reservoir. Let me know what you think!
sup im new to RIU in terms of membership ive been doin research on here for months n now that i finally started my closet grow figured id member up so i cood actually ask the ?s to some pros so thnx for all the help so far n i hope it will continue so i can grow some dank roll it up light it up inhale exhale