wealth distribution


New Member
I think you've got things a little bit wrong where foodstamps and other things are concerned. To apply for food stamps you have to show the last 2 years pay stubs. If you made too much money 18 months ago, they deny you. Government agencies don't care if you are broke now, they still expect you to have the paycheck you earned 24 months ago to feed you. I know people it's happened to.

The news lately is all about the food banks being hit hard while receiving decreased donations.

Not all rich people worked their asses off to get what they have either. Most of them have had their life handed to them by wealthy parents. If bet if you traced that wealth back through time you will find some lying and deception at the root of it.


Well-Known Member
I think you've got things a little bit wrong where foodstamps and other things are concerned. To apply for food stamps you have to show the last 2 years pay stubs. If you made too much money 18 months ago, they deny you. Government agencies don't care if you are broke now, they still expect you to have the paycheck you earned 24 months ago to feed you. I know people it's happened to.

The news lately is all about the food banks being hit hard while receiving decreased donations.
And I think you missed my point about poor hungry children. There is a laundry list of programs aimed specifically at children. 51% of food stamp recipients are under 18. We spent $28.6 billion for food stamps in FY 2005.

Furthermore, if what you say is true (and I have no reason to doubt you), then that simply proves my point that social welfare programs are not designed to be a hand up. They simply encourage people to stay poor. Poor people vote Democrat.
Not all rich people worked their asses off to get what they have either. Most of them have had their life handed to them by wealthy parents. If bet if you traced that wealth back through time you will find some lying and deception at the root of it.
You seem to be under the impression that the average successful person is Thurston Howell III. If there is a leisure class at the top end of the American economic spectrum (and I will concede that there is), then there is a much larger leisure class at the other end as well.

Dismissing achievers as trust-fund babies is dishonest and plays into the class warfare strategy of the left. There are people who benefit from advantages provided by the hard work and sacrifice of their parents. I always thought this was a key component of the American dream. As an example I give you Michael Dell. He was a middle-class kid from Houston whose parents worked hard to ensure he had the tools to succeed. They wanted him to be a Doctor. They were mortified when he dropped out of college half-way through his freshman year to start a computer company in 1984. He worked his ass off to build Dell into the hugely successful business it is today. Now that he's a billionaire he still works his ass off.

There is much confusion regarding the definition of rich. Confusing the super-rich with the rich, confusing the rich with the affluent, and confusing the affluent with the middle class. Now that it appears BO has the election sewn up, he's systematically moving that dividing line down the salary scale to be more in keeping with his Democratic primary definition of rich. In the last month, that definition has been deflated by $100,000. As I pointed out previously, BO will eventually settle on $75,000 as the dividing line between rich and the middle class.


New Member
the present system is about debt so if everyone is in debt to the backs and all the banks have to do is not loan money out for long enough to fuck the system up and claim all of these things that we are in debt for then the so called wealth is just an illusion.


New Member
How many people do you know that turned 16 got a car, wrecked it and their parents bought them a new car? Their parents pay for their college party days too. I would call that having a life handed to you. If you have mommy and daddy standing behind you handing you everything you need then you aren't really earning it on your own are you?

Yes I agree, some people work hard and earn what they have, but more of them don't.


New Member
How many people do you know that turned 16 got a car, wrecked it and their parents bought them a new car? Their parents pay for their college party days too. I would call that having a life handed to you. If you have mommy and daddy standing behind you handing you everything you need then you aren't really earning it on your own are you?

Yes I agree, some people work hard and earn what they have, but more of them don't.
The born rich crowd do have a basically kushy life. I've heard that parents of rich kids tend to try and make them responsible, like saying they'll take away their trust fund, whoa, losing a trust fund, that could ruin someone for life. It would certainly make me get my lazy ass out of bed and do my chores.


Well-Known Member
How many people do you know that turned 16 got a car, wrecked it and their parents bought them a new car? Their parents pay for their college party days too. I would call that having a life handed to you. If you have mommy and daddy standing behind you handing you everything you need then you aren't really earning it on your own are you?

