Well-Known Member
I've spent the past couple of months researching and developing a cure for malaria, it is far simpler than one could imagine, simpler than making Honey Oil from marijuana. The difficulty lies not in producing the medicine - anyone who's read through this thread (or my ebook) has all of the knowledge necessary. The difficulty is in mass producing the medicine, and even that is simpler than one can imagine and requires only the political will to teach the poor in malaria plagued countries how to make and use our root pruning buckets to grow the simple weed/herb Annual Wormwood. Far simpler than growing marijuana.
I am simply going to find an orphanage or refugee shelter in a country plagued with malaria and pay them to learn to grow Annual Wormwood, then to learn to extract the resin using a subcritical H2O (steam) extraction tube that I developed for marijuana. The resin will be sold to local doctors who will administer the medicine, the proceeds of the sale going to the growers. In equatorial countries we can control the photoperiod by placing the plants (in our Eternity root pruning buckets) in a darkened trench for year round growing as we do with indoor marijuana cultivation.
I'm at the point in my research that going further alone is merely spitting into the inferno - I could leave for a malaria plagued country today and save hundreds of lives each year with a simple whole plant tincture extract, but that will amount to little compared with the horror I face. I need a base of knowledgable growers who can act as online teachers to help train volunteers who will in turn start Wormwood farms world wide. I need simple but expensive lab equipment (a portable digital inverted microscope to study live malaria cultures and blood collecting equipment). I need specific Wormwood genetics that contains 20X the quantity of artemisinin as common strains. I need Jon Stewart to listen, The Daily Show will be my connection to celebrities who are already funding programs to fight malaria.
I need you folks.
1. If you've found something of value in Weed Science please make a small donation.
Donate by PayPal
2. Ask the forum moderators to give me the ability to edit my old posts and to sticky this thread to the top of the forum. If not in this subforum then in one of the others.
3. If you know of a source for an inexpensive portable digital inverted microscope (biological, at least 1000X magnification, triocular) please post it in this thread.
4. If you know where I can get seeds and or clones for a potent strain of Wormwood please post a link.
5. Follow the link below to Jon Stewart's forum and make one post asking Jon to give me the ability to edit my posts in the one thread I've started. This is critical for a complete eradication of malaria world wide, Jon will be our spokes person to the world. This is something everyone can do, it will cost you nothing but time.
Jon Stewart Fun Stuff - Malaria thread.
I shut down Jon's forum over Christmas while setting up dominos for a root prunning bucket awareness program for next Christmas. I inadvertently left a trail from a few religious sites I intentionally shut down. Hopefully Jon's people have gotten over it by now, the forum is usually as quiet as a library.
Those who've followed my threads know that I don't make idle boosts: the path that I've set myself on is the only path to making malaria a deasese of the past. I will intentionally infect myself with malaria by mosquito bites then use the medicine I've developed to kill the parasite. Any mad scientist of worth uses himself as the guinea pig.
Malaria is a mosquito borne infectious disease of humans. Parasites invade the red blood cells causing fever, headache, shivering, joint pain and vomiting. In some cases coma and death, mostly in young children and pregnant women. World wide there are an estimated 225 million cases annually, 90% in tropical Africa with the rest mostly in central America and Asia. An estimated 800,000 people die annually of malaria.
There are two effective treatments: the artemisinin derivative artesunate and quinine. Both compounds are derived from the extract of plants, much the same as cannabinoids from marijuana. I will be focusing my horticultural activities on growing herbs and trees necessary for extracting these compounds, then deriving potent treatments for malaria - as I made potent tincture from not only marijuana buds and leaves, but literally the ashes of vaporized marijuana. Please see the Tincture chapter in Weed Science, in the Body section of The Academy, or click the linked text above.
As the marijuana section of Weed Science has always been free for download so too will be my work on perfecting an affordable malaria treatment. Affordable to those with nothing. I will develop the treatment while living in Canada and take it with me to Costa Rica, spreading the knowledge of how to grow the plants, extract the compounds and the proper treatment regime.
Malaria parasites in red blood cells
A child with malaria
Weed Science was compiled from my Grow Lab thread <<< please click the link
For those new to my threads please find below Weed Science. If the moderators will sticky this thread and give me the ability to edit my old posts I will make the index linkable in the first post, along with my research on malaria - which will include a steam extraction tube, no more butane.
1. Click the underlined blue chapter link and a new window containing the ebook will open in your browser
2. Place your cursor at the bottom center of any ebook page and several icons will appear
3. Click the {2 pages and circles} icon for a stand alone ebook with a page preview index
Weed Science Index <<< a link to the download page on my web site.
