Al Gore threw up a carbon net like the super hero he is!!'s the colider doing it.![]()
Let's hope he is asking Santa for a bubbler!
So I guess we can all look forward to another "signal" when he has to lick the stamp?
Scientists think that the earth has had 4-5 total disasters. Meaning man could have evolved and vacated, or been wiped out a couple of times already. We know Ardi was 4.4 Million years old when she was found. We only have human history for a fraction of the 4.4 Million years in between and nothing before...It could theoretically be "Us" coming to find "Us" ya know?
True. I meant more or less that if humans before us at any point in time had evolved far enough to leave could be them coming back as further evolved beings?No, it would not have been "us", because the genetics would be dissimiliar.
Humans may not have a very long history, but geology and biology have a long and detailed history, and we weren't in it in before. The chances of humans having come from another evolutionary tree is less than that of sentient T-Rexes time traveling through those spirals to invade us for snacktime.
Another rocket spiral from Russia on another test:
I heard that millions of years ago aliens came here and did something like mix their DNA with the primates that were here at the time so a small portion of them slowly developed differently than the others into what we are today.