Watched The Military Channel The Other Day And...........


Well-Known Member
Dude, you can't blame the people of today for things being done yesterday by people who look like them.
I guess the thousands of japanese children and babies just deserved what came to them?

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
if you are talking about what happened in ww2, sorry, but what happened to them was too bad. as far as the earthquake relief fund, which is what i started about, then no, they don't deserve it, i just won't pay to bail them out, AGAIN. let me ask you this, what would the Japenese have done to the USA children if they would've invaded?

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
naw not really, just angry at stupid Americans only, time to feed our own, clothe our own ,shelter our own. we have to protect every country, why? japanese are smart people, they can figure it out, we did. don't be offended unless you are one of them, if you are ,the hell with you too

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Dude, you can't blame the people of today for things being done yesterday by people who look like them.
I guess the thousands of japanese children and babies just deserved what came to them?

duh, yes. and white children should suffer an acid bath for slavery. german children should all be hanging upside down by their toenails because of the holocaust. and fuck those jews because of what they did to christ. their kids should just be aborted. of course.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
duh, yes. and white children should suffer an acid bath for slavery. german children should all be hanging upside down by their toenails because of the holocaust. and fuck those jews because of what they did to christ. their kids should just be aborted. of course.
not saying to do anything to the japanese children, just don't think i will be donating to the earthquake relief, let me ask you this, how many Americans over 60 , do you think donated? my guess, not many, you just can't throw up your hands to them and say 'we good now right' ,nope they remember.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
not saying to do anything to the japanese children, just don't think i will be donating to the earthquake relief, let me ask you this, how many Americans over 60 , do you think donated? my guess, not many, you just can't throw up your hands to them and say 'we good now right' ,nope they remember.
my mother is 67 and she donated. you would have to be in your 70's to have your own memories of ww11. my mother was born when it was going on/ending. she doesn't hate any japanese and never did. do you think the vietnamese would donate to the US if the the situation were different? this type of hate hoarding is just not helpful. so at exactly what point DO we "throw up our hands to them and say 'we good now right'"? 10 years? 40? ever? i just think it's strange thinking coming from an american, whose own country has committed plenty of atrocities in the name of expansion or survival or what have you.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
my mother is 67 and she donated. you would have to be in your 70's to have your own memories of ww11. my mother was born when it was going on/ending. she doesn't hate any japanese and never did. do you think the vietnamese would donate to the US if the the situation were different? this type of hate hoarding is just not helpful. so at exactly what point DO we "throw up our hands to them and say 'we good now right'"? 10 years? 40? ever? i just think it's strange thinking coming from an american, whose own country has committed plenty of atrocities in the name of expansion or survival or what have you.
Well the point here is, at least my point, i will not help japan , where are all these bleeding hearts for the people of Appalachia(sp), the homeless vets, etc? guess running that ad during a documentary of the bataan death march was ill conceived


Well-Known Member
Well the point here is, at least my point, i will not help japan , where are all these bleeding hearts for the people of Appalachia(sp), the homeless vets, etc? guess running that ad during a documentary of the bataan death march was ill conceived
I think the issue lies deeper within you. You said your a vietnam veteran, right? Maybe you don`t want to donate to Japan, because you want to think that the energy, time and sacrifice you and your family put into that war was not just something for the agendas of countrys, something the country wants to accomplish using someone like you. No. You want to think that war was just like propaganda said, you felt it was much more important. Your attitude was go on boys, lets do this for the country without excessive questioning.

Now your here as a VN veteran, talking about how you aren`t going to donate money to Japan because you saw the message in combination with a war documentary. Are you just realising that the human to human wars fought up to this day were utter, needless bullshit and that we would of achived much more if we worked together?

I`m sure if a mega storm hit the US you would appreciate the help given? Would other countries want to help you? If they don`t, are they wrong to not do so? Ask yourself these questions and see it from different points of view!

A lot of people already stated, the world will rise together!!

And just for me to remind you, if you hate Japan so much, countries like the USA are using 3rd world countries for their resources, screwing them up with debt and going over there for holiday trips. At least your on the easier side and would paying $5 fuck you up so much? Its not like the enemy in vietnam so wanted to fight with you so, STOP HATING!!

I honestly can`t stand for all that narrow minded patriotic bullshit in this world. The question is, how long does it take to forgive&forget?


Well-Known Member
if you are talking about what happened in ww2, sorry, but what happened to them was too bad. as far as the earthquake relief fund, which is what i started about, then no, they don't deserve it, i just won't pay to bail them out, AGAIN. let me ask you this, what would the Japenese have done to the USA children if they would've invaded?

You feel so high and mighty? Bout 65% of casualties in iraq are civilian.


Well-Known Member
Angry Pollock, if you want to do the right thing, I`d say go and donate something. I think it would help you more than it would the Japanese

Oh, a lot of things I use say made in Japan, lol Do yours?

Maybe don`t forget about the cheap labour your country gets too.


Active Member
Angry Pollock, I wish that people like your kind would take all that dark energy and turn it into usefull energy.

You don't think that 99% of the people in this world have access to that kind of hate????

Just alot of people try to turn from it. That hate only hurts yourself. How are you feeling right now??? empowered? I doubt not.

Try it for awhile, when you start to feel hate, deny it. It is a great feeling.

Peace to you all.


Well-Known Member
What does WWII have to do with a (mostly) natural disaster such as we see in Japan? you hate all Germans too? That said, I don't think I'll ever contribute through mass means again, such as the text 99999 stuff etc. Did that several times for Haiti and a year later most of the money had yet to be spent.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
Do any of you bleeding hearts donate to Americas homeless? i donate time and money to homeless vets and homeless citizens, work at food banks etc. as far as me hating on Japan, i don't hate them i just won't help them, charity begins at home. as a VN vet i ALWAYS questioned why we were there, still do, so don't give me that rah rah shit. you see American bleeding hearts only do whats cool now,not take care of Americans first. The earthquake relief will soon be forgotten ,but there will still be needy people in the good old USA. As far as HAITI goes, you ever been there? I have , i got opinions about why it happened to them, probably the same reason for Katrina hitting NO .


Well-Known Member
was watching the military channel the other day and they were doing a documentary on the 'Bataan Death March' in which the Japs murdered over 30,000 pow's, but the thing was during the documentary they had an advertisement for the JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE RELIEF FUND. I looked at that and said 'wtf, they can go to hell". sorry but i am sick and tired of bailing these dumass countries out, charity begins at home and that is where it should stay:finger:

your going to let 60 year old propaganda judge a people that the majority were not even born yet?