Welcome New Members!

Hi, i'm new at the whole growing thing it's my first time and i'm growing indoors; in my closet. i have planted the seed about 5 days ago and the plant was growing perfectly until i noticed it was starting to lean. i watered it regularly and have it under CFL 24hrs a day. but just yesterday it lopped over. so i put the lights closer to the seedling. the stem is fine except for a portion of the middle of the stem which looks shriveled. What's wrong with it and how can i solve this problem? or should i just give up on the seedling?
New Grower. Helped a friend water/fertilize/trim about 15 years ago. I was out of the scene for a while but recent neck and back injuries-and a distain for chemically/synthetically produced pills has brought me home.
I currently have 3 OG Kush banana-hydro-, 3 Super Lemon Haze-hydro-, and 1 Skywalker-soil- in Bloom. 2 Blueberry, 3 Kandy Kush and 3 Tange (colorado strain) in veg. I am tired of changing buckets every week so I am changing my grows to soil. I hear the soil grown tastes better-any truth?
A good friend of mine hooked me up with the OG and SLH, I got the rest from nearby dispensaries.
I joined rollitup so that I could learn as much as possible and ask questions to enhance my growing prowess.
hi guys! I'm new here and I have a lot of questions. So basically, I don't know anything about growing marijuana. All I did for the past 5 years was to smoke it. I want to start growing and smoking my own stuff. Can you give me tips and tricks on how to grow quality weed?
Hello everyone, im a first time in door hydroponics grower!
just ordered the bubbleponics with dual spec 2 lights, and am hoping i made a good decision.

IM very eager to begin my stages now, but they seem to be taking a decent while to submit my order.

ordered on the 22nd of oct, and its now the 27th and had said ships in 3-5 days.

im very impatient kinda guy when it comes to things coming in the mail it seems.

or maybe its cause im sitting on the couch complaining about my back while tokin some of this fiberopticzz

hello All -
Newbie to growing here trying to learn from the pro's. I've been smoking since I was about 13, except for a short stint in the military. Now, approaching my 40's I'm looking to save some cash and grow my own stash. I started real late this year, I basically threw a couple of bagseeds and a couple of Kona Gold seeds I got from my uncle who lives on the Big Island in the garden and didn't know what to really expect. Well, three months later I have one Kona female (I got a female bagseed plant too, but I cut it last week to concentrate on the Kona girl.) I've been googling the shit out of growing for the last month or so and my research kept bringing me to this site, so I decided to join.

Thanks in advance for the resource and any/all advice!
Hello everyone, this is my first post and I'm trying to figure out how to send a private message. I've checked the search and FAQ and it seems I don't have sufficient priveleges? I'm thinking it may be because I had a bad word in my previous name (just changed it to dirtysouth). There's SO much good information (and bad) that I don't have anything to add to the discussion yet . . . but I'm learning. To all those who are new, try the search and sticky posts for basic info, there's TONS out there and it's SO helpful. I've been listening to the advice of Uncle Ben (not blindly, only after much trial and MORE error, and in validating most of it from botany texts, etc.) and can say without a doubt his advice has made me a better grower and has saved me a LOT of money.​