wealth distribution


Well-Known Member
# State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113 Kerry
2 Massachusetts 111 Kerry
3 New Jersey 111 Kerry
4 New York 109 Kerry
5 Rhode Island 107 Kerry
6 Hawaii 106 Kerry
7 Maryland 105 Kerry
8 New Hampshire 105 Kerry
9 Illinois 104 Kerry
10 Delaware 103 Kerry
11 Minnesota 102 Kerry
12 Vermont 102 Kerry
13 Washington 102 Kerry my place
14 California 101 Kerry
15 Pennsylvania 101 Kerry
16 Maine 100 Kerry
17 Virginia 100 Bush the highest bush is avg.
18 Wisconsin 100 Kerry
19 Colorado 99 Bush
20 Iowa 99 Bush
21 Michigan 99 Kerry
22 Nevada 99 Bush
23 Ohio 99 Bush
24 Oregon 99 Kerry
25 Alaska 98 Bush Palins place
26 Florida 98 Bush I'm surprised that it's this high
27 Missouri 98 Bush
28 Kansas 96 Bush
29 Nebraska 95 Bush
30 Arizona 94 Bush
31 Indiana 94 Bush
32 Tennessee 94 Bush
33 North Carolina 93 Bush
34 West Virginia 93 Bush
35 Arkansas 92 Bush
36 Georgia 92 Bush
37 Kentucky 92 Bush
38 New Mexico 92 Bush
39 North Dakota 92 Bush
40 Texas 92 Bush our presidents home state
41 Alabama 90 Bush
42 Louisiana 90 Bush
43 Montana 90 Bush
44 Oklahoma 90 Bush
45 South Dakota 90 Bush
46 South Carolina 89 Bush
47 Wyoming 89 Bush
48 Idaho 87 Bush
49 Utah 87 Bush pfff, haha, mormons
50 Mississippi 85 Bush oh snap

Could some please put these results in a snappy phrase?

just thought it was worth sharing, maybe the wrong forum though, I don't think anyone here supported Bush


New Member
I think about my uncle that died recently...when he came home from WWII he went to work at the kroger store, joined the union and became a meat cutter. He made enough money to buy a house, he drove nice cars and he sent his son to college.
My question is...when did that class of people become so insignificant? You coudn't work at a grocery store today and have that life. We need those people.
I can tell that Vi has distain for what he considers to be the working class....


Well-Known Member
# State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113 Kerry
2 Massachusetts 111 Kerry
3 New Jersey 111 Kerry
4 New York 109 Kerry
5 Rhode Island 107 Kerry
6 Hawaii 106 Kerry
7 Maryland 105 Kerry
8 New Hampshire 105 Kerry
9 Illinois 104 Kerry
10 Delaware 103 Kerry
11 Minnesota 102 Kerry
12 Vermont 102 Kerry
13 Washington 102 Kerry my place
14 California 101 Kerry
15 Pennsylvania 101 Kerry
16 Maine 100 Kerry
17 Virginia 100 Bush the highest bush is avg.
18 Wisconsin 100 Kerry
19 Colorado 99 Bush
20 Iowa 99 Bush
21 Michigan 99 Kerry
22 Nevada 99 Bush
23 Ohio 99 Bush
24 Oregon 99 Kerry
25 Alaska 98 Bush Palins place
26 Florida 98 Bush I'm surprised that it's this high
27 Missouri 98 Bush
28 Kansas 96 Bush
29 Nebraska 95 Bush
30 Arizona 94 Bush
31 Indiana 94 Bush
32 Tennessee 94 Bush
33 North Carolina 93 Bush
34 West Virginia 93 Bush
35 Arkansas 92 Bush
36 Georgia 92 Bush
37 Kentucky 92 Bush
38 New Mexico 92 Bush
39 North Dakota 92 Bush
40 Texas 92 Bush our presidents home state
41 Alabama 90 Bush
42 Louisiana 90 Bush
43 Montana 90 Bush
44 Oklahoma 90 Bush
45 South Dakota 90 Bush
46 South Carolina 89 Bush
47 Wyoming 89 Bush
48 Idaho 87 Bush
49 Utah 87 Bush pfff, haha, mormons
50 Mississippi 85 Bush oh snap

Could some please put these results in a snappy phrase?

just thought it was worth sharing, maybe the wrong forum though, I don't think anyone here supported Bush
Hoax. snopes.com: State I.Q. Voting Patterns

What I find most interesting in your posting of this hoax is the elitist suggestion that liberals are intelligent while conservatives are dullards.

It's also telling that you did not check your source before posting it.


Well-Known Member
One of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. - Barack Obama on Chicago Public Radio WBEZ-FM, 2001
YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered

The beauty of this unscripted moment is there is no Joe the Plumber to attack for asking a simple question. Cannot go after the messenger this time because it's public radio.


