In the centillions upon centillions upon centillions of other solar systems out there you're telling me CJ that you don't think that there is at the VERY VERY VERY least one other intelligent species out there????!!!!!!?????!!!!!!????
What I think is irrelevant. What I can prove is more important and germane.
There's no evidence of it. Do I think it's likely? Sure ... but that's not really much. Proof is always in the pudding.
Alien life in the universe is believable. Alien visitation to earth is an entirely different matter ... highly unlikely.
It'd be like building a Concorde to visit Hoboken....
Anyone who claims there is sufficient evidence for any claim they make, who then references Jesus and/or God, might as well just replace the contents of their post with "I let other people do the thinking for me." in their post and save us the time.