Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

Iam tellin you man....its that fukin Fox News....that garbage has got people completely bamboozled. They had one so called ex cia agent on there as a commentator...had Fox....the Pentagon....Rumsfeld all praising this guy as the best out there.....he just got indicted by the FBI. Complete liar and fraud. Never worked for any govt agency. Hes going to prison now. Rumsfeld and Pentagon brass were eating out of his hand before the truth came out. Washington big timers were really embarrassed over this fraud. Even when Fox knew they still had him on a few more times. Super right wing nut job too.
Iam tellin you man....its that fukin Fox News....that garbage has got people completely bamboozled. They had one so called ex cia agent on there as a commentator...had Fox....the Pentagon....Rumsfeld all praising this guy as the best out there.....he just got indicted by the FBI. Complete liar and fraud. Never worked for any govt agency. Hes going to prison now. Rumsfeld and Pentagon brass were eating out of his hand before the truth came out. Washington big timers were really embarrassed over this fraud. Even when Fox knew they still had him on a few more times. Super right wing nut job too.
I stay away from FOX. I only watched the debate they had the other day. Far as using them as a news source...pppplease
nope it is not going to happen with Bernie and he getting killed in this debate.
I wouldnt go that far. In this one he doing just fine. Certainly not getting killed. But hes up against the Clinton juggernaut. Hes go to really get down to even have a chance. Losing Iowa by a hair really sucks. He might still pull it off but i doubt more and more everyday.
I wouldnt go that far. In this one he doing just fine. Certainly not getting killed. But hes up against the Clinton juggernaut. Hes go to really get down to even have a chance. Losing Iowa by a hair really sucks. He might still pull it off but i doubt more and more everyday.
To be honest. Bernie is way to nice on Hillary. Every time he has a chance to hit her hard he does not. He got killed on his foreign policy
I remember my friends in Flint all telling me about the water quality change last year. Their plants started dying... If I recall correctly that was around the cannabis cup last year...

Since then, I always bring bottled water to their house.
Watching the debates....i cant believe the Koch Brothers and other GOP big money elites want to privatize the VA. What the fuk is wrong with these people? Republicans are truly strange. Beyond strange....thier absolutely frikin crazy. No one i know and probably you know has ANYTHING truly in common with these fuks. Why do working people all across this nation (and poor white folks of all things) keep voting for these people is beyind me. GOP true agenda is not that well hidden. And yet they get votes.
Giving veterans access to private doctors would improve their care. That's a fact.
Watching the debates....i cant believe the Koch Brothers and other GOP big money elites want to privatize the VA. What the fuk is wrong with these people? Republicans are truly strange. Beyond strange....thier absolutely frikin crazy. No one i know and probably you know has ANYTHING truly in common with these fuks. Why do working people all across this nation (and poor white folks of all things) keep voting for these people is beyind me. GOP true agenda is not that well hidden. And yet they get votes.
Homey, the GOP has been wanting to privatize the VA for years that's nothing new. All that bs talk of "market based economy" is just another gimmick to fuck veterans even more

The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention Act was held back from becoming law by (R) Tom Coburn for several years until he finally retired last year because he felt the $22 million price tag should be offset by a reduction in deficit spending. But yet GOP cares about vets, yeah right!

Look at big pharma that's market based and just look at drug prices, it gives rise to greedy, draconian assholes like Martin Skhreli who raised the price of a life savings drug 5000% because he could, that's market base for you. He went before Congress this week and basically said to them "get lost" because he was supported by the same folks who were questioning him.

21 JAN 2015Military.com | by Bryant Jordan

The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to send to the floor legislation intended to help tackle suicide among veterans.

The panel's move comes little more than a week after the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act was reintroduced to the Senate and following its overwhelming support in the House of Representatives.

The anti-suicide bill was headed for easy passage in December when it failed on a procedural maneuver by since retired Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, who killed it with a legislative hold that prevented a Senate vote. Coburn claimed the bill duplicated existing Veterans Affairs Department programs and that its $22 million price tag was not offset by cuts in other programs.