719 pages
33 pages
Introduction to Crop Circle Of Bud
Garden Planning
32 page
topping, sexing
topping faq
cloning, clone cutting timing, lighting, sexing
basic instructions
cloning, clone cutting timing, lighting, sexing
sexing, JTR
top cloning
algae, mould
10 pages
Black Out Bud Butter
Press Bowl
Refining Cannabutter For Taste
217 pages
Equipment Overview
air floor, cage, ventilation
air floor, air intake
air pruning buckets, diy, roots
air pruning pots, transplant
biosphere cloners
air floor, lighting
cage height
cfl vs hps, light, lumens
co2, timing
cooling, CO2, heating, O2, ventilation
canopy, distance, light, wattage
fan, hanging, mounting, venting
grow cage, reflectix
grow room set up
flower, hps, light mover
light bulb lumen comparison
light rail, light mover
air floor, light mover
nutrients, nutrient burn, root pruning buckets, watering
equipment setup, transplant
set up
root pruning, smart pots
light mover, stargate analogy, light
procedure, timing
thread links
co2, fan, ventilation
hanging, mounting, venting
cooling, CO2, heating, O2
cooling, CO2, heating, O2
light, ventilation
air floor, co2, ventilation
bugs, cloning, light, rooting powder, seeds, soil
air floor, mould, ventilation, white powder
drill bit, root pruning buckets
air pot, comparison, hole buckets, smart pot
door, ventilation
ducting, insulation, sound, ventilation, vibration
light rail
air floor, flower cage
root pruning pots, vegetative, watering
root pruning pots
root pruning pot, watering
cfl, hid, hps, lighting, lumens
48 pages
Alcohol Reflux
Butane Honey Oil Extraction Tubes
Butane Hone Oil Safety
How to Make Butane Honey Oil - Phife
Dry Screen
Grape Seed Oil (see Black Out Budd Butter and Refining in Cooking)
Ice Water
Isopropyl Alcohol
Petroleum Ethers
alcohol distillation
1 page
27 pages
germination pictorial
root pruning cups
seed shell removal
Scoodles’ results
stem stretch
Harvest and Curing
29 pages
harvest, ripe, trichome
ripe, scope trichome
curing, dry weight
water curing, tincture
cola presentation
canibaboids, glands, trichomes
jack the ripper, reveg
2 pages
bananas, dutch master, hermies, pictures, reverse, tweezers
Leaf Pruning and Training
8 pages
leaves, photosynthesis, pruning, trimming
53 pages
Grow Light Overview
light, heat stress, canopy
light/dark period, veg
intensity, watts per square foot
light bulb lumen comparison
Illuminating light-receptors in plants
capturing light energy
overloading light receptors
Emerson Effect
light mover timing
cfl, hid, hps, lighting, lumens
14 pages
fox farm liquids
fox farm, leaf burn
feeding schedule
Plant Problems
16 pages
moisture stress: symptoms and solutions - Uncle Ben
quick deficiency guide -
problem solver
plant abuse picture guide link (RUI)
mould, ozone
mould, ozone generator
Root Pruning
33 pages
root pruning cups
root pruning cups, clone, flo, roots
root pruning buckets
aero, clipping
root pruning buckets, diy, roots
root pruning pots, vegetative, watering
12 pages
Subcool’s Super Soil
Stem Training
69 pages
crop circle of bud, low stress training, topping
stem length
safety pins, smart pots
topping, flower, stretch, roots
bubblegum, lst, topping
topping - 2 or 4 main colas - by Uncle Ben
crop circle of bud, straight to flower from seed
cage training
stem chokes ,tie downs
118 pages
Jack The Ripper - Subcool
my strain list
revegging a special pheno
diy, vaporizers
double shoot separation
cloning, sexing
jtr clone sexing
Kali Mist - Serious
4” kali mist
Bubblegum - Serious
bubblegum testimonial
Big Laughing - Dr Greenthumb
Short Bus
Strawberry Cough - Dutch Passion
Pandora's Box, Subcool, TGA
White Russian - J.Cun.Shallow
14 pages
alcohol, distill, grape seed oil, spray, sublingual
61 pages
commercial vaporizer reviews
light switch box vaporizer
mickey’s workshop
magnetic induction vaporizer
piker magnetic induction vaporizer
piker mvi straw bowl
magnetic induction coil
diy vaporizers
tommy gun vaporizer coil
heating coil
flameless heater
bricktop, les grossman
Only In Dreams is the Rosetta Stone companion to Weed Science, if you like the music and watch the video again and again When you read Weed Science the information will be familiar and easier to absorb.
One last concept to consider: If marijuana growers work together to fight malaria, and are able to provide the poor with tools to cure themselves and rid the world of this plague - how long do you think it will take for the public to ask that marijuana becomes legal? Political capital, pay for your meal first.
Yeah, I thought about that too.
