Welcome New Members!


What up everyone. complete newb looking for help. heard a good review of the site so im here to try and find my answers. see you out there :leaf:


Brand new to this board and to growing! Ordered seeds, germinated, now on week 3 in my newly built grow closet. I have all the newbie jitters and hope reading this forum helps.


Well-Known Member
I think CFL's are good to learn plant behavior. The lower powered lights seem to be more forgiving.

I made the mistake of switching from a CFL to 1000 watts in the middle of flowering. I burnt the heck out of my sour d hince the toasted leaves in the photos. One thing I learn tho as soon as I put the plants under the 1000 watt the buds just started swellling up like crazy.

The problem I saw with the CFL's is as soon as I hung the big fat buds to dry they losst 75% of their weight in 3 days.

It was like "Honey I shrunk the nugs!"

3 Months for 1.5 lids. I thought I was smarter and I was going to save elctricity and keep the heat down. All in all I would say CFL plants do not veg. like a HID thick and healthy. The buds end up fluffy and light, airy.

Now I have a 3x3x6 with 1000watt so far everything is great. Heat under control 79 to 85 going to flower at about 14'' inches. 6 plants what do you think I will get off that?
Nice for a 'first grow'.:-P Had a few situations, looks like you handled them.:clap:

Marijuana will always lose about 75% of the weight during the drying process, that has nothing to do with the kind of lights.

You stated it lost it in 3 days, that tells me you have it at too high of a temperature, or some other speed drying condition, it should take closer to 7 days and that is just to dry it, then the curing process can begin.

Yes you can post a pic directly into your post, page 130 of this thread has one explanation, there are many others in this thread.

Question, the height you have to work with is 6'. Do you think that could be a problem? VV:blsmoke:


Active Member
Saw a pc grow box and got hooked on the idea. I have a 26.5" tall tower on the way and bubbaliscious and short Ryder seeds on the way. Going to do a dwc hydro grow and am looking forward to learning as much as possible here. Pc grow box Addicts unite!


Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad to be here & I hope to learn a lot. I'm a medical marijuana user who has chronic pain. My husband is my "caregiver" so he's the one who's licensed to grow. Things sure have changed since way back in the day (80's/90's) lol. The sheer volume of new strains blows my mind! It's amazing. Take it easy, ~Pixie

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hello folks. Googled some really good growing advice that originated from this site and figured I'd join. I'm in the process of getting some Blackjack seeds going. This will be my third grow. My first one was excellent but I didn't know it was a Sativa (gifted from a friend) and it took over my grow area. Turned out some pretty good buds though. Excellent smoke. Second grow was a bust. All male. Started googling and found some great advice, so.. here I am. :)

I'm looking forward to getting to know folks and sharing some great times.


So im freaking out this is my first grow and I am doing hydroponics and everything was goin fine then I got bugs and I still am not sure 100% what they are but I went to the store for hydroponics and asked them and bought a bug killer that was suppost to be safe and now my plants look like they are dying, the leaves are brown and dried out, Im not sure if its chemical burns or what but it happended pretty much overnite after I sprayed it...help please...oh and Im just getting into the bloom cycle been bout 13 days so far and the spray I used is a 3 in 1 garden spray made by Safer brand...

oregon boy

What up y'all? I'm completly green to growing green. I just bought a setup second hand, 1000watt lamp, aero cloner, air filter, and some other misc. items. Would apreciate any advice. Thanks.
WHAT IT DO EVERYBODY? First time grower trying to do my thing. Couple of problems I need help with. Some of my plants are turning yellow, I'm giving them 600/ppm of FloraNova. I think I'm about a Month to a Month and 1/2 in ok maybe two month in. How Frequently should I be watering and about how tall should they be? Right now I'm working with a 1000 watt hps 3' high, their in 5gal buckets posted up in the closet. Can someone explain to me what might be going on. Oh and the holes are drilled 2" up on the side...


