Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........


Well-Known Member
Not to be a dink, but I was in the military myself as my father was. My father used to tell me about the news reels (yes, that old) they used to watch as part of their military training & it was when the Japanese were fighting the Chinese. They hatted the bastards. Even pitchforking people to death tossing babies around & what not.

I always thought he exaggerated some but when you see what the germans did to the jews its not a hard stretch to see how far people can go to kill each other.

I understand hating someone. I got that. I even understand killing someone.. Not to agree with it, just saying I can at least get my head wrapped around it. But what can a person do to another person that makes them kill women, children etc. raping whole generations of women even as young as 7, putting tires around peoples necks & burning them etc. That I don't get. I cant stomp a baby squirrel so how the fuck can you stomp a baby just because someone of the same what ever, ethnic background (if thats the right wording) pissed you off or killed your dad or what ever? How does a human become a nonhuman in your eyes?

Why can't peoples angers be directed in the proper direction? You piss me off so I kill you. Make sense (NOT ADVOCATION OF VIOLENCE IN ANY WAY! JUST MAKING STATEMENT). Not you pissed me off so I'm going to kill you, your kids, your neighbor & anyone else in your home town. & killing is the nicest thing they do. Rape, torture, the Germans making parents decide which child to kill etc? What the fuck is that?? That sort of thing is SOO far beyond human comprehension.

I know I'm going to flak for saying this, but there no way that's a human mind at work. There's a verse in the Bible that basically says "we fight not against people but against powers & principalities (Paraphrased probably beyond recognition)

It's a strange strange world we live in.

great.. now Im bummed.. going to have to search the joke threads now..


Well-Known Member
was watching the military channel the other day and they were doing a documentary on the 'Bataan Death March' in which the Japs murdered over 30,000 pow's, but the thing was during the documentary they had an advertisement for the JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE RELIEF FUND. I looked at that and said 'wtf, they can go to hell".
an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind - ghandi


Well-Known Member
well i do agree about that, we probably aborted the person that was supposed to cure cancer, how do we know?
I don't know if you're blind or just retarded but we've had the cure... the government has had a patent on the cure. They will just never allow any one to use it because they'd rather have that billions of cash flow from deadly pharmaceuticals. You really that blindly patriotic to this piece of shit place?

Patent 6630507, ask our department of health and safety why we can't use our medicine. Then look in the mirror, and swallow a knife... do the world a favor, rid it of another drain on society.

Might as well change your name to Hellen Keller, because bitch you'll never get it. :roll:

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
I don't know if you're blind or just retarded but we've had the cure... the government has had a patent on the cure. They will just never allow any one to use it because they'd rather have that billions of cash flow from deadly pharmaceuticals. You really that blindly patriotic to this piece of shit place?

Patent 6630507, ask our department of health and safety why we can't use our medicine. Then look in the mirror, and swallow a knife... do the world a favor, rid it of another drain on society.

Might as well change your name to Hellen Keller, because bitch you'll never get it. :roll:
you will believe anything loser, do you know what a kamakazi is? they were the only good japs in ww2, lmao@you


Well-Known Member
you will believe anything loser, do you know what a kamakazi is? they were the only good japs in ww2, lmao@you
I'm not the blind troll trying to get attention by bashing an entire people in times of hard ship.

Therefor, dick in your mouth.

Un sub'd, blocked, ignored. Keep being the cliche blind American you are, you might just end up in office :roll:

and by the way... just to let you know how literally dumb you are. The patent is there for the public to see, it's not hidden, it's not fake... it's just not spoken of. For fuck sakes, stupid, it's a legal document. :roll: So yeah I will believe anything I see that is REAL... you complete, and utter dolt.


Well-Known Member
propaganda? are you fucking serious? are you saying Bataan didn't happen? you are stupid
Sure it happened. But I (along with any other japanese born after 1943) had nothing to do with it. So why use Bataan as an example to categorize an entire race as evil?

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
I'm not the blind troll trying to get attention by bashing an entire people in times of hard ship.

Therefor, dick in your mouth.

Un sub'd, blocked, ignored. Keep being the cliche blind American you are, you might just end up in office :roll:

and by the way... just to let you know how literally dumb you are. The patent is there for the public to see, it's not hidden, it's not fake... it's just not spoken of. For fuck sakes, stupid, it's a legal document. :roll: So yeah I will believe anything I see that is REAL... you complete, and utter dolt.
so cannabis is a cure all? lmao, you are as stupid as you are a bleeding heart, what a fool


Well-Known Member
And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it not too long ago that white people (you) had slaves? But you don't see me going around calling all white people slave owners/racists. Because YOU had nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
You are lumping the Japanese government of 60 years ago and the Japanese citizens of today together. You can't do that. As an American and a Human your comments embarrass me.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
Sure it happened. But I (along with any other japanese born after 1943) had nothing to do with it. So why use Bataan as an example to categorize my race (1/2) as evil?
not categorizing your 1/2 race, just dont want to donate to it ether, too many Americans suffering, japan is not on my list

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it not too long ago that white people (you) had slaves? But you don't see me going around calling all white people slave owners/racists. Because YOU had nothing to do with it.
you can blame eastern europe for that one, esp. england, who said i am white?