I've spent the past couple of months researching and developing a cure for malaria, it is far simpler than one could imagine, simpler than making Honey Oil from marijuana. The difficulty lies not in producing the medicine - anyone who's read through this thread (or my ebook) has all of the knowledge necessary. The difficulty is in mass producing the medicine, and even that is simpler than one can imagine and requires only the political will to teach the poor in malaria plagued countries how to make and use our root pruning buckets to grow the simple weed/herb Annual Wormwood. Far simpler than growing marijuana.
I am simply going to find an orphanage or refugee shelter in a country plagued with malaria and pay them to learn to grow Annual Wormwood, then to learn to extract the resin using a subcritical H2O (steam) extraction tube that I developed for marijuana. The resin will be sold to local doctors who will administer the medicine, the proceeds of the sale going to the growers. In equatorial countries we can control the photoperiod by placing the plants (in our Eternity root pruning buckets) in a darkened trench for year round growing as we do with indoor marijuana cultivation.
I'm at the point in my research that going further alone is merely spitting into the inferno - I could leave for a malaria plagued country today and save hundreds of lives each year with a simple whole plant tincture extract, but that will amount to little compared with the horror I face. I need a base of knowledgable growers who can act as online teachers to help train volunteers who will in turn start Wormwood farms world wide. I need simple but expensive lab equipment (a portable digital inverted microscope to study live malaria cultures and blood collecting equipment). I need specific Wormwood genetics that contains 20X the quantity of artemisinin as common strains. I need Jon Stewart to listen, The Daily Show will be my connection to celebrities who are already funding programs to fight malaria.
I need you folks.
1. If you've found something of value in Weed Science please make a small donation.
Donate by PayPal
2. Ask the forum moderators to give me the ability to edit my old posts and to sticky this thread to the top of the forum. If not in this subforum then in one of the others.
3. If you know of a source for an inexpensive portable digital inverted microscope (biological, at least 1000X magnification, triocular) please post it in this thread.

4. If you know where I can get seeds and or clones for a potent strain of Wormwood please post a link.

5. Follow the link below to Jon Stewart's forum and make one post asking Jon to give me the ability to edit my posts in the one thread I've started. This is critical for a complete eradication of malaria world wide, Jon will be our spokes person to the world. This is something everyone can do, it will cost you nothing but time.
Jon Stewart Fun Stuff - Malaria thread.
I shut down Jon's forum over Christmas while setting up dominos for a root prunning bucket awareness program for next Christmas. I inadvertently left a trail from a few religious sites I intentionally shut down. Hopefully Jon's people have gotten over it by now, the forum is usually as quiet as a library.
Those who've followed my threads know that I don't make idle boosts: the path that I've set myself on is the only path to making malaria a deasese of the past. I will intentionally infect myself with malaria by mosquito bites then use the medicine I've developed to kill the parasite. Any mad scientist of worth uses himself as the guinea pig.
Malaria is a mosquito borne infectious disease of humans. Parasites invade the red blood cells causing fever, headache, shivering, joint pain and vomiting. In some cases coma and death, mostly in young children and pregnant women. World wide there are an estimated 225 million cases annually, 90% in tropical Africa with the rest mostly in central America and Asia. An estimated 800,000 people die annually of malaria.
There are two effective treatments: the artemisinin derivative artesunate and quinine. Both compounds are derived from the extract of plants, much the same as cannabinoids from marijuana. I will be focusing my horticultural activities on growing herbs and trees necessary for extracting these compounds, then deriving potent treatments for malaria - as I made potent tincture from not only marijuana buds and leaves, but literally the ashes of vaporized marijuana. Please see the Tincture chapter in Weed Science, in the Body section of The Academy, or click the linked text above.
As the marijuana section of Weed Science has always been free for download so too will be my work on perfecting an affordable malaria treatment. Affordable to those with nothing. I will develop the treatment while living in Canada and take it with me to Costa Rica, spreading the knowledge of how to grow the plants, extract the compounds and the proper treatment regime.
Mosquitoes carry the malaria parasite in their saliva glands and transfer them to humans while eating.

Malaria parasites in red blood cells

A child with malaria

Weed Science was compiled from my Grow Lab thread <<< please click the link
For those new to my threads please find below Weed Science. If the moderators will sticky this thread and give me the ability to edit my old posts I will make the index linkable in the first post, along with my research on malaria - which will include a steam extraction tube, no more butane.
1. Click the underlined blue chapter link and a new window containing the ebook will open in your browser
2. Place your cursor at the bottom center of any ebook page and several icons will appear
3. Click the {2 pages and circles} icon for a stand alone ebook with a page preview index
Weed Science Index <<< a link to the download page on my web site.