Well-Known Member
# State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113 Kerry
2 Massachusetts 111 Kerry
3 New Jersey 111 Kerry
4 New York 109 Kerry
5 Rhode Island 107 Kerry
6 Hawaii 106 Kerry
7 Maryland 105 Kerry
8 New Hampshire 105 Kerry
9 Illinois 104 Kerry
10 Delaware 103 Kerry
11 Minnesota 102 Kerry
12 Vermont 102 Kerry
13 Washington 102 Kerry my place
14 California 101 Kerry
15 Pennsylvania 101 Kerry
16 Maine 100 Kerry
17 Virginia 100 Bush the highest bush is avg.
18 Wisconsin 100 Kerry
19 Colorado 99 Bush
20 Iowa 99 Bush
21 Michigan 99 Kerry
22 Nevada 99 Bush
23 Ohio 99 Bush
24 Oregon 99 Kerry
25 Alaska 98 Bush Palins place
26 Florida 98 Bush I'm surprised that it's this high
27 Missouri 98 Bush
28 Kansas 96 Bush
29 Nebraska 95 Bush
30 Arizona 94 Bush
31 Indiana 94 Bush
32 Tennessee 94 Bush
33 North Carolina 93 Bush
34 West Virginia 93 Bush
35 Arkansas 92 Bush
36 Georgia 92 Bush
37 Kentucky 92 Bush
38 New Mexico 92 Bush
39 North Dakota 92 Bush
40 Texas 92 Bush our presidents home state
41 Alabama 90 Bush
42 Louisiana 90 Bush
43 Montana 90 Bush
44 Oklahoma 90 Bush
45 South Dakota 90 Bush
46 South Carolina 89 Bush
47 Wyoming 89 Bush
48 Idaho 87 Bush
49 Utah 87 Bush pfff, haha, mormons
50 Mississippi 85 Bush oh snap

Could some please put these results in a snappy phrase?

just thought it was worth sharing, maybe the wrong forum though, I don't think anyone here supported Bush
Yeah, Democrats shouldn't be near schools in Bush states, everyone knows they are pedophiles.


Well-Known Member
That, and aren't Democrats the ones usual screaming that IQ tests can't be used because there is no such thing as IQ, because everyone is equal?

(Of course, it would also help if you weren't using fraudulent data)

Or, wait, I got it, nothing beats a good brainwashing to make you a stupid smart person.


New Member
I can tell that Vi has distain for what he considers to be the working class....
Distain for the working class? On the contrary, I have nothing but respect for the "working class," if you mean by that, people who go to work every day to earn a living for themselves and their families. I DO, however, have distain for looters ... that would be those who desire the unearned at the expense of others. Your meat-cutting uncle definitely wouldn't fall into the class of person that I have disdain for. However, those who vote for the likes of Barak Hussein Obama because he's going put a check in the mail, I do have distain for.



New Member
Distain for the working class? On the contrary, I have nothing but respect for the "working class," if you mean by that, people who go to work every day to earn a living for themselves and their families. I DO, however, have distain for looters ... that would be those who desire the unearned at the expense of others. Your meat-cutting uncle definitely wouldn't fall into the class of person that I have disdain for. However, those who vote for the likes of Barak Hussein Obama because he's going put a check in the mail, I do have distain for.

You obviously had distain for that waiters right of free speech...it would be interesting to know the race of your waiter...


New Member
lets talk about distribution of all of the drugs as well. 1 for me and 1 for the country and 2 for me and ... - all of the coke on the money is doing that in a micro way but...


Well-Known Member
Its the other way around, cleatis. If folks like Bill Gates weren't innovative, and didn't have the capital to create, the "peeons" wouldn't have their jobs.

The wealthy are already paying a little tiny itty bitty bit ... to the tune of 40% of the total tax burden. Corporations are paying the second highest tax rate on the planet at 35%. Ireland just lowered their corporate tax rate to 11% and the place is booming. The Irish "peeons" now have a real choice of good paying jobs as a result.

A word of advise (even though you didn't ask for it) ... Instead of "going to work," find a job that is like going to play. Become obsessed with your work. Learn everything there is to know about it. Become an expert. Be better than every other employee in the place. Earn your boss/company a nice profit. After you've done all of that, ask for a raise. If you don't get the raise, move on to an employer who really appreciates a great employee like you. Don't look back, look forward. Remember ... you'll find true security as soon as you give up the security you have right now.

first off your assumption of just inventing the machine to do the job, or coming up with the next new idea isn't as simple as that. there have been plenty of good ideas that were shot down because it would cut someone else' bottom line a couple bucks. So coming up with the next big thing doesn't just happen no matter how much hard work is put into it.

It's not just the other way around Vi, It's a two way street. The masses have to work for the betterment and functioning of the society at hand and It's just that simple. The masses HAVE to work. Thus as you say the masses need a place to work, but who do they rely on? the masses of people that need to work. Bill Gates has billions of dollars correct? And the Walton Family (Wal mart) they do as well do they not? Do they not depend on labor and the work of americans to get where they are? Why is it such a stretch to give a little back to the people they used to get there?

I have a hard time believing that the wealthy are burdened with paying 40% of the taxes, seeing as how they have over 90% of the money, that means that the masses that fight over the 5% of total wealth pick up the rest, or in other words, they still pay more in taxes dollar per dollar.

