Was that a great debate or what?

"ALL 518" How do you tie your fucking shoes!? Show me a more accurate poll
"ALL 518" What have shoes got to do with it. Oh, yeah, you think that some how makes sense. Which poll is more accurate is irrelevant, you chose what is arguably the single most biased source you could have possibly found, and expect us to swallow it hook, line, and sinker? Not going to happen. Don't get angry that people dismiss you, it's up to you to earn that respect. With your terrorist wanna be attitude, I don't see that happening any time soon.
"ALL 518" What have shoes got to do with it. Oh, yeah, you think that some how makes sense. Which poll is more accurate is irrelevant, you chose what is arguably the single most biased source you could have possibly found, and expect us to swallow it hook, line, and sinker? Not going to happen. Don't get angry that people dismiss you, it's up to you to earn that respect. With your terrorist wanna be attitude, I don't see that happening any time soon.

You're calling a collection of 518 different polls, including a FOX NEWS poll, liberal bias. I asked you to provide a more accurate one. Can you do it or not?
"ALL 518" What have shoes got to do with it. Oh, yeah, you think that some how makes sense. Which poll is more accurate is irrelevant, you chose what is arguably the single most biased source you could have possibly found, and expect us to swallow it hook, line, and sinker? Not going to happen. Don't get angry that people dismiss you, it's up to you to earn that respect. With your terrorist wanna be attitude, I don't see that happening any time soon.

you sound upset. you gonna go burn an effigy of obama and webcam it for stormfront or something? maybe misspell some more words around your nobel prize winning colleagues? go hire a discount hooker to lose that virginity of yours?
You're an idiot. Seriously what the hell is your problem? First you post garbage graphs. Then once you get caught up on that, you come up with some bullshit list. Your poll census is over sampling liberal polls by a considerable margin. FOX news or no FOX news, you read the Huffington post, so that means right off the top you support Obama. Nobody is fooled with your bullshit poll. Polls should be compared to each other. Each one is different in some way or other. There is no master poll with all the right answers. You just think it works like a batting average because you're an amateur.

Fuck the poll I posted. I googled "Obama v. Romney poll numbers", that was the first hit. But fuck it, forget it.

Last time guys, can you find a more accurate poll? Can you do it or not? Stop posturing, stop bitching about liberal bias, find me a more accurate poll and post it. How the fuck hard is it? Go ahead, I'll wait...

Yeah, fuck the polls when Obama's ahead, huh?

Posted less than 5 hours ago.

And then it stopped being exciting 4 hours and 59 minutes ago. Felt good for a minute, but I've already forgotten about it. Its 4th quarter and conservatives are playing this out like we're down by 14 regardless of what the polls say.
a poll comprised of all the data from 518 different polls from different sources are skewed . . .says the nobel prize winners assistant bigot . . . makes sense, especially since he has reason to why they are skewed . . i would except a percentage of the list od polls of which were skewed and in what way they leaned to show its just more hot air statistics . . but when you asked him to prove it . . . .pure gold . . .as in silence
You were championing that poll this morning when you thought Romney was ahead, I post a more accurate one consisting of over 500 different polls combined showing the opposite, you complain about liberal bias, I ask you to post a more accurate one, and then all of a sudden the polls don't matter.

You know what we call that 'round these parts?
. . .says the nobel prize winners assistant bigot . . .

You must be talking about the Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama's assistant,.. Joe Biden. Didn't Obama get that award just after getting into office? Right before he bombed Libya and sent troops to Afghanistan with his perpetual war?

You were championing that poll this morning when you thought Romney was ahead, I post a more accurate one consisting of over 500 different polls combined showing the opposite, you complain about liberal bias, I ask you to post a more accurate one, and then all of a sudden the polls don't matter.

You know what we call that 'round these parts?

I follow the betting sites way more than the polls. Bookies are scary good with this stuff.

Right now intrade and betfair have Obama at 65-69% winner right now. They way it's looking right now there is a very real possibility Romney could win the popular vote and lose the election.
I follow the betting sites way more than the polls. Bookies are scary good with this stuff.

Right now intrade and betfair have Obama at 65-69% winner right now. They way it's looking right now there is a very real possibility Romney could win the popular vote and lose the election.

That outcome wouldnt suprise me at all. I dont think that will happen, I do believe there will be an outright winner.
a poll comprised of all the data from 518 different polls from different sources are skewed . . .says the nobel prize winners assistant bigot . . . makes sense, especially since he has reason to why they are skewed . . i would except a percentage of the list od polls of which were skewed and in what way they leaned to show its just more hot air statistics . . but when you asked him to prove it . . . .pure gold . . .as in silence
I saw your usual retard post quoted, so I temporarily have taken you off my "dumb-asses too stupid to look at" list. I challenge you to show any post I ever made claiming I was a Nobel Prize winner's assistant. You and the nut case libtard you worship both keep claiming this, though it has never happened. Put up or shut up, stupid.
Romney pissed me off. you DO NOT get in my presidents face AND you do NOT "subtly" usher my president to sit down. Dominance is one thing but you do not dominant the president. in my eyes romney is just person like you and i and if he really wanted to impress me... he should have shown respect. i like how Obama handled it, being patient and not giving hasty answers under pressure.

hypothetically if this was a debate in my own house (it kind was - THE USA!) i would have ejected romney. it was heated and i believe if you focus more on how they act in this situation rather than what they say (who can trust that nowadays) you get the real winner!
I follow the betting sites way more than the polls. Bookies are scary good with this stuff.

Right now intrade and betfair have Obama at 65-69% winner right now. They way it's looking right now there is a very real possibility Romney could win the popular vote and lose the election.

Intrade is down to 63...
I follow the betting sites way more than the polls. Bookies are scary good with this stuff.

Right now intrade and betfair have Obama at 65-69% winner right now. They way it's looking right now there is a very real possibility Romney could win the popular vote and lose the election.

I don't believe that any such betting site is taking into account voter suppression. I don't believe that Silver is either. I trust Nate Silver's predictions more than I do anyone else. Loved his book. Five Thirty Eight gives Obama a 65.7 percent chance of winning. 50.01 percent popular vote with Romney something like 48.9.

http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/author/nate-silver/ check it out, an interesting stat is the relative likely hood that an individual voter will determine the electoral winnner.