719 pages
33 pages
Introduction to Crop Circle Of Bud
Garden Planning
32 page
topping, sexing
topping faq
cloning, clone cutting timing, lighting, sexing
basic instructions
cloning, clone cutting timing, lighting, sexing
sexing, JTR
top cloning
algae, mould
10 pages
Black Out Bud Butter
Press Bowl
Refining Cannabutter For Taste
217 pages
Equipment Overview
air floor, cage, ventilation
air floor, air intake
air pruning buckets, diy, roots
air pruning pots, transplant
biosphere cloners
air floor, lighting
cage height
cfl vs hps, light, lumens
co2, timing
cooling, CO2, heating, O2, ventilation
canopy, distance, light, wattage
fan, hanging, mounting, venting
grow cage, reflectix
grow room set up
flower, hps, light mover
light bulb lumen comparison
light rail, light mover
air floor, light mover
nutrients, nutrient burn, root pruning buckets, watering
equipment setup, transplant
set up
root pruning, smart pots
light mover, stargate analogy, light
procedure, timing
thread links
co2, fan, ventilation
hanging, mounting, venting
cooling, CO2, heating, O2
cooling, CO2, heating, O2
light, ventilation
air floor, co2, ventilation
bugs, cloning, light, rooting powder, seeds, soil
air floor, mould, ventilation, white powder
drill bit, root pruning buckets
air pot, comparison, hole buckets, smart pot
door, ventilation
ducting, insulation, sound, ventilation, vibration
light rail
air floor, flower cage
root pruning pots, vegetative, watering
root pruning pots
root pruning pot, watering
cfl, hid, hps, lighting, lumens
48 pages
Alcohol Reflux
Butane Honey Oil Extraction Tubes
Butane Hone Oil Safety
How to Make Butane Honey Oil - Phife
Dry Screen
Grape Seed Oil (see Black Out Budd Butter and Refining in Cooking)
Ice Water
Isopropyl Alcohol
Petroleum Ethers
alcohol distillation
1 page
27 pages
germination pictorial
root pruning cups
seed shell removal
Scoodles’ results
stem stretch
Harvest and Curing
29 pages
harvest, ripe, trichome
ripe, scope trichome
curing, dry weight
water curing, tincture
cola presentation
canibaboids, glands, trichomes
jack the ripper, reveg
2 pages
bananas, dutch master, hermies, pictures, reverse, tweezers
Leaf Pruning and Training
8 pages
leaves, photosynthesis, pruning, trimming
53 pages
Grow Light Overview
light, heat stress, canopy
light/dark period, veg
intensity, watts per square foot
light bulb lumen comparison
Illuminating light-receptors in plants
capturing light energy
overloading light receptors
Emerson Effect
light mover timing
cfl, hid, hps, lighting, lumens
14 pages
fox farm liquids
fox farm, leaf burn
feeding schedule
Plant Problems
16 pages
moisture stress: symptoms and solutions - Uncle Ben
quick deficiency guide -
problem solver
plant abuse picture guide link (RUI)
mould, ozone
mould, ozone generator
Root Pruning
33 pages
root pruning cups
root pruning cups, clone, flo, roots
root pruning buckets
aero, clipping
root pruning buckets, diy, roots
root pruning pots, vegetative, watering
12 pages
Subcool’s Super Soil
Stem Training
69 pages
crop circle of bud, low stress training, topping
stem length
safety pins, smart pots
topping, flower, stretch, roots
bubblegum, lst, topping
topping - 2 or 4 main colas - by Uncle Ben
crop circle of bud, straight to flower from seed
cage training
stem chokes ,tie downs
118 pages
Jack The Ripper - Subcool
my strain list
revegging a special pheno
diy, vaporizers
double shoot separation
cloning, sexing
jtr clone sexing
Kali Mist - Serious
4” kali mist
Bubblegum - Serious
bubblegum testimonial
Big Laughing - Dr Greenthumb
Short Bus
Strawberry Cough - Dutch Passion
Pandora's Box, Subcool, TGA
White Russian - J.Cun.Shallow
14 pages
alcohol, distill, grape seed oil, spray, sublingual
61 pages
commercial vaporizer reviews
light switch box vaporizer
mickey’s workshop
magnetic induction vaporizer
piker magnetic induction vaporizer
piker mvi straw bowl
magnetic induction coil
diy vaporizers
tommy gun vaporizer coil
heating coil
flameless heater
bricktop, les grossman
Only In Dreams is the Rosetta Stone companion to Weed Science, if you like the music and watch the video again and again When you read Weed Science the information will be familiar and easier to absorb.
Donate by PayPal
One last concept to consider: If marijuana growers work together to fight malaria, and are able to provide the poor with tools to cure themselves and rid the world of this plague - how long do you think it will take for the public to ask that marijuana becomes legal? Political capital, pay for your meal first.
Yeah, I thought about that too.