Water Cure Vs. Air Cure


Active Member
3 to 4 days with water going through activated charcoal to refill whilst draining. and then hang like you would an air cure.


Started water curing a couple of years ago because smoking air cured was bothering my wife’s bronchitis. As far as the effect goes I cannot tell a difference using the same volume. Smell and taste are both very mild. While we have switched to a vaporizer we still prefer the milder taste of water cured and experience less throat irritation.

I water cure by soaking for 5-6 days in distilled water; changing the water daily and keeping at about 70 degrees.
Here is a picture of before and after. As you can see the color changes to a dark green and the buds shrink in size.

water cured.jpg


Active Member
I don't quite understand the benefits of a water cure! Surely oit goes against everything you learn when growing marijuana?


Active Member
How can you not understand, just read trough everything everyone says. Water curing is going to remove all the contamination such as dust or other particles you don't see on your bud, making it smoother to hit and better for you, but at the cost of losing flavor and weight after the process is done.


Well-Known Member
The problem with water curing is that starch, the main thing you're trying to reduce in a cure, is water insoluble. A plant dried and cured normally has a chance to break down these starches to sugars, and then burn them off through respiration.

If you dunk the buds immediately after cutting, you will not give the plant a chance to break down the remaining starches.


Well-Known Member
Fuck water curing just dry it normally man...if it ain't broke don't fix it....water curing I've heard it all now lol