"We got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depended on it." -Michelle Obama

People attending a Trump rally. Just Jordan interviewing a few of them. The video reiterates the basic mentality of the Trump base.
Specifically paying attention to the last person interviewed; I can't help but feel for that guy. That is someone that has been taken advantage of over and over, and knows it, but can't escape what can only be described as a cult. I am not saying that to mock or ridicule him, genuine empathy towards him - and you can see that Jordan does as well.
Specifically paying attention to the last person interviewed; I can't help but feel for that guy. That is someone that has been taken advantage of over and over, and knows it, but can't escape what can only be described as a cult. I am not saying that to mock or ridicule him, genuine empathy towards him - and you can see that Jordan does as well.
It’s what happens when loyalty becomes a basis of honor. Another nation, economically and culturally great, went down that path a lifetime ago. And with AfD gaining traction, a lifetime’s lessons are being abandoned — just as US is still poisoned by resentments a full two lifetimes old.

Literally: My honor [goes by the name of] “Loyalty.”
It’s what happens when loyalty becomes a basis of honor. Another nation, economically and culturally great, went down that path a lifetime ago. And with AfD gaining traction, a lifetime’s lessons are being abandoned — just as US is still poisoned by resentments a full two lifetimes old.

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Literally: My honor [goes by the name of] “Loyalty.”
I think society really takes for granted how different history could have been. Legitimately scary how similar the world is today compared to the past.

The real heroes of this story, as Hart sees it, are America’s political parties, and the establishment politicians who kept extreme isolationists off ballots. Today, now that primary elections generally make those decisions instead, that’s a role that falls to every American.
“The responsibility has passed from party elites down to primary voters,” Hart says. “That’s something that anybody who votes in a primary should think about: Is this person I’m voting for really the right person not just for the party but for the country?”

As a reminder this isnt your 6 group of guys personal forum area, other people are allowed to use this portion of the website and you do not need to harass them for coming in and making a post that isnt against tos

not everyone is interested in being essentially ganged up on and backed into a corner everytime they want to participate.

This forum isnt what it was 3 years ago and you guys need to remember that.

Other people are allowed their space here , this isnt your personal playground.
While I disagree with the context in most of the above, it certainly isn't what it was 3 years ago. It took a while but finally looks like mission accomplished.

In an effort to comply with the desire to keep political discussion to a minimum, can I suggest creating a list of other sites that members should go to discuss politics? Maybe after a few suggestions stick it in with the guidelines. I am not suggesting to direct traffic to competing web forums with similar content as RIU, but member recommendations about non-competing web forums where quality political discussion can be had. I know the smart-ass answer is someone suggesting Reddit or some other bullshit, but hopefully there are real suggestions where actual discussion happens and not just thousands of comments thrown into the ether.

This would still allow the occasional meme to be posted or a few comments here and there, but far less likely for the ostenible harassment or anyone believeing they are being ganged up on. When someone starts getting too serious it would be easier to redirect them rather than risk it expanding to other parts, would it not? Certainly sounds like less work for moderation, if that is the actual goal.

While I vehemently disagree with some of the moderation here, I understand it is an impossible task - and thank the moderators for maintaining civility in here as much as they do. RIU should be commended for allowing as much discussion as it has.
While I disagree with the context in most of the above, it certainly isn't what it was 3 years ago. It took a while but finally looks like mission accomplished.

In an effort to comply with the desire to keep political discussion to a minimum, can I suggest creating a list of other sites that members should go to discuss politics? Maybe after a few suggestions stick it in with the guidelines. I am not suggesting to direct traffic to competing web forums with similar content as RIU, but member recommendations about non-competing web forums where quality political discussion can be had. I know the smart-ass answer is someone suggesting Reddit or some other bullshit, but hopefully there are real suggestions where actual discussion happens and not just thousands of comments thrown into the ether.

This would still allow the occasional meme to be posted or a few comments here and there, but far less likely for the ostenible harassment or anyone believeing they are being ganged up on. When someone starts getting too serious it would be easier to redirect them rather than risk it expanding to other parts, would it not? Certainly sounds like less work for moderation, if that is the actual goal.

While I vehemently disagree with some of the moderation here, I understand it is an impossible task - and thank the moderators for maintaining civility in here as much as they do. RIU should be commended for allowing as much discussion as it has.

Im not directing traffic to other forums because someone is "getting too serious" they can follow house rules or not they have the choice to do so, if they dont get warned/banned

, the goal is never to be less moderation the goal is to have a civil discussions where people are not harassed and name called, doxxed or treated like shit for voting or not voting one way or another,
The goal is to allow both or all sides civil discussion within the TOS.

people have been having a real hard time with that given that they were allowed to tell people they were gunna rape their wives, doxx them print out photos of them and jack off on their photos with literal semen and than post it here, than tell them violent threats how they were gunna kill them.

people here cant seem to comprehend that shit wont fly anymore and neither will mild name calling etc, 9/10 problematic users dont take it elsewhere on the forum they stay here.

i dont know any forum that allows that but i sure as shit aint directing them to that.

You can post whatever website you want within the tos if you wanna tell people to go have a fight somewhere with you
Trump losing isn't going to lower the price of groceries.
Trump losing isn't going to secure the border.
Trump losing isn't going to stop children trafficking.

Like I said, I'm more concerned about what is happening with the actual people of this country. The politicians are all in this for themselves.
I just experienced 4 years of trump and 4 years of Biden.....I'll take 4 more years of Biden please