Water Filtration?


Hey RIU! Lately I've been having a bit of trouble with my water supply and thought I'd turn to the forum for some information. I've got a 5k set up, and my girls are drinking around 20-25 gallons every 3 days. My tap water comes out anywhere from 270-350 TDS (definitely not optimal). For the past month or two I've been lugging five 5-gallon water jugs to the store every 3 days and am spending somewhere around 80$ a month on purified water. Not to mention transferring the water from the 5 gallons into individual one gallons and then individually watering the plants is arduous to say the least. I've got a faucet and shower right off the grow room that are available to use, and could likely access the hose outside the window if necessary. My question is : What do you guys do for water if your tap is unacceptable, and what can I do to minimize labor associated with watering? I know there are some filters that can reduce TDS but most seem to function predominately for dechlorination. I'm envisioning two 50 gallon barrels in my bathroom, some type of filter hooked to my showerhead and a water pump/hose running from the buckets that is long enough to water plants approx 25 feet away. Any tips or recommendations guys?

Thanks All



Well-Known Member

Honestly, if you're spending close to $100 a month on purified water just get a RO system, itll pay for itself in 2 months... after you install it its literally just turning the tap on and watering... RO systems are not just for dechlorination it'll filter out almost everything you dont want in water like heavy metals... Attach a hose to wherever your water source and lead it into your grow room?