We won another round. Ter Beek v Wyoming


Well-Known Member
Sadly it's a slow crawl for the shift of civil rights; that is at least when the swing is in the favor of the people.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little medicated. And just thinking out loud. If "we the people" are charged with contempt, we the people usually have to pay a fine or do time (incarceration). Why then...when a local government breaks its own state laws are they not held in contempt. I feel the state should impose huge fines on these local governments who refuse to adhere to the state laws.
Who knows...maybe in another century.?


Well-Known Member
Now I'm a little more medicated. Shit!! ^^^ That won't work. They would end up having " the people" pay more taxes to pay for the fines imposed for their (local governments) contempt. Or... hell with this I'm gonna look for another topic. Lol

My glass is always full and will not let this topic get me down.


Well-Known Member
Governmental Immunity is a big part of the "puzzle" 4sho :bigjoint:

How many crimes were committed in the entrapment of the Carruthers defendants?


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt this is a win for Ter Beek brother, just as Carruthers being dropped was a win for those defendants. Although, the unreasonably expensive and repeated two steps back one step forward game of lawfare will never provide us even parity here :( We the People have been priced out of this game for quite some time now and the officials literally have a financial stake in the outcome of this topic.

Can't argue with that. We just gotta chip away until the chipping becomes a pain in their ass......