Veterans groups and military associations condemned the lawmaker's action and vowed to see the bill reintroduced as soon as the new Congress convened earlier this month. With Coburn now out of Congress, there appears to be no opposition to the bill.

The measure is named for a Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and who committed suicide in 2011. He was 28.

Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Georgia, said after the unanimous committee vote that the full Senate would quickly pass the bill.

"When you have 8,000 veterans a year committing suicide – which is more veterans than have died in all of Iraq and all of Afghanistan since we've been fighting – then you have a serious problem and this is emergency legislation that we need to pass to help our veterans," Isakson said.

The VA estimates that, on average, some 22 veterans take their own lives each day.

-- Bryant Jordan can be reached at [email protected]
Iam tellin you man....its that fukin Fox News....that garbage has got people completely bamboozled. They had one so called ex cia agent on there as a commentator...had Fox....the Pentagon....Rumsfeld all praising this guy as the best out there.....he just got indicted by the FBI. Complete liar and fraud. Never worked for any govt agency. Hes going to prison now. Rumsfeld and Pentagon brass were eating out of his hand before the truth came out. Washington big timers were really embarrassed over this fraud. Even when Fox knew they still had him on a few more times. Super right wing nut job too.
But wait, fox is "fair and balanced" I hear that all the time even on here. Wazzup with that?

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At the risk of being accused that I'm cherry picking (I'm not), I'm not going to post the whole article but you can read it in the link shown below.

Flint Water Crisis: Microcosm of Climate Denial and the Coming CYA

In the body of the text is a telling statement:

One of the first lessons is that when it comes to environmental or natural hazards issues, the public and policymakers exhibit “crisis mode” behavior. Officials are resigning. Organizations and celebrities are scrambling to send clean water to Flint. The public is asking how this can happen. In reality, there were likely warning signs of this looming crisis all along. We see this often in weather and climate. For example, it took Hurricane Sandy to drive dramatic budget increases for the computing power boosts that meteorologists long knew that it needed to improve weather prediction capabilities in the United States. And as Jeffrey Kluger wrote in Time magazine,

GOES-East (weather satellite) was now winking out — in the final month of a hurricane season (note: 2012,the one that gave us Sandy)

Over the past few years, there has been concern about whether new replacement polar and geosynchronous weather satellites would make it to orbit before older systems failed. Crises like the one Kluger describes amplify the urgency. For now, it seems that things have stabilized on this front after the Government Accountability Office placed this issue in its “high risk” report in 2015


In line with B4L and 1991s' posts on the debate, this article pretty much lays out how politicians are disregarding everything we learned in the last century to prepare for natural disasters and act proactively to maintain infrastructure like water supply. All this lines up with a big one on the horizon, climate change. While the article skirts on party affiliation, we know who is cutting funds for infrastructure, denying basic science to the point that a city is poisoned and setting us up for some pretty hairy scenarios when the pigeons come home to roost regarding global warming. Its all GOP bullshit leading us down this path. But like Flint water and Katrina, they will deny there is anything wrong until it happens. Afterward, they will blame anybody but themselves.

Get these blood suckers out of office.
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At the risk of being accused that I'm cherry picking (I'm not), I'm not going to post the whole article but you can read it in the link shown below.

Flint Water Crisis: Microcosm of Climate Denial and the Coming CYA

In the body of the text is a telling statement:

One of the first lessons is that when it comes to environmental or natural hazards issues, the public and policymakers exhibit “crisis mode” behavior. Officials are resigning. Organizations and celebrities are scrambling to send clean water to Flint. The public is asking how this can happen. In reality, there were likely warning signs of this looming crisis all along. We see this often in weather and climate. For example, it took Hurricane Sandy to drive dramatic budget increases for the computing power boosts that meteorologists long knew that it needed to improve weather prediction capabilities in the United States. And as Jeffrey Kluger wrote in Time magazine,