Active Member
Hello my name is K062706 and am an alcoholic --- Wait woops wrong forums.. hey whats up everyone! this is K062706 but you can call me K062 ;), am here to grow and educamate myself. :)
just lookin for some tips, I'm goin' to Amsterdam this December just wonderin' what the law is like there now?? and leave the names of any recommended coffeshops :) thanks
Hi everyone, my name is Andrew. Ive been lurking here for a while, decided it was about time to make an account. I do work for Hydroworld, but i'm not here to be a salesman. Just here to give and take some knowledge.


Well-Known Member
So im freaking out this is my first grow and I am doing hydroponics and everything was goin fine then I got bugs and I still am not sure 100% what they are but I went to the store for hydroponics and asked them and bought a bug killer that was suppost to be safe and now my plants look like they are dying, the leaves are brown and dried out, Im not sure if its chemical burns or what but it happended pretty much overnite after I sprayed it...help please...oh and Im just getting into the bloom cycle been bout 13 days so far and the spray I used is a 3 in 1 garden spray made by Safer brand...
Pictures are required for intelligent answers. You are going to have to chill out a little and give us some more information.

It could be that you have a nutrient problem, it could be that your lights were too close to the plants when you sprayed them. A picture would answer that question? VV


Active Member
Hello all! My name's Adam. I'm a Taurus and I like long walks on the beach and talking about philosophy.....wait.....never mind, just call me Delta.

I'm moving to MI in Jan. to get my card so I don't have to worry about being persecuted by the Man anymore. I've been growing for 12 years, 6 years for medicinal reasons. I've grown in just about every media and light configuration possible...except LED... so, come January, I am starting a full LED Perpetual Garden. Look for my grow blog in the coming months for definitive results for the LED vs HID debate.

And if any of you guys/gals are into DSM, hit me up. I love talkin' shop.


Hey wassupp, the names Brian and I'm from NYC! I've been token for 12 years now ( I'm 21) and really got into MJ. I've been learning everything I can since! Just on here to meet some new cool tokers and learn as much as this site offers to teach. Happy Smoking!


Hi everyone! I've been lurking around a while now reading as much as I can on growing indoors. I have a tremendous amount to learn but I can't wait any longer to get something going. I have no experience growing anything but this fascinates me. Something about the creation and cultivation excites me. That sound weird? I actually don't smoke all that much any more but I want to try my hand at growing some quality. I'm pretty sure everything around me is junk and I want to see if I can grow something that is comparatively better.*

Last Sunday I ordered some amnesia lemon seeds and hopefully they are on their way safely to me. I'm highly considering buying the dual spectrum stealth hydro unit. I've done my research and I completely understand that I could build something similar cheaper. That's not me though. I would end up back at the store 30 times and still end up with a three legged chair. I'm thinking that with that going for me, no experience and limited space that the stealth hydro is where I'll end up.*

I already (of course) have questions :) I can list them in another section if that's better but here they are if this is ok.*

The closet I'm going to use is also in use for storage and has a sub pump in there with it. Is that going to be ok or cause me issues? Might be easy to dump the water but I'm wondering if I have more chance of bugs with it there. I have about 30 inches by 30 inches and 6 feet straight up to work with. There is a little more room to work with but I'm leaving space to walk around it. Is that going to be enough room? I don't plan on doing six plants at a time as I've read that it's not really made for that plus being new I don't want to hose up six plants at once.

When the seeds get here what do I do with them until I'm ready for them? Just place in something dark in the fridge? I gotta tell you the more I read about germination the more it worries me. I'm reading a lot of people not getting a good success rate and these seeds weren't that cheap for me to not even get them to sprout. The stealth hydro comes with rockwool but that seems to be less than 100% for most posts I'm reading. Should I go a different route? I don't really want to have to buy a bunch of additional things. Remember the three legged chair. I need experience and that means getting these guys to sprout.

Anyway I'm sure that's enough for now. Thank you all for everything. I've learned so much from you already. Roseman, you've got some extremely easy to read informative guides out there. I know there are others I should mention personally and I don't mean to leave you out, Rosemans guides just seem to be everywhere and everyone points you back to them. I'm sure during this adventure that I'll be thanking a lot more of you!

Any feedback, greetings, advice are greatly appreciated!


Note:/ I posted this on the bbubbleponis forum also since I've been using both sites for information. Thanks again.