Yes I agree, some people work hard and earn what they have, but more of them don't.
How do you know that? You believe it, that is all.

A person may have a head start in life thanks to their parents, but if they are worthless, ultimately they will not succeed.

I am talking about successful people. Achievers. One diminishes the achievements of successful people by suggesting otherwise. Class warfare mentality.

The trust fund fuck-up is the exception, not the rule. In the end they are failures.


New Member
No the trust fund people have mom and dad there for their whole life to pay their way, just ask G W Bush, he believes in a level playing field, everyone should have the right to have a life handed to them by a rich daddy.


Well-Known Member
So we know who has mom and dad paying for things don't we? ^^^
QUESTION: How do you figure? ANSWER: You don't.

Nice try. Your lame attempt at insult is wasted on me.

I did not make poor choices and blame my station in life on other people. I am not a person who justifies my own shortcomings with wealth envy.

How do you manage to keep a job with 100% activity here?


New Member
That was actually aimed at the person above you, but your post popped in before mine, so I took it off. Settle down there killer, it'll be ok.

I didn't choose an alcholic father, I didn't choose for my mother to die of cancer when I was 17. It's a wonder that I'm not on top of a building shooting people with the way I grew up.

QUESTION: How do you figure? ANSWER: You don't.

Nice try. Your lame attempt at insult is wasted on me.

I did not makes poor choices and blame my station in life on other people. I am not a person who justifies my own shortcomings with wealth envy.

How do you manage to keep a job with 100% activity here?


Well-Known Member
That was actually aimed at the person above you, but your post popped in before mine, so I took it off. Settle down there killer, it'll be ok.

I didn't choose an alcholic father, I didn't choose for my mother to die of cancer when I was 17. It's a wonder that I'm not on top of a building shooting people with the way I grew up.
No problem. You can see how I took it otherwise.

I know it will be okay, murderess.

I'm terribly sorry about the situation you found yourself in. At some point, we all must face hurdles and obstacles in this life. How we choose to deal with them has more bearing on our success than anything else. It is true that some obstacles are so overwhelming one cannot overcome them, but I believe that those are the exceptions as well.
No the trust fund people have mom and dad there for their whole life to pay their way, just ask G W Bush, he believes in a level playing field, everyone should have the right to have a life handed to them by a rich daddy.
How many GWBs do you actually think are out there? Do they outnumber the achievers who work their assess off?


New Member
Where I live it's about equal. This is farm land but there is a high school girl who has a 2009 challenger to drive. She's just 16 but has a 50 K car to piddle around in. I went to HS with a kid who totalled 4 new cars between the ages of 16 and 18, but his parents just kept shelling out cars. Then they paid for him to party his way through college. I shudder to think of whatever field he went into, you know those grades were bought.

Then there were people like me who had to show their what their parents income was up to the age of 25 to apply for student loans. My mother was dead, my father was a drunk, I lived on my own at 17, I couldn't pay cash for school but my father wasn't about to give up any bank statements. By the time I was 25 I was too busy working 60 hours a week to have the time for college.


Well-Known Member
Where I live it's about equal. This is farm land but there is a high school girl who has a 2009 challenger to drive. She's just 16 but has a 50 K car to piddle around in. I went to HS with a kid who totalled 4 new cars between the ages of 16 and 18, but his parents just kept shelling out cars. Then they paid for him to party his way through college. I shudder to think of whatever field he went into, you know those grades were bought.

Then there were people like me who had to show their what their parents income was up to the age of 25 to apply for student loans. My mother was dead, my father was a drunk, I lived on my own at 17, I couldn't pay cash for school but my father wasn't about to give up any bank statements. By the time I was 25 I was too busy working 60 hours a week to have the time for college.
Does this mean you believe that half of the successful people in your area are worthless fuck ups? That's certainly not the case where I live. Here, the achievers work their butts off regardless of their upbringing.


New Member
I heard one those republicans during the repuke debates say, "people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps." what they don't realize is there are a lot of people that have no boots...