The best newbie grow guide in history debate is over!!!!

I am the original author i originally posted it 5 years ago in a different forum. so i deserve all of the credit and others have plagiarized me.PLEASE LEAVE ME+REP FOR MY OUTSTANDING GUIDE YOU NEGROPLASTIES!!!

Yeah right. Stop lying dipshit.
You didn't write that guide, I did. You are just a stupid kid who knows nothing about growing. You proved that by ripping off my guide and calling it your own. You couldn't even get that right and left out the pictures. How sad is that?

You tried tricking everyone into thinking that you wrote the guide when in fact you did not. That's just weak and pathetic. The fact that you are begging for reps proves my point. All that you have managed to achieve with your desperate cries for attention is to reveal your own shortcomings and embarrass yourself.

Instead of ripping off and destroying other people's work, maybe you should try to actually learn something and start thinking for yourself. Maybe you should take good look at yourself and see what you are made of. Apparently not much if you are willing sink this low.

Unlike this ignorant fool, I actually did the work and read the books. I put a lot of time into writing that guide and it's a product of years of growing experience.

I wrote the guide for the new growers so that they would get an idea of what to expect. I don't mind if people copy it as long as they don't claim that they wrote it.

I have since then updated the guide several times with more information, you can find it here in full in case you are interested:

Growing Good Weed

It's a whole lot better with all the original pictures and diagrams included.

If anybody comes across this I pollinated a mutated fan leaf last grow has anybody had the chance to experience this and any thoughts I dropped the bean last weak hope it l goes well