Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Thought I would pop in and introduce myself.
Have been reading through the site and its a mine of information.
My only regret is that I did not find it before starting my first grow.It would have stopped me making some really basic mistakes.(today is day 20 from seed).
It looked like my first grow was not going to make it past the third week but thanks to this site it looks like it will be ok (ph problem)
Keep up the good work and will put up some pics and info soon.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
after absorbing all i can, i shall pop like a seed and start my journal(from clones offcourse), ohh btw hi
Well hi there Dank, welcome aboard. A little curious why a beginner would bypass the germination process?
The "birth" of tiny plant from seed is truly a beautiful experience. But then again, I suppose it's like some folks have kids, and others adopt, it's all good as long as the "child" is well cared for. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Holas fellow stoners, been in this forum for a while, and finally becoming a member to post!
Will be growing sometimes in the near future, from seeds at first and starting from there.
will start posting here and there, Feel free to message me.

if any pro's comes in here for no apparent reason, please advise,
LED all the way? what kind of LED lights is ideal? (rgb/white/etc)
considering getting something a 12x12 LED panel for the grow,
a investment for the future grow, might as well go straight to it
than beat around the bushes with bunches of cheap materials.

Much thanks,


Just to say hi to everyone, going to start growing this week got my seeds, some outdoor some in
heres hoping it all goes well, sure ill be asking for help at some point!
Greetings members. im new i like weed. ive been getting tons of info from this board and just want to thank you guys. i don't post or ask may questions because i utilize the search button but do have a question about my first grow. i created a thread and would really appreciate it if someone could help me along on my plants next stage. to see my thready just click the link below



Hey all am growing sweet seeds big devil auto + just popped a blue hash freebie I grow in Westland with added John Inness and use bio buzz g n b and just bought sum growtek monster bloom

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member


First I'd like say what a great forum. I am considering doing a hempy with osmocote plus It will be my first indoor grow:-P although I have grown indoor too sex and then out the door they go. anyways nice being here and I will post when I get things going. Ddog


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard Noguts, nice pic's. Perhaps you could share a little knowledge with us....Strain?.....Age?.............
Medium?...........Lights?.........As said, nice pic's, but what are we looking at??.......BB
She is Norther lights number 5 and a blueberry that I crossed myself (i like the large fluffy nugs from the northern but love the blueberry), at the time of the picture she was 5 1/2 weeks in flower, using fox farm happy frog soil, fox farm grow big for veg and big bloom for flower. It is just my personal closet. I have an early girl tomato plant and a few small NL/BB that were just put into flower. I use a spare closet in another room to try new stuff so it doesn't affect my grow room. In the closet There is a 600w digital stuffed in the hydrofarm enclosed 400w system, hydrofarm 2ft 2tube t5 and a 125 cfl hanging on the sides of the closet. closet is 2'6"x 4'3"

Green Growbot

Active Member


Active Member
Hey all, noob here...I am currently in the development stage of my grow. Just finished the building of my rooms; about 10*18 for the flowering and 8*8 for the veg. I'm doing a lot of research and I'm reading the canna seems to be the best way to go. Any useful opinions? Although this is my first "personal" grow, I have been involved with another utilizing Rockwell and sunshine soil (I think it's called). The results have been progressive, but I'm ready to get aggressive. Especially after reading and viewing all of the many grows within this community.
So without getting lengthy, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you guys know I have been watching, now I'm ready to play :). I will be posting from time to time trying to pick you guys' brain. Oh, I am a mmp by the way...just looking to join this lovely community...any ideas or suggestions for noobies such as myself is appreciated. And with that said, hello and nice to meet ya


073.jpg074.jpg076.jpg072.jpg071.jpg075.jpg Hello everyone.....this is my first attempt at growing. I wanna know how it looks and if theres anything I need to change. I'm using a 125w growlight for now and I have them on a 18/6 light timer......I wanna know how offten I need to water because I think I'm doing it wrong.....please help!