Watt difference in CFL?


Well-Known Member
I am just curious about the wattage difference between 300w CFL and a 300w HPS bulb? I have done my reading and had experience but obviously the lumens are different but does anyone have any knowledge on why a 300w CFL would produce the same lumens as a 40w CFL? I am just completly flustered with this.
Ya, that doesn't make sense at all.
A 200W CFL = 10k lumens and a 40 watt = 2.6k.

Where did you see a 300w is the same as a 40w in lumens?
It is just that i use 40w (48in) cfls that produce around 3k lumens but i purchased a 300w that says it produces 3900 lumens. Doesnt that seem strange, any ideas?