
which makes me wonder who is sitting on all of that equipment now? russia is run by a criminal cartel, who knows what kind of "business connections" they have around the world?
Some wasn't bought at all, probably most of it, like fuel, it was sold on the black market by officers, a few years ago there was Russian night vision equipment and other items on eBay. Most ended up as yachts and the owners are gonna end up dead or worse.
Zelensky doesn't see it that way. He's not wrong either. Civil unrest in Donbas is a Ukrainian internal issue, not a reason to cede that territory to Putin. They are kicking Russian ass right now too. Hence the Russian backtracking on demands for a peace treaty.
i wasn't advocating just giving it to them... i can't speak for the Ukrainians, but i assumed they wouldn't let them keep it. it would be a way to get them to withdraw from the rest of Ukraine. many men have had to swallow a bitter pill now to get what they wanted in the future. i personally would rather see the russian army routed, hunted, slaughtered, and putin so humiliated that he never tries this shit again, but that would take a lot more Ukrainian lives to accomplish...which is better?
I've previously posted that if the Ukranian army is capable of this and want to make a statement and stick it in Putin's(you know what) they should try to hit the Kerch strait bridge that the Russians took years to build,it's long as a MF,and Putin cut the ribbon in a photo op his very self,it connects mainland Russia w/Crimea and what a devastating loss that would be to the Russians,the only downside I can see is that Putin would be so unhinged if that bridge dropped into the water that he might unleash a WMD of some type,but since the Ukranian's hit that amphibious ship yesterday, they might be up to the challenge.
The simplest thing would be to take a place on the coast of the sea of AZOV and destroy it with missiles, which is why Vlad needs to hold the coast along the sea of AZOV which is mostly Ukrainian territory.

When the bridge is destroyed, drive a wedge into the Russian line at the entrance to Crimea, Vlad probably emptied the place of combat troops. This will cut off the forces from there from resupply, another wedge driven into them to the coast further east could cut a lot of them off from Russia and supplies from the east and the bullshit break away provinces. This would trap many Russian troops a lot of them bombarded the cities in the south, most of these were probably stationed in Crimea before the war and anybody left there was taken for replacements. With the bridge in the east of Crimea down, taking it could be as simple as kicking open the door and walking in.
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Russia handed over 113 captured armored vehicles and 138 Javelins to Donbass
Russia hands over 113 armored vehicles and 138 Javelins seized from Ukraine to DPR and LPR
Since the beginning of the Russian military special operation, Ukrainian troops have lost about 30 thousand people, the grouping in the Donbass has decreased by more than a quarter, said Sergey Rudskoy, head of the main operational department of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

"At the start of the special military operation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the National Guard, numbered 260,200 servicemen. During the month of hostilities, their losses amounted to about 30,000 people, including more than 14,000 irretrievable and about 16,000 sanitary," the general said.


The grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , the National Guard and nationalist battalions, which fought in the Donbass against the militias of the DPR and LPR , lost about 16 thousand fighters, which is 26 percent of its total strength of 59,300 people. Seven thousand people - irretrievable losses.

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the Chinese wouldn't get involved if a democratic country shared a pretty long border with them? a democratic country that could now allow troops to land and have access to mainland China? i think they might get a little perturbed...
Just saying what is possible these days and it would be handy if they figured the fatfuck was losing his marbles.
it would be a nice asset for the Ukrainians to seize for their own use, which would also mightily upset putin, as well...
the Ukrainians might need it to move heavy equipment into place to kick the russians the fuck out of their country completely.
It's way behind the lines presently and would take a well planned commando/special forces type raid w/ heavy planning,possibly stealthily inserted frog men to latch underwater explosives set to go off when they leave,or a drone attack launched from small boats at night,don't think Ukranian airforce is close enough rangewise nor carries the standoff munitions to carry it out that way, could be possible th fly in extreme West and get to Black sea over Moldova and fly at wavetop altitudes to thwart radar if they have the range for a one way Kamikaze mission as Ukraine does not have aerial refueling capability,if anything Ukraine has shown an incredible amount of resourcefulness and creative thinking in thwarting the Russians so who knows.
Russia entered the fight with the West for the future of the world
The operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine became a feature that divided history into before and after. And on February 24, we woke up in a new world in which we have been living for a month.

Let's remember what we say goodbye to.

The bombing of Yugoslavia became the first sign of the prematureness of the conclusions about the "end of history", which were so zealously replicated by Western political scientists. They also turned out to be the last NATO operation in which the alliance managed to achieve its goals, no matter how cannibalistic they may be.

