Week 8 of Flower and the HUMIDITY is OFF THE SCALE!

Kick the wife out if she is not going to play the game! $400 is all mine cost, delivered to my front door. it will make all the difference in that grow room of yours mate.
$400 for direct to door delivery??? WHERE DID YOU ORDER YOUR WIFE FROM?!?!?!!?!?
hey england, weren't you the one who was arguing about intake sizing a few weeks back with Jrainman because you didn't understand how to properly size it?

and when you were told how to you basically said we were stupid?
hey england, weren't you the one who was arguing about intake sizing a few weeks back with Jrainman because you didn't understand how to properly size it?

and when you were told how to you basically said we were stupid?

If you're talking about the
"Passive intake vent must be 3 times the size of the inline extraction vent...."
Then yes, that was me.

I responded in the way I did because I get annoyed reading the unfounded speculation of the stupid.

Stick to agitating finshaggy.
This is a thread for grown ups
and actual growers.
so you still think you were right on this?

real growers eh? and you are growing in a tent correct?

in a tent you don't know how to rectify high humidity?

lol @ the real growers statement.

keep on keepin on

I've been looking on ebay.
£120 to £180 seems about normal for 12 to 16lt models.

I vent out of the tent, but into the same small room as the tent.
When it was very cold, Dec and Jan, it warmed the upstairs of my house.

Now I have 2 tent - and the 2nd is twice the size of the first, it's causing damp.
I will cut holes in the ceilings and vent into the attic,
and buy a decent humidifier for the 8 x 4 flower tent.
As I will only grow in 6 x 4 of the space, there's room for a dehumidifier
as well as 2 x 16" Oscillating, 1 x 12" Fixed Head and 3 x 6" fixed head clip on fans.
(I like to give them plenty circulation).

I will use the 1000w Ventilated hood, and 8"RvK with 8" Carb Filter.

The 4 x 4 will be used purely for VEG -
so the higher the humidity, the better.
They have VERY cheap dehumidifiers at places like walmart, I use a couple 20 dollar ones to bring my humidity down to around 15-20% the last 4 weeks of flowering as I feel it increases trichome production and makes the final product much more potent.
If you're talking about the
"Passive intake vent must be 3 times the size of the inline extraction vent...."
Then yes, that was me.

I responded in the way I did because I get annoyed reading the unfounded speculation of the stupid.

Stick to agitating finshaggy.
This is a thread for grown ups
and actual growers.

Only because I feel the urge to help resolve the unfounded beliefs of the stupid. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-return-intakes-sizes-capacities-d_1592.html

and also because you cannot look things up for yourself apparently.

I still have to help....if you get a proper amount of airflow through that tent rh won't be a problem. A Real grower would know that btw ;)

do I need to come and do it for you too? It seems I had to do the rest of the work for you.

The airflow is restricted because it's overcrowded with dense vegetation.
NOT because of the size of the input and output vents.
I'm fairly clued up on the rules for ventilation and the equations necessary to calculate suitable fan and vent size.

Now I'll post a picture of my buds....
Why not post a picture of yours, if you think you're such hot shit???


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Lol, the seller just increased the price by about an odd £15 a couple of days ago :p I've never believed in dehumidifiers because there is no need outdoors but its should help over time unless it is electronic in which case... I say you go for it!

"..because there no need outdoors...."
Well, there IS a need (bud rot and many fungal conditions are caused by humidity.
But there's no way to dehumidify an area as big and open as an outdoor space.

I wish you luck england...I really do.

I don't think you even understand those charts you posted.
All you ever do is join threads and try to annoy people - like the kid at school who's immaturity makes everyone else hate him.

About 7 growers, with different levels of experience, have joined in this thread.
We've all concurred that this is an issue that needs a dehumidifier.
I asked what they thought to adding a inline for input
Or even a 2nd extraction, below the canopy.

But the problem only occurs for the last few weeks of the Flower phase
because I'm a victim of my own success.
My plants are so lush and vital that air circulation becomes less free.

Now I can't explain things any more simply than I have all ready.
and the sentiments of Robert Heinlein best explain why:
"Never attempt to teach a pig to sing....It wastes your time and annoys the pig".

I'll buy a dehumidifier and stick with a passive intake.
You buy every bit of equipment that marketed at you and every bottle of Advanced Nutrients
but never post any pictures of your plants....?
What are you?
Just a Bill and Ted type pothead who occasionally tried to grow one plant at a time....
But mostly you smoke whatever you can buy...?
The airflow is restricted because it's overcrowded with dense vegetation.
NOT because of the size of the input and output vents.
I'm fairly clued up on the rules for ventilation and the equations necessary to calculate suitable fan and vent size.

Now I'll post a picture of my buds....
Why not post a picture of yours, if you think you're such hot shit???
thats was funny!!!!! u said I'm posting mine so u post yours and then u post those. thats funny friend!!!!! and u talk about like your some big shot. i get the joke bro. thats pretty funny shit...
well.. I tried.

good luck with your medium crispy moldy colas bub

you sir are a moron. If you cannot read those charts and understand them for what they are....

no wonder your wife doesn't want you to spend any more money on your grow

I don't blame her. ever hear the phrase throwing good after bad? This is you buddy.

I feel sorry for her really...arrogant dense ass that you are
I found and find it very amusing that the same guy (you) who wants to argue about ventilation with a 25 year journeymen in the trade of hvac (jrainman) cannot figure out how to keep humidity down in a tent without asking for help.

oh and several of those "experienced growers" repped me for my post here too man....but it's ok.

go put some silica packs in your tent LOL
I don't think you even understand those charts you posted.
All you ever do is join threads and try to annoy people - like the kid at school who's immaturity makes everyone else hate him.

About 7 growers, with different levels of experience, have joined in this thread.
We've all concurred that this is an issue that needs a dehumidifier.
I asked what they thought to adding a inline for input
Or even a 2nd extraction, below the canopy.

But the problem only occurs for the last few weeks of the Flower phase
because I'm a victim of my own success.
My plants are so lush and vital that air circulation becomes less free.

Now I can't explain things any more simply than I have all ready.
and the sentiments of Robert Heinlein best explain why:
"Never attempt to teach a pig to sing....It wastes your time and annoys the pig".

I'll buy a dehumidifier and stick with a passive intake.
You buy every bit of equipment that marketed at you and every bottle of Advanced Nutrients
but never post any pictures of your plants....?
What are you?
Just a Bill and Ted type pothead who occasionally tried to grow one plant at a time....
But mostly you smoke whatever you can buy...?

now your just trolling as anyone who has read my posts know I don't use AN

and the only equiptment i've bought were new bulbs and ballasts....not sure where you are getting that idea either.

but if you call those "lush and vital" OMFGLOL

uhhhhhhh what are you finshaggy's evil sockpuppet?

you really are an idiot if you are even considering a second extraction fan when your first isn't seeing it's maximum potential

I only posted that to try and enlighten you. but you are well versed in the subject already obviously
ok douchebag eat your heart out :) :) :)
4.5 weeks in 4.5 to go....and bigger than yours already LOL



oh and they're only in 6" pots with a total plant height of roughly 20"

you're up LOL

I just scanned down to see the pictures
I haven't got time to try and win an argument with someone who's too ignorant to recognise their own imbecility.
PLUS you're obviously some sad shut in with no friends and nothing but time....
Why else would you devote so much time to posting on threads but never actually contributing....?

But, your 'pictures' are not there.
There's nothing to see.
But I'm sure it's a honest mistake....
You're not a joke at all.