
Luckily we don’t have the Orange Toilet and Count Chocula in the driver’s seat right now - me thinks we would be eating some ICBM.

Watch the fake ass “ mob / goodfellas “ vibe from
Video below

Great point it is well known that trump fancies dictators, and the power they have over their ppl. I’m going to read your link. A lot of stuff Trump said I never took at face value. He’s in it for the money! If he runs for office again, I think he’ll win!
Will he win the popular vote?
I threatened him because he said homosexual shit to me. Reading is fundamental, you don’t know what I’m capable of carrying out! You do not know me! Also I’m entitled to my opinions as well! Adults don’t say disrespectful shit to ppl because of their opinions to which they are entitled rather it be wrong or right! Why does everyone stick their nose where it doesn’t belong? I wasn’t even talking to you nor have I mentioned you! I’m know keyboard warrior, I’d back what I say up! Again I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, I just don’t get down with homosexual behavior in reference to myself. Unlike others I mind my own damn business unless addressed! Adults know how to converse without being disrespectful period, with that said re-examine yourself when you speak of others behaving like a petulant child! Those sanctions aren’t stopping the war! Last I checked it’s still going strong! Last I checked there were loopholes that will help the Russians with the sanctions.
i see, adults don't say disrespectful shit to each other...but they do threaten people with physical violence over a few words?....over their sexual insecurity? i think i'll just ignore you for a while, give you a chance to wipe the spittle from your monitor, let the throbbing vein in your forehead subside before you have a stroke...
no one said you can't have your opinions, as stupid as we think those opinions are...but we do reserve the right to ask you to justify those opinions, and so far, you fail fucking miserably at that... oh, and i re-examined the circumstances when i would call someone a petulant child, and you're right, you aren't a petulant child, you're a petulant, bigoted adult....is that an improvement, you think?
Was watching Y24 Ukraine English live stream -

Showed how the need for body armor is critical - blacksmiths are hammering plates to construct panels.

Feed is live stream

I imagine the CIA is scouring the planet for it now, what's the price online? Has it gone up? Many American rightwing types could donate their body armor to the Ukrainians, or sell it at cost to American agents working for Ukraine. Fuck there might be enough slightly used body armor in the USA to equip a new Ukrainian army!
Being smart and having the ability to think logically, is no defense against the stupidity that conditioning and tribalism can evoke. Wisdom requires a heart, no heart, no wisdom. Does Vlad strike you as particularly wise? How about Trump?
If there is a world food shortage caused by this war and prices go up, who do you think will suffer the most? Probably Russia, since they have trouble even buying stuff much less paying for it and high food prices would not be good for them. So agricultural stuff will probably be off the table for all concerned. If you think wars have unintended consequences politically, try famines, hungry people don't stay home, they go out looking for food.
Spring planting usually costs money in seed, fertilizer and fuel, many farmers get loans to do this. Where are the Russian farmers gonna get the money to plant this spring? Money for rent is currently at 20% interest and if things crash enough, they might not be able to get loans or financing to plant anything this spring. Farming is a business and usually a tough one. Even without sanctions on it directly, Russian agriculture could be fucked too.
. . . . . . . . . . . Those sanctions aren’t stopping the war! Last I checked it’s still going strong! Last I checked there were loopholes that will help the Russians with the sanctions.
We don't want Russia to stop the war too soon. You see, everyday poot-poot continues he is making his army, his country and himself weaker. But we know he is a dangerous and delusional person with nukes, so we want to give them a little wiggle room with the sanctions. Also folks in Europe like having lights and driving cars, etc, etc.
We don't want Russia to stop the war too soon. You see, everyday poot-poot continues he is making his army, his country and himself weaker. But we know he is a dangerous and delusional person with nukes, so we want to give them a little wiggle room with the sanctions. Also folks in Europe like having lights and driving cars, etc, etc.
That western rational perspective doesn’t apply to Putin
Ukraine could supply gas to Europe, at least for awhile using an existing pipeline, while they don't have a lot, they could help out quite a bit and make up for Nordstream. Perhaps new fields could be developed and territory reclaimed with more.

An interesting article on maps with some links to other resources.

Sure but I can’t watch him, it’s an American man with an opinion and advice on how to think if your parents are conservatives and you aren’t.
I m following people on the ground in Ukraine who have a more realistic picture than any of us. Eg The guy from Massachusetts born in Moscow who left the Soviet and then recently went to Ukraine to help as a medic cos he understands the mentality of Kremlin aggressors.
Or some guy in a basement in comfy old USA.
Most of Beau's reporting is on American social issues. His war commentary is getting posted more now for obvious reasons.

PS: he's my neighbor here in NW Florida. So no basement. It's a shed.
Legendary hacker group Anonymous hacks into unsecured printers all across Russia and begins mass printing information on Putin’s invasion including Russia losses in order to bypass the Kremlin’s media blackout and propaganda.
Love it. I heard a report on NPR a couple three years ago where all the white hat hackers were saying not to hook your printer to the web. Not secure at all.
Notice on the map I posted above all the pipelines that go through Belarus from Russia to Europe, it's almost a hub. Vlad won't give it up without a fight, one that might break him.
Hate to say it but them russian boys that get themselves shot up , easy way to take much needed gear .

Just like the old west - rummage thru the bodies.
Take radio gear to monitor frequencies , body armor , weapons , maps / intel.

Reminds me of scenes where guy puts dead guys boot against bottom of his foot to match size.
I saw some good boots on the dead. Need to use everything. Wouldn't hurt to have some Russian uniforms around for false flag operations too.