GOES-East (weather satellite) was now winking out — in the final month of a hurricane season (note: 2012,the one that gave us Sandy)

Over the past few years, there has been concern about whether new replacement polar and geosynchronous weather satellites would make it to orbit before older systems failed. Crises like the one Kluger describes amplify the urgency. For now, it seems that things have stabilized on this front after the Government Accountability Office placed this issue in its “high risk” report in 2015


In line with B4L and 1991s' posts on the debate, this article pretty much lays out how politicians are disregarding everything we learned in the last century to prepare for natural disasters and act proactively to maintain infrastructure like water supply. All this lines up with a big one on the horizon, climate change. While the article skirts on party affiliation, we know who is cutting funds for infrastructure, denying basic science to the point that a city is poisoned and setting us up for some pretty hairy scenarios when the pigeons come home to roost regarding global warming. Its all GOP bullshit leading us down this path. But like Flint water and Katrina, they will deny there is anything wrong until it happens. Afterward, they will blame anybody but themselves.

Get these blood suckers out of office.

WTF!!! Way to turn complete government incompetance into a call for more global warming action... LOL!!! THE TWO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. FLINT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WEATHER....

Shit, try to stay vaguely on point here...
WTF!!! Way to turn complete government incompetance into a call for more global warming action... LOL!!! THE TWO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. FLINT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WEATHER....

Shit, try to stay vaguely on point here...

Commerce over humanity. Global warming cost too much, so does clean water.

Why should we change the oil? We can finance a new one with our retirement savings and the Global Economy wins!

We do have the keys to the Global Economy main office, right? or is it just a toll free number?
100 dollars to treat the water a day. For the whole city right? Or is that per connection?

Epa, mdeq, Mayor, EM are for sure going down.

We will have to wait for the investigation to know about snyder.
100 dollars to treat the water a day. For the whole city right? Or is that per connection?

Epa, mdeq, Mayor, EM are for sure going down.

We will have to wait for the investigation to know about snyder.

If it was your house / child would $100 be too much?

They will end up spending more trying to figure out weather or not they should impose a handicap tax exemption on the upcoming generation. (or not, could be good for commerce)
If it was your house / child would $100 be too much?

They will end up spending more trying to figure out weather or not they should impose a handicap tax exemption on the upcoming generation. (or not, could be good for commerce)
Not saying it would be. I was just wondering.

Their effort to cost cut without taking the appropriate safety measures is going to end up costing the state millions upon millions.

All those affected will now need medical care and reimbursement.

The pipes are now ruined and will need complete replacement. Meanwhile all the citizens will need safe water delivered to them by other means.

Is it even possible to live there anymore? Will we see emergency housing go up outside the city where there is a safe water source?

It is a huge mess and will take years to clean up and decades to uncover the lasting effects of the poisoning.
100 dollars to treat the water a day. For the whole city right? Or is that per connection?

Epa, mdeq, Mayor, EM are for sure going down.

We will have to wait for the investigation to know about snyder.
100 dollars to treat the water a day. For the whole city right? Or is that per connection?

Epa, mdeq, Mayor, EM are for sure going down.

We will have to wait for the investigation to know about snyder.
You right it was $100@day for the entire city, a little more than $3000 a month was too much.

Disgraceful right?

WTF!!! Way to turn complete government incompetance into a call for more global warming action... LOL!!! THE TWO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. FLINT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WEATHER....

Shit, try to stay vaguely on point here...
This from the person that told me because cars kill more people than guns then gun deaths weren't important.

Both issues are rife with right wing science denial and mania of cost reduction at the expense of all else. Right wing science deniers have been in office long enough for the dark side of cost cutting to show. Flint is just the beginning.
This from the person that told me because cars kill more people than guns then gun deaths weren't important.

Both issues are rife with right wing science denial and mania of cost reduction at the expense of all else. Right wing science deniers have been in office long enough for the dark side of cost cutting to show. Flint is just the beginning.
The cost cutting would of worked fine if the dumbasses had paid attention to the PH of the water.