Warren Vows Secretary of Education Job Dependent On Random Transexual Child's Personal Approval

Is it mysoginistic to view Warren's policy as illogical, and a bit hysterical?

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you did. Then didn’t. Then half did again

All within a matter of minutes!

You are just a very credible poster whose claims should be believed. You are the poster child of logic and reason
Lol "this just in"... "sites biggest troll tries to call out credibility when confronted with arguments unable to respond to" ... "Decides he's judge on issues he has no clue about"
Which First Nation are you?
Lakota. You?
I don't claim it, but my dad was half Lakota. I don't know much about the res life, we left when I was young.
Psst. You're white.
And you're never lived on the rez.

judging someone based on their ethnicity is incredibly racist.
You're not being judged by the color your skin but by your actions, pretendian.

I'm at a Pow-Wow with Warren. One sec.
Some embrace their blood and some don't. These are facts. Im not full. I've never claimed to be.

holy shit.gif
Lol "this just in"... "sites biggest troll tries to call out credibility when confronted with arguments unable to respond to" ... "Decides he's judge on issues he has no clue about"
im gonna be the bad guy here and state the obvious

Your days long meth fueled skinhead racism spree has not done any favors for your shitty propaganda campaign

You hate to have to say it but there it is buddy
@UncleBuck is extremely credible. He has always been true to his morals and has even called out his own allies consitently when he felt it was necessary. Dude has a ton of integrity along with my respect.

In fact OP is projecting. This thread was a troll attempt all along. He was unable to respond to a native woman when called out about his bigotry and he's having a complete histrionic meltdown after calling people "hysterical woke triggered libtard" for days.
I'm at a Pow-Wow with Warren. One sec.
Lol "this just in"... "sites biggest troll tries to call out credibility when confronted with arguments unable to respond to" ... "Decides he's judge on issues he has no clue about"
Pus headed lout you have no 'argument'. Your feeble whining is grotesque and wilfully ignorant.

The hobbled protests of the resentful, frustrated and shit choked are common on riu. Youre like the 10,000th asshole to have his wig split, juvenile beliefs dashed and imbecile self importance shit on. Get that cranial cyst treated pus head. Go now Running Cyst
I guess Warrens policy wasn't hysterical??? I get called out by a full blood and get my pee pee stepped on, but somehow that makes the point proposed irrelevant?
Wow, Ya I'm pretty much white, I didn't think you were native and I quickly responded, I really don't care what you believe its not going to change the facts.
I can respect that, so please understand that natives will take exception to you claiming native heritage while mocking sacred customs.

kepmite'tmnej ta'n teli l'nuwulti'kw kepmite'tmnej ta'n wettapeksulti'k
I can respect that, so please understand that natives will take exception to you claiming native heritage while mocking sacred customs.

kepmite'tmnej ta'n teli l'nuwulti'kw kepmite'tmnej ta'n wettapeksulti'k
Sure. You must be talking about the Pow-Wow comment as insensitive? Apologies. When I've messaged my other native friends the Warren memes they laugh their asses off, that's why I thought you were full of poop and reasponded so quickly. I'm not sure what you said at the bottom.
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I'd vote for her because she's not Trump
I've repeatedly said the same. Id rather someone else, but if she's the person then great. Ive painted myself as a Warren hater, posting all the memes, but this is untrue. I think her and Bernie have the same policies pretty much, and I like most of both their policies.
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Sure. You must be talking about the Pow-Wow comment as insensitive? Apologies. When I've messaged my other native friends the Warren memes they laugh their asses off, that's why I thought you were full of poop and reasponded so quickly.
I don't doubt they laugh. Everyone elbow ribs within their own circle.
I'm not sure what you said at the bottom.
"Let us greatly respect and honor our native people" ;)

fixed. thank you.
Now its time to burn
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I think we can all agree she was pandering to her audience here and that just not a good look for someone who is already dealing with a pretty bad integrity problem to begin with. Me personally I want a candidate that stands for things no matter who the audience is and not one that just says whatever she thinks the audience at the moment wants to hear.
I think we can all agree she was pandering to her audience here and that just not a good look for someone who is already dealing with a pretty bad integrity problem to begin with. Me personally I want a candidate that stands for things no matter who the audience is and not one that just says whatever she thinks the audience at the moment wants to hear.
Speaking of integrity problems, don’t you dicksuck a guy who is known for telling 16000 lies?