week 4/5 of 1212 my step son cut/stole 2 good size nugs off my best plant ?

i'm the opposite, had my parents given me weed or even allowed me to smoke weed i would never have failed or dropped out of high school or gotten arrested and charged and i'd probably have been a computer engineer or something

That's a load of bull right here. Blaming your parents for your mistakes when all they tried to do is provide some good ideas and values. Own your own actions, mistakes, whatever you call it.
i fully do take responsibility, i'm just saying the damages from smoking weed almost always doesn't come from the cannabis itself... having your 13 year old son charged with trafficking isn't "imparting good values" lol cannabis is harmless
When I was 14, my parents found the leftovers of a qp and a hundred bucks {back when that meant something}. We had a big family blowup, but I gave up smoking and growing until I was 17. My school years were much easier because of it.
i'm glad you were able to conform. they didn't tell me when they found my weed, just called the cops immediately. i'm not complaining because i'm very successful and happy now. i also don't have any contact with my parents. they had no "good ideas or values" to impart because they were both lazy unmotivated abusive alcoholics who were very unsuccessful.
Didn't really conform, but I wasn't at odds with all the rednecks around me as bad as I had been. And started back smoking and growing the summer between 11th and 12th grade. Smoked and grew straight through until age 43 when I took another break. This time it was an economic choice, as my wife was going for a really high profile job, and the risk/reward equation was tilted way to the stop side. She had the job 12 years, but I got started back about a year and a half before she retired. Just your standard 11 year break for tolerance.
idk my parenting method has been to try and provide the complete opposite experience as what i had and it seems to be working very well, and he'll almost be at that age where people are offering him cannabis and i will probably tell him, if you want to try cannabis it will be with me and i honestly don't think he'll even be interested. hates cigarettes and alcohol at least. (i dont smoke or drink either)
I could drink a beer with my dad when i was 13. I think that helped later when I was out with friends. Since I had already got used to drinking, I didn't do as much dumb shit. Never have been a big drinker, and gave it up completely 20 odd years ago.
I was young and dumb once. Expelled from school my junior year over an ounce of bud. Thank god i wasnt 17 yet, i was 16 woulda been in county jail. 80$ dollar ticket slap. But if it wasnt for me being expelled i wouldnt have graduated early with a diploma at the age of 17 and moved foward with my life. Thank you marijuana! Haha
Some kids are going to smoke pot, my kids didn't and don't. The whole point of my post was, supplying your kid with pot at 15 is wrong and yes it does do harm to a young developing mind, as the studies have proven. But the biggest take should be if this kid decided he didn't like the asshole stepdad, and that on occasion does happen, you'll find yourself in a whole pile of unwanted attention if he decides to speak out. He's 15 and 15 year olds do stupid shit. I don't know your situation but he took your bud so there is a lack of respect.
Some kids are going to smoke pot, my kids didn't and don't. The whole point of my post was, supplying your kid with pot at 15 is wrong and yes it does do harm to a young developing mind, as the studies have proven. But the biggest take should be if this kid decided he didn't like the asshole stepdad, and that on occasion does happen, you'll find yourself in a whole pile of unwanted attention if he decides to speak out. He's 15 and 15 year olds do stupid shit. I don't know your situation but he took your bud so there is a lack of respect.
My Cousin Wayne had a step son with some emotional problems. He was real young, and didn't smoke, but he did tell a teacher at school about all the pot his daddy had got when he traded his nerve pills. Cops were called and pot was found.
Being a parent with your own kids is tough at times, being a parent to step kids is frought with danger, I know lol. I have a really good relationship with them all now but at the beginning it was tough on everyone (who's this guy fucking our mom). Probably worse on the kids as they had to deal with a basket case dad who used them as weapons and he was good at it. To this day he still tries but they have grown to realize his ways and mostly don't contact him, sad as that is.
Teenagers talk...and talk.... they are always broke and they talk some more. I'm a step dad to. Stop trying to be cool and be a role model instead. Supplying pot to a 14 year old is asking for trouble with a capital T for him and you and is not cool- its bad parenting.
i'm glad you were able to conform. they didn't tell me when they found my weed, just called the cops immediately. i'm not complaining because i'm very successful and happy now. i also don't have any contact with my parents. they had no "good ideas or values" to impart because they were both lazy unmotivated abusive alcoholics who were very unsuccessful.

Sad stuff. I know a 40 something MMJ pretend grower who claims to be a "master grower." Deadhead loser who followed the Dead around until Jerry died. He sort of mentored me but I quickly realized that he was clueless about a lot of MMJ growing stuff. Afetr about a week, I probably knew more than he did. Thanks to many people here and the Net.

His first wife left him and abandoned the two kids with him. She moved away and is supposedly a heroin addict. He is a lazy stoner. The two children are about 9 or 10. Beautiful kids and smart as a whip. The kids could be models, they must have gotten the wife's looks..

Sadly, because he is a lazy F**k, they are on food stamps and living in a trailer but at least in a nice area of Colorado in the mtns. He remarried but she took up his bad fu*kup habits. The dude could easily make $70 to 80 K a year growing 6 or 7 lb a month but he is a fu*k up. He is not a bad person just selfish as hell.

What is so weird is that the kids are smart, have more common sense and will probably be more responsible adults than he ever will be. Sadly, this F'ed up family life is going to cause some serious metal scars for these kids. Any normal husband and wife who would have to adopt, would die to adopt these children.
OP are you a legal medical patient?? put a lock on the room your grow is in

There was a case in Colorado where two teenaged kids entered a older guy's yard in a suburban but not rural area. I guess the guy had a high fence and was growing outside with an avg to small size grow. The kids were trying to steal weed at night and he shot both of them. One or both died. He is on trial for murder.

This story is not directly related but any adult that let's young or teenaged kids around pot or a grow is asking for trouble. Lock it up and keep the kids away.

In addition, kids talk. They can talk at school or to friends. All sorts of problems can happen from that. The school or state can take the kids away if they blabb at school. I know someone who almost lost their kids that way. A stupid Dead Head stoner I mentioned in the other post.

Some friend of the kids may have a meth head parent who will come over and rob the house and kill someone or everyone. Another parent may call the cops and raid the house.,
There was a case in Colorado where two teenaged kids entered a older guy's yard in a suburban but not rural area. I guess the guy had a high fence and was growing outside with an avg to small size grow. The kids were trying to steal weed at night and he shot both of them. One or both died. He is on trial for murder.

This story is not directly related but any adult that let's young or teenaged kids around pot or a grow is asking for trouble. Lock it up and keep the kids away.

In addition, kids talk. They can talk at school or to friends. All sorts of problems can happen from that. The school or state can take the kids away if they blabb at school. I know someone who almost lost their kids that way. A stupid Dead Head stoner I mentioned in the other post.

Some friend of the kids may have a meth head parent who will come over and rob the house and kill someone or everyone. Another parent may call the cops and raid the house.,
Like I said, "a fuck storm" brewing.