I was fingering my girls,
and sniffed my fingers right after...
and got that hot knive flash high thats such a wicked trip...
a weed whip.
Do it while you're high!
His mom worked well too. XDI can confirm that this works, however I had to use your girl as well, no hard feeling =)
Ok guys I have a few personal experiences but here are somethings that have kept me higher longer and made the high stronger. Also I realize MAry affects everyone different but for the most part its all the same. Please feel free to add your ideas!
1. I found that when I smoke anytime before or even after I play basketball with friends or simply jog around I feel at least 3 times higher when I get home and watch tv. I dunno if its the adrenline or what because people say dont talk to cops while high because you will get nervous and your adrenline will kill your hi, but whenever i get my blood pumping faster it seems my high goes up. Also even if I dont smoke that day and work out really hard or run round I will still feel some high at the end. Probably because I smoke everyday and there is still some thc in me.
2. Bong!!! i think this one is obvious, bong rips get you ripped!!
3. and I also found that if your a heavy smoker like me actually quittin for a day or two will help you out. Your next hi will be better and last longer, But do you wanna wait? i never do![]()
so true. I do the same thing, but when im alone, exspecially at night, the munchies set in, bad. SO i smoke blunts, and eat at the same time!! GENIUS!!My high last longer when I eat before I smoke. If I eat when im high it drains my high.
You truly might be onto something......so true. I do the same thing, but when im alone, exspecially at night, the munchies set in, bad. SO i smoke blunts, and eat at the same time!! GENIUS!!![]()
I heard that Vitamin C inscreases your high becuase it bonds the THC to your brain for a longer time or something like that. So a big glass of OJ or some Vita C pills will get you higher for longer.
Nobody else has tried asthma inhalers? Take a hit of off one of those before or after. Opens up the bronchial tubes and BLAM - wake up in a pizza box.
forget all that workin out, quittin for a day, or any other random "gets you higher" theory.
if you change locations when you smoke you will feel way more blazed. The further you are from your comfort / saftey / usual smoking zone you will feel way higher than if you smoke in the same place all the time. You just get used to being hi in that place
if you wanna blow up your high all the way, fly to compleatly foriegn county and smoke a bowl
talk about being blazed and paranoid
When I was a kid I went to mexico with my family for vacation, i was like 14 and getting drinks at the bar (no drinking Age there)
anyway these shady kats came up to me and offered me LSD. I was like aahhhhhh no thanks but can you hook it up on some weed. anyway they got a joint for me and I paid them.
Long story short me and my sis went to a park bench and smoked that little bugger, it was mixed with tobacco I was pissed I though I got ripped off
but after we smoked it I was the only thing that was ripped
and now im looking around like, aaahhhh im blazed off my ass in the middle of mexico!! fuck i better go find my parents before they throw me in the mexican gulag, kinda made my asshole pucker up a lil
so ya, go blaze up a bowl then walk into you local police station and ask to use the bathroom
let me know if you feel higher than usual when you walk in there![]()
blunts are were its at i always get so fryed when i smoke a blunt