And The large companies that have many many dollars employ fewer and fewer of their fellow Americans; how much of the shit in Walmart (other than the food) was made by an American? All large companies that are so 'in need' of tax breaks just ship off all the labor to some country where they can pay the employee less thus stuff their pocket that much more.

And lastly, there is so much more to life than some petty job. One shouldn't need to become obsessed with their job at the tampon factory or the telemarketing agency to live their life. It may make a few more bucks, but that's not what I'll call life. Granted, everyone's idea of what life should be is different.


New Member
there are only two things to do really. one is what someone tells you to do and the other is what you see needs to be done. the second is much more efficient usually. if you have money you dont do what someone else wants, so if we are all rich then the world would be a much more efficient place


Active Member
a system that lets the waiter be paid 2 bucks an hour is fucked up
a system where you pay $15-$20 for some crappy meal you could probably make better at home for $4, then you're expected to pay your server on top of that, is totally fucked up. I pretty much never go to restaurants except for take out.


New Member
restaurants are a tough game. the number that actually open compared to the ones that try to get open is a small% and thats just the start, then they are usually the first to take it on the chin when times are tough


Well-Known Member
restaurants are a tough game. the number that actually open compared to the ones that try to get open is a small% and thats just the start, then they are usually the first to take it on the chin when times are tough
The glories of a free market, what, are you advocating that the government make it illegal for us to cook meals at home so that restaurants can stay open.

There is a parable from the Bible (I'm not endorsing religion here) about saving up during times of feast for times of famine. It illustrates a good logical point.

Of course, the next thing government would do after making it illegal to eat at home would be to grant itself access to the records of what meals we ordered so it could make sure we were eating "properly" and eating "nutritious" meals.

Give me a break.

As far as the $2.13 wage, while that is true; there is nothing in the Constitution that can be construed as giving the government the ability to control contacts, or interfere with their execution, thus minimum wage laws are a farce.

Especially the proposal to index them to inflation. Soon, everyone but the very rich will be making minimum wage, and the term will have lost all meaning.

Obama and his policies are idiotic in the extreme.


New Member
i am not suggesting any laws over anything. there was in the 50s a movement by the motel ind to stop the auto makers from making seats of cars that turn into beds, so its not unheard of to do things like that and the seats are still no good to sleep in


Active Member
However, those who vote for the likes of Barak Hussein Obama because he's going put a check in the mail, I do have distain for.

Obama is going to give a tax cut to the Middle Class. How come you characterize that as putting a check in the mail? Was Bush's tax cut putting a check in the mail?

Progressive income tax - ie. rich people pay a marginally higher tax - has been around since the time of the Civil War. It has nothing to do with Socialism. It's not "punishing the successful". And the business tax-rate of 35% is the rate before all the loopholes and write-offs . . . businesses don't actually pay 35% either.

If the average Middle Class person gets $1500 more in taxes that will rev up the economy more that the failed trickle-down technique. A famed economist once said that the economy is similar to a poker game . . . when one person has all the money and everyone else has exhausted their credit the game is over. That's pretty much where we're at . . .


Well-Known Member
Obama is going to give a tax cut to the Middle Class. How come you characterize that as putting a check in the mail? Was Bush's tax cut putting a check in the mail?

Progressive income tax - ie. rich people pay a marginally higher tax - has been around since the time of the Civil War. It has nothing to do with Socialism. It's not "punishing the successful". And the business tax-rate of 35% is the rate before all the loopholes and write-offs . . . businesses don't actually pay 35% either.

If the average Middle Class person gets $1500 more in taxes that will rev up the economy more that the failed trickle-down technique. A famed economist once said that the economy is similar to a poker game . . . when one person has all the money and everyone else has exhausted their credit the game is over. That's pretty much where we're at . . .
But not any one group has all the money. The problem is that you are looking at the massive collections of wealth, and failing to actually examine where it is sitting. I think America would be astonished if it knew how much wealth is held away from the taxing power of the government by Non Profit Organizations.

Hell, I should establish an NPO, and write into its bylaws that my family and the family of my friends shall always be on salary, and thus preserve my wealth through an NPO.

It'd be legal, too, which is what's really fucked up.


Well-Known Member
good piece JO...this is why I voted for him...he is the smartest guy in the room...
There's no doubt he's a smart guy. He's so smart he's been able to trick an intellectual giant such as yourself.

Let's talk about the top 5% of income earners who Obama has targeted.

The threshold for the top 5% starts at $153,542, not $250,000. But what's a $100,000 discrepancy between friends? He's the Chosen One!

The top 5% of earners currently pay 60% of all federal income taxes. How much more should they pay? Furthermore, how much more will they pay? In the end, income taxes are voluntary and all the evil rich need to do is shrug. Reduce their incomes to subsistence levels.

The what will our hero do when the needs of the many outpace the assets of the few? The parasites are still going to demand their paychecks in exchange for their votes. And let's not forget the legions of newly unemployed who will lose their jobs when those evil rich people stop feeding the monkey.

That 5% will creep down the ladder to the top 10% of income earners. The top 10% currently pay 70% of all income taxes and the threshold for them is $108,904.