Then followed Afghanistan , where Washington was going to crush the Taliban *. 20 years have passed, the United States fled from there in disgrace, and the Taliban again took power into their own hands.

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You are a fool. Seoul would lose a million people before the shelling stops.
I'm just saying what is technologically possible, for defense mostly and what military analysts might be thinking in places like South Korea. The probabilities can be computer modeled and probably will be by them, not me. Precision guided munitions would be the answer to massed artillery and stealth drone using starlink exist or soon will. However it is unlikely the SK government would use a first strike unless desperate, but when the desperate time comes, it's nice to have an ace up your sleeve.

The poor performance of the soviet style army in conventional warfare has got many people thinking. They are thinking about the performance of modern arms, like NLAWs, Javelin's, Stingers and others too. These along with drones have changed the nature of land warfare, it wasn't just Russian incompetence.
I'm just saying what is technologically possible, for defense mostly and what military analysts might be thinking in places like South Korea. The probabilities can be computer modeled and probably will be by them, not me. Precision guided munitions would be the answer to massed artillery and stealth drone using starlink exist or soon will. However it is unlikely the SK government would use a first strike unless desperate, but when the desperate time comes, it's nice to have an ace up your sleeve.

The poor performance of the soviet style army in conventional warfare has got many people thinking. They are thinking about the performance of modern arms, like NLAWs, Javelin's, Stingers and others too. These along with drones have changed the nature of land warfare, it wasn't just Russian incompetence.
The North Koreans have so much artillery aimed across the border and there is tens of millions within range. It is not like they have to have a sophisticated plan. Load, fire.
Think about it, South Korea is a pretty technologically advanced place, they could make their own switchblade equivalents, customized for their specific needs. North Korea has an estimated 50,000 artillery pieces arrayed at the South Korean capitol just to the north over the DMZ, which, ironically is practically tiled with mines. Now imagine 100,000 computer controlled switchblades taking out every one of those artillery pieces and many crews along with ammo dumps, they know where every one is. Next if they know where he keeps his nukes, stealth starlink drones could take care of them, guided automatically by GPS only transmitting when they reach the target. Next on the hit list for stealth drone strikes would be the fat little fuck and his top people, all done simultaneously late at night while they are in bed. I might cost a billion, but it gives them first strike, neutralizes his artillery and nukes and decapitates the leadership in a single simultaneous stroke. Other drones can hit communications and AA defense points and others can destroy planes on the ground and their command and control. Much done at the push of a button when the highly secret system is in place. They can also use precision rockets on the artillery and nukes, just to make sure, after the initial strike.

This is what modern technology can do to an old fashioned soviet style army like NK with demoralized conscript troops that they dare not trust. Deal with the nukes and artillery arrayed at the capitol and the SK army could go through them like shit through a goose and be at the Yalu river across from China in a day or two at most. I don't think the population would be hostile either, food distribution along the way would take care of that. If Americans weren't involved, or were no longer there, the Chinese might buy into it, or not want to fuck with SK after they did that!
Doesn't it amaze and horrify you all at the same time,that India w/ all their slums and shanty's that their pop. lives in,and Pakistan ,who can't keep the electric on 24/7 in their country,and N.Korea which can't even feed its people all have nukes,it's a juxtaposition that boggles the mind,the epitome of the phrase "putting the cart before the horse",like being a 40 yr. old virgin who wants to add 4 inches to his pecker.
The North Koreans have so much artillery aimed across the border and there is tens of millions within range. It is not like they have to have a sophisticated plan. Load, fire.
5,700, ain't that big a number of artillery pieces and rocket launchers. I'll bet the South Korean's know where everyone is and maps are updated several times a day, if Kim has the fuel to move them around. As soon as the order went out to muster the artillery troops, or order them to fire, or move to new positions and fire, SK would know of it and the map updated along with the defense system to deal with them before the first shot was fired with under 6,000, you could have multiple drones and rockets targeting each one, fire automatically.

As I said, this war has got a lot of people thinking about new possibilities.

“We assessed how North Korea might use their artillery as terror weapons,” RAND researcher Timothy Bonds tells me.

Should hostilities escalate on the Korean peninsula, the North has a problem. “The truth is that the North Korean military is not adequate for invading South Korea,” says Bonds. “They cannot maintain an offensive for very long and their forces would be very vulnerable in to air and ground attack.”

However, North Korea has another option: the 5,700 long- and medium-range howitzers and multiple rocket launchers along the 160-mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea. These weapons are heavily fortified, including tunnels that allow the guns to emerge to shoot a few quick rounds and then duck inside before enemy aircraft and artillery can destroy them.

Equally worrying is that many North Korean guns are within range of Seoul, the densely populated South Korean capital with almost 10 million residents in the city and 25 million with the greater metropolitan area. North Korea has famously threatened to use its artillery to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire” since the 1990s, should war erupt between with South Korea and its ally the United States.
5,700, ain't that big a number of artillery pieces and rocket launchers. I'll bet the South Korean's know where everyone is and maps are updated several times a day, if Kim has the fuel to move them around. As soon as the order went out to muster the artillery troops, or order them to fire, or move to new positions and fire, SK would know of it and the map updated along with the defense system to deal with them before the first shot was fired with under 6,000, you could have multiple drones and rockets targeting each one, fire automatically.

As I said, this war has got a lot of people thinking about new possibilities.

“We assessed how North Korea might use their artillery as terror weapons,” RAND researcher Timothy Bonds tells me.

Should hostilities escalate on the Korean peninsula, the North has a problem. “The truth is that the North Korean military is not adequate for invading South Korea,” says Bonds. “They cannot maintain an offensive for very long and their forces would be very vulnerable in to air and ground attack.”

However, North Korea has another option: the 5,700 long- and medium-range howitzers and multiple rocket launchers along the 160-mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea. These weapons are heavily fortified, including tunnels that allow the guns to emerge to shoot a few quick rounds and then duck inside before enemy aircraft and artillery can destroy them.

Equally worrying is that many North Korean guns are within range of Seoul, the densely populated South Korean capital with almost 10 million residents in the city and 25 million with the greater metropolitan area. North Korea has famously threatened to use its artillery to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire” since the 1990s, should war erupt between with South Korea and its ally the United States.
Pretty sure every army is taking notes srom this war. I really doubt you could time a drone invasion with no one noticing 10,000 of them coming over the border. NK does not have to invad, just lay the cities to waste.
NK in fact has a jaw dropping amount of artillery power. Heavily fortified and staged positions , however I would think synthetic aperture/ LIDAR surveillance could help find “ anomalies “ in terrain to investigate. Same science as used to find lost civilizations ( Mayan ) under blankets of dense forest - natural and false color objects.

Doesn't it amaze and horrify you all at the same time,that India w/ all their slums and shanty's that their pop. lives in,and Pakistan ,who can't keep the electric on 24/7 in their country,and N.Korea which can't even feed its people all have nukes,it's a juxtaposition that boggles the mind,the epitome of the phrase "putting the cart before the horse",like being a 40 yr. old virgin who wants to add 4 inches to his pecker.
Nukes are insurance and allows assholes to act like assholes without fear of invasion. If you don't have them you tend not to be a target, they need to account for launch failures, interceptions and put multiple warheads on the same important targets. The Americans tend to be focused more on what can shoot nukes back, than wiping out cities, the priority is shoot those who are gonna shoot you and hit them not just with nukes either, a conventional warhead can take out mobile launchers even moving and every one of them is probably tracked too, including the decoys on a computerized map. In this scenario America could lose some major cities, but the Russian nuclear force would be wiped out along with a lot of their cities, in a partial nuclear war where one side succeeded, somewhat. Bad idea all around.
Pretty sure every army is taking notes srom this war. I really doubt you could time a drone invasion with no one noticing 10,000 of them coming over the border. NK does not have to invad, just lay the cities to waste.
The calculus is being made I'm sure, it would be more useful for defense and is really a defensive idea and a possible solution to terrorism and blackmail. It shouldn't even cost that much and is easily with in the technical capabilities of a country like SK.
NK in fact has a jaw dropping amount of artillery power. Heavily fortified and staged positions , however I would think synthetic aperture/ LIDAR surveillance could help find “ anomalies “ in terrain to investigate. Same science as used to find lost civilizations ( Mayan ) under blankets of dense forest - natural and false color objects.

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Switchblade drones can use facial recognition and fly into a face from 40km away, if gun barrels are all that are poking out they can fly into them with shaped charges. Also they ain't deep enough to defend against rocket precision artillery with the right warheads. Everyone of those tanks can be taken out while parked at night by switchblade 600's now, if in range. Imagine if they start now and with new battery technology and starkink control new custom ones can have a lot further reach, secretly deployed in a few years. I'm certain, nerds at least, are working on it. They would want any solution with a reasonable chance of working to stop or limit damage from such an attack.
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