We need $75,000 more by Oct 31st to get legalization on our ballot

If MiLegalize is Bernie Sanders (peoples candidate) to Michigan Cannabis Coalition's Hilary Clinton (Corporate/establishment/law and order candidate) is there really any question to whom wins and whom becomes irrelevant in November 2016? Without the game of regulatory capture, MiLegalize and Bernie Sanders will fail just as Ron Paul had for decades prior.

How can MiLegalize out propagandize MCC in the 2016 election? $75k to buy uniforms for a local high school JV team won't change the game when the professional all stars come to town ...
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If MiLegalize is Bernie Sanders (peoples candidate) to Michigan Cannabis Coalition's Hilary Clinton (Corporate/establishment/law and order candidate) is there really any question to whom wins and whom becomes irrelevant in November 2016? Without the game of regulatory capture, MiLegalize and Bernie Sanders will fail just as Ron Paul had for decades prior.

How can MiLegalize out propagandize MCC in the 2016 election? $75k to buy uniforms for a local high school JV team won't change the game when the professional all stars come to town ...

If both initiatives get on the ballot, the voters will most likely side with MI Legalize because it allows more plants.
If both initiatives get on the ballot, the voters will most likely side with MI Legalize because it allows more plants.


Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Propaganda is synonymous with advertising/public relations, NOT reason or understanding (aka education) and it's success is directly related to funding.

If both initiatives get on the ballot, the better funded one (MCC) will get more endorsements and votes rendering the other (MiLegalize) irrelevant.
We hope you will join us at our weekly tailgate in Ann Arbor for college football's most exciting match up of the year! The Spartans and the Wolverines go head to head this Saturday, and we are going to hit the streets hard with petitions and volunteers.

Where: 723 S. Main Street in Ann Arbor. We will set you up with petitions, clipboard, pens, and instructions on where to petition. Stop by to hydrate and say hello to the MI Legalize team!

When: ALL DAY (9:00 am-7:00 pm) October 17th.

Contact: Nick Zettell @ 231.286.7898

  • ESPN COLLEGE GAMEDAY has chosen to broadcast fro Ann Arbor week. The pinnacle of pregame dialog will be taking place from 9 am – Noon and will be draw thousands of fans to rally in Ingall’s Mall in front of Rackham Auditorium. We need volunteers to hold up the MI Legalize banner at the rally in Michigan. Please let us know if you are interested. Volunteers will meet at 8 am for coffee and bagels.
  • HARBAUGH'S FIRST MSU MATCHUP Under the coaching of Ann Arbor’s prodigal son, Jim Harbaugh, U of M stands a chance to beat MSU: a team which has only conceded defeat to the Wolverines twice in the last eight seasons under their coach, MARK DANTONIO. This game is sure to attract the attention of even the most casual fans of both camps.
  • EVENING GAME The football game itself begins at 3:30 pm. This gives our volunteers plenty of time to comfortable collect signatures on the tailgates, students, visitors, and the game.
We look forward to seeing you Saturday. Wear colors supporting your team!

MI Legalize

Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Propaganda is synonymous with advertising/public relations, NOT reason or understanding (aka education) and it's success is directly related to funding.

If both initiatives get on the ballot, the better funded one (MCC) will get more endorsements and votes rendering the other (MiLegalize) irrelevant.

only one of them will go to the ballot, even if they both get the required sigs.

The one with the most sigs will be the only one going to the ballot. This is because both legalized recreational dope petitions are done by indirect legislative directive, thus they are in direct competition with each other. The one that garnered the most valid signatures will be the legalization option that the voters will see.

On the other hand, Abrogate Prohibition Michigan, being a Direct Constitutional Amendment, when it receives it's required votes, it goes directly to the ballot for the voters to decide.

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because Legalized Recreational Dope Leaves The Government In Authority Over Your Rights.
so what just got passed by the house this week?

State Guidelines for when the fools give them MORE control of your body and your endocannabinoid system by passing an indirect legislative amendment to do a limited legalization of recreational dope, and further enslave themselves to the Government.
only one of them will go to the ballot, even if they both get the required sigs.

The one with the most sigs will be the only one going to the ballot. This is because both legalized recreational dope petitions are done by indirect legislative directive, thus they are in direct competition with each other. The one that garnered the most valid signatures will be the legalization option that the voters will see.

On the other hand, Abrogate Prohibition Michigan, being a Direct Constitutional Amendment, when it receives it's required votes, it goes directly to the ballot for the voters to decide.

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because Legalized Recreational Dope Leaves The Government In Authority Over Your Rights.

Not according to this article:

"Registered voters can decide -- or decline -- to sign multiple marijuana legalization petitions. If more than one proposal for a citizen initiated law makes the ballot in 2016 and both are approved by a majority of voters, the one that receives the most votes would be enacted into law."
There is a Competition Clause on ballot initiatives that may come into play. As I understood it, only the one with the most validated sigs goes to the ballot per that clause. I may have misread or misinterpreted it. I will re read it and see how it applies again.
So none of you guys read the michigan comprehensive cannabis law reform committees proposal.I did a thread on it. don't listen to the new guy complex or what?
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