

Well-Known Member
Hungary’s Orban does an about face, criticizes Russian invasion. Czech leader, also close to Putin, admits he was wrong too. Kazakhstan refuses Russia’s request to send troops to help in Ukraine. I don't think things are going as planned.
Protests in Georgia and other republics who are under Putin's thumb as well as across multiple Russian cities.

The oligarchs and business community there must be shitting bricks! Russia is no longer a command economy like the old soviet union, lose businesses to mass bankruptcy and you lose economic, political and military power. Vlad threatened nukes and in doing so kicked off cold war 2, America and it's partners will crush the Russian economy, the people are gonna be collateral damage and know it. The average Russian will be making a fraction of what they are now, if they are lucky enough to find a job and Russia imports lot's of food.

It will take awhile for sanctions to bite, but in the meantime there are lot's of other ways to make Vlad feel the pain. Someone needs to impress upon the Russian people the destructive capabilities a single ballistic nuclear submarine and the US and UK have many. Vlad might have 6000 nukes, but he might not get any off the ground if someone figures he's too much of a threat and hits him first.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the shirtless midget will be kicked off of SWIFT next week, if china abandons him he's fucked.
Germany had gas payments to make and while they pay they get gas, if Vlad cuts it off while they are paying, he will never do it a second time and never sell any more gas or oil in Europe.

SWIFT will hammer the Russian economy and won't help lot's of businesses in the west who trade with them either. I imagine certain powerful people will be compensated for their loss, the less well connected can go fuck themselves!

Shit even Facebook band Russian ads a few hours ago, the amoral asshole Zuck finally figured it out.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the shirtless midget will be kicked off of SWIFT next week, if china abandons him he's fucked.
I'm sure the state department has been working overtime on China. If America initiated this shit by some means we know nothing about to drive Vlad to it, they will have anticipated this. I just can't understand why Vlad chose this time to do this shit when he had Trump in the WH for 4 years and would have had Ukraine swallowed whole by now. I still figure he must have been driven to such an act of stupidity, maybe the CIA has found a way to spike his water with acid or something!


Well-Known Member
The French make a pretty good one too.

I can’t believe there isn’t a good Irish vodka. All those potatoes and alcoholics on that island…

View attachment 5092525
Of course we fecking make Vodka & even fine wines.

Why not, we make everything/anything that will help ease the pain of existence.



You start your day with a nice refreshing mug of Fecking vodka & V8.
Nothing else (anything else just gets in the way & takes up space) just 1/2 & 1/2 booze & juice.
About a quarter pint works well for me mixed with the same amount of juice.
You can then switch over to that fine Rose made in Ballysloane at around noon & I found that around a 1/2 gallon suits me well until I pass out at around 7
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Well-Known Member
The China Foreign Defense Ministry issued a