
Odd, they never mention taking out the Kerch bridge to cut off and trap the Russians in Crimea, after possibly splitting them in the south, or going the long way through Luhansk and Donbas.

One reason not to destroy the Kerch bridge would be partly political, all the Russians and Russian loyalists are using it to flee Crimea. This would depopulate the region of Russian sympathizers and loyalists and leave an escape route for Russian troops, but perhaps not their equipment, tanks would be worn out getting there without rail transport and everything could be out of fuel.

if they trap the russians in crimea with no exit, some will surrender, but some will fight to the end...better to give them an exit to take, then make it impossible for them to use it again to renter the country.
if they trap the russians in crimea with no exit, some will surrender, but some will fight to the end...better to give them an exit to take, then make it impossible for them to use it again to renter the country.
not impossible, just expensive for now (imo). Trade with Russia will resume once the Russians have addressed matters of current internal politics. It’s also a straight line to trade with Kazakhstan and other resource-rich nations east.
Commandos in terrain buggies are becoming a hallmark image of Ukrainian warfighting.
Slow responding Russian artillery can't keep up with them and their communications are poor too, they use drones to scout ahead, so there are no surprises. They probably operate mostly at night using night vision, since the Russians don't have much, and the drones can see even better with Infared at night and in the cold.
love the use of the buggies......
It's probably the mortar teams in the half tons a mile or two back that are causing the most damage. A few guys in a half ton with a mortar can setup quick and carry a lot of rounds in the back while keeping up with the smaller stuff. The drone teams can tell them what's around for miles and designate targets day or night.
Slow responding Russian artillery can't keep up with them and their communications are poor too, they use drones to scout ahead, so there are no surprises. They probably operate mostly at night using night vision, since the Russians don't have much, and the drones can see even better with Infared at night and in the cold.
it seems like the correct time to be using night vision.

It's probably the mortar teams in the half tons a mile or two back that are causing the most damage. A few guys in a half ton with a mortar can setup quick and carry a lot of rounds in the back while keeping up to the smaller stuff. The drone teams can tell them what's around for miles and designate targets day or night.

from the looks of the Vehicles, they look like strike teams, one with a rocket mounted system and another with machine gun, which is good, as long as they run silent they should be good, makes me wonder what kind of motors they are using........if it's what i think it is, they can get around very swiftly.....there is a US version of them too
Notice the big mufflers on the back, if they were electric, they would be silent using quiet tires. The only way the Russians know they are around by sound at night.
Electrics will possibly be the next generation. They’ll need Zapo back and a source of batteries not associated with Treasla.

… an advantage of internal combustion is light weight and improved field servicing, e. g. gas&go.
it seems like the correct time to be using night vision.

View attachment 5208555
A no brainer if ya got it and they do, and these are the people who would be using it, along with drones that can see in the dark and through vegetation. It gives a feller racing up the road in a dune buggy at night a lot of confidence that there are no nasty surprises lying in wait. The buggies are probably light enough not to set off Russian antitank mines as the fly over them.

love the armorment packages they're doing

i knew they got the contract.......they do make nice frames....

Just the thing for exploiting breakthroughs by the tanks, artillery, drone force and infantry working together. These things pour through into the enemy rear blocking and ambushing reinforcement, driving for HQs and to take control of vital bridges and road junctions. Sowing confusion and chaos among the enemy as they get radio reports of units far to their rear coming under fire.
Just the thing for exploiting breakthroughs by the tanks, artillery, drone force and infantry working together. These things pour through into the enemy rear blocking and ambushing reinforcement, driving for HQs and to take control of vital bridges and road junctions. Sowing confusion and chaos among the enemy as they get radio reports of units far to their rear coming under fire.

with a vehicle like that, and it's ability to just go about anywhere on the map, i'm pretty sure they are being used as a quick strike/ scout force. They slide in to give GPS to the artillary or other units, scout it...and boom

love the armorment packages they're doing

i knew they got the contract.......they do make nice frames....

They have one more endearing feature; they can operate off road and over fields that would turn to mud under heavy equipment. These things and perhaps half tons with the right tires could go over fields of stubble, cross country this fall and winter. The Russian tanks and APCs confined on the roads this fall, and winter could be picked off at night from the fields and woods and the Ukrainians could seize key supply routes and junctions far to their rear. The mobile war might not stop with the mud season, just don't travel in column over the fields with light but deadly vehicles. A Javelin on a buggy packs as much punch as a tank and stingers take care of enemy tactical air power.
They have one more endearing feature; they can operate off road and over fields that would turn to mud under heavy equipment. These things and perhaps half tons with the right tires could go over fields of stubble, cross country this fall and winter. The Russian tanks and APCs confined on the roads this fall, and winter could be picked off at night from the fields and woods and the Ukrainians could seize key supply routes and junctions far to their rear. The mobile war might not stop with the med season, just don't travel in column over the fields with light but deadly vehicles. A Javelin on a buggy packs as much punch as a tank and stingers take care of enemy tactical air power.
just so. During mud season (which is starting) they and the quadrotor mosquitoes are just the thing for pinpointing bogged-down infantry and armor, to the enemy’s possible detriment.
just so. During mud season (which is starting) they and the quadrotor mosquitoes are just the thing for pinpointing bogged-down infantry and armor, to the enemy’s possible detriment.
The Russians lost 1.5 million winter uniforms through corruption, they are fucked, and we have already planned and sent winter gear to the Ukrainians, and it is still arriving by the plane load. They will be confined to the roads, but the Ukrainians won't be, not this winter, these buggies worked for them in the north with the battle of Kyiv last winter and chopped up that long Russian column. I think by this winter they will have a lot more of them and the Russians still have no solid lines with lines that are too long and troops that are too few. So, lots of opportunity to slip through as the Russians without winter gear will be inside near a stove whenever they can be, and discipline is poor among them.