wealth distribution


New Member
People could pull themselves up by their bootstraps IF the government would stop digging so hard in their pockets that it shoves them back down again.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do know that half of the successful people where I live are worthless fuckups the other half are crooks.
You must live in late-18th Century France. If that's the case, I suggest you secure the use of a time machine and get out of there ASAP before the guillotines make an appearance. That is a toxic environment ripe for revolution.

Where I come from, people are poor because they make choices and take actions that keep them poor. The opposite is true for achievers, they make choices and take actions which result in success.


Well-Known Member

Where I come from, people are poor because they make choices and take actions that keep them poor. The opposite is true for achievers, they make choices and take actions which result in success.

Where exactly do you come from with the generalizations? I've seen successful people lose their jobs and have great difficulty getting back on track. Not everyone who is poor is that way because of their choice of actions.


Well-Known Member
Where exactly do you come from with the generalizations? I've seen successful people lose their jobs and have great difficulty getting back on track. Not everyone who is poor is that way because of their choice of actions.
Look around at some of the other posts on this thread if you want generalizations.

I don't doubt what you say is true. However, if they get on track they do not stay poor.

Bad luck has something to do with being poor. But attitude, decision making, and action (or lack thereof) has much more to do with it.


Well-Known Member
I suppose their is wisdom in the saying that "Being broke is temporary, but being poor is a state of mind." I see what you are saying Johnny.


New Member
What makes you think success is about having the most money? I don't need the biggest house, the finest car or the most expensive clothes. I don't want those things, never have.

I consider myself successful. I was bascially homeless at 17 but now I own my home, my car is paid off, my motorcycle is paid for, I also have zero credit card debt. I would call that success.


Well-Known Member
You must live in late-18th Century France. If that's the case, I suggest you secure the use of a time machine and get out of there ASAP before the guillotines make an appearance. That is a toxic environment ripe for revolution.
Yo ask him if he'll bring back a nice burgundy with him when he comes, will ya?


New Member
how to become wealthy, deepak chopra...
-- Reject fear and pessimism.
-- Know what your vision is and act upon it.
-- Don't blame others and seek payback when things go wrong.
-- Prosper inwardly through love, generosity, giving, and altruism.
-- Stop identifying with your salary and possessions.
-- Work for the common good whenever you can.


New Member
how to become wealthy, deepak chopra...
-- Reject fear and pessimism.
-- Know what your vision is and act upon it.
-- Don't blame others and seek payback when things go wrong.
-- Prosper inwardly through love, generosity, giving, and altruism.
-- Stop identifying with your salary and possessions.
-- Work for the common good whenever you can.
You forgot a few:
1. Be born to the right parents.
2. Have a rich mentor.
3. hit the lottery.
4. get run over by a UPS truck and survive.
5. end up on a quiz show with the right answers.
6. get in a homosexual relationship with a Saudi prince.
7. Break into a mobsters house and crack the safe, find millions.

There are more, but those will work if you try them.


Well-Known Member
how to become wealthy, deepak chopra...
-- Reject fear and pessimism.
-- Know what your vision is and act upon it.
-- Don't blame others and seek payback when things go wrong.
-- Prosper inwardly through love, generosity, giving, and altruism.
-- Stop identifying with your salary and possessions.
-- Work for the common good whenever you can.
And: -- eat rice crispy treats with weed in them they taste good and I'm so high I don't even know what's going on right now.


New Member
how to become wealthy, deepak chopra...
-- Reject fear and pessimism.
-- Know what your vision is and act upon it.
-- Don't blame others and seek payback when things go wrong.
-- Prosper inwardly through love, generosity, giving, and altruism.
-- Stop identifying with your salary and possessions.
-- Work for the common good whenever you can.
i would not say that i am a chopra fan but he is way above most of the mentality that is demonstrated in this lot. sorry to see your well intended post be received with such a low energy