
Shame your voting systems panders to the minority
Fucking ridiculous
In this system a minority can and does hold the majority stymied
If the Republicans put as much effort in actually doing something constructive/of actual benefit to America instead of just blocking/blocking/blocking almost everything the Dems/Biden presents, we could once again/possibly gain some semblance of an equitable & stable society.
But nope, we're stuck with Republicans & exist in a hellscape where selfish idiots essentially call the shots.
FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, it's toe to toe as to who's in charge & the idiots are breathing down our necks.
Really sad, eh?
Say hello to NATOs newest member, keep it up Vlad, the Swedes are not to be fucked with, they are a leader in advanced weapons systems and sell to the world's militaries. Finland is making similar moves and Vlad appears to be making enemies all over the place, it's good to have the state department and CIA back in action!
'Ready to defend our values': Tensions rise in Sweden's Gotland amid Russian threat • FRANCE 24

Think of it like gay/black/women's rights. You could have attacked them 80 years ago with little resistance, but in modern times, we know what's right and people aren't going back to the closet/fields/kitchen. There is a new level of societal refinement and you can't undo it.
I hope you’re right. I’m still watching a rather good go at our values.
We are, but the fight hasn't even started yet. Abortion rights will probably be the first big one. Part of me wants them to overturn R vs W, because you know it's on after that. People *will* get off the couch at that point.
Im more worried about Brown v Board of Education.
You have to.

Is Ukraine an ally of the US?

The United States reaffirms its unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, extending to its territorial waters. The U.S.-Ukraine relationship serves as a cornerstone for security, democracy, and human rights in Ukraine and the broader region.2 days ago
United with Ukraine - United States Department of State
No, we dont

Double talk from a diplomat. NATO and US combat troops won't fight russian troops for a non member country
Any response will be economic sanctions from NATO members and build up of troops outside Ukraine Eastern border. In NATO member countries only.

“It would certainly be the case that if Putin moved in, there would be an increasing request from eastern flank allies, and a positive response from the United States, for additional forces and capabilities and exercises to take place there to ensure the safety and security of our eastern flank allies in the face of that kind of aggression in Ukraine,” the official said, but made clear that Biden would not be threatening a direct US military response.The United States is not seeking to end up in a circumstance in which the focus on our countermeasures is the direct use of American military force, as opposed to a combination of support for the Ukrainian military, strong economic countermeasures, and a substantial increase in support from allies to ensure that they remain safe,” the senior official said, adding he would not disclose “what the president is going to say on the question of under what circumstances the US military could get involved”.

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There has been war since the very beginning. There has never not been war. There are insects under your feet fighting for which swarm gets the best parts of you. Think about that.
Many of us are talking about doing away with the obsolete electoral system.
Get rid of that hindrance to having a true Democracy

It seems to only be used for evil when the shitheads use it, like they did during Obama's terms, setting a record for the amount of filibusters.

Fucking Cunt from AZ and that Motherfucker from WV should be thrown the fuck out of the Democratic party or at least ostracized & dumped from any committee they're on.

They disgust me & those POS call themselves Democrats?
They just wasted a year of Biden's presidency.
Jesus fucking Christ, will we ever win?
The Dems are like rats that eat their own

We are and we do, and time just passes by & we get fuck all accomplished.

Yea, big fat Enlighted cannibalistic Rats (See below/this is what Sinema looks like without any makeup )


I think you got me wrong.
What I meant was if you pay that price, top $, it will be hard, if not very hard to sell it in 5 years & make some sort of profit.
Gotta wait until your central bank raise rates
The market is way too hot, time to throw some interest increases in or you will see inflation.
Real estate very rarely comes down in Australia. I was a Real estate agent and a property investor many years ago. The market is not slowing down and i think it would be an easy sale and a nice tidy profit in 5 years time. Right now any house on the market is selling very fast with multiple offers above asking price. We may see a slow down in 2 to 3 years but i dont think many would expect a contraction in price. But then like any investment its a gamble.

I just feel sorry for the kids. My daughter moved back home to save a a house deposit. She saved 50k in two years but house's increased 50% in that time so she is still saving for a deposit as the market keeps moving away from her.