This plant definitely needs more light as I've heard before but the lights I have are shitty 20 watt lights. At this point I'm accepting the fact of popcorn buds come harvest but for the first time I don't think I did that bad. Currently using FloraBloom for nutrients. Gimme some thoughts, feedback, how is it looking? (Not an autoflower, ik that fs)

Some narly battle scars here lol but this is another issue I'm having. Idk if I should add more soil or if I can just add more worm castings(forgot to mention the worm castings) because as you can see the soil is condensing and roots are being exposed

Some narly battle scars here lol but this is another issue I'm having. Idk if I should add more soil or if I can just add more worm castings(forgot to mention the worm castings) because as you can see the soil is condensing and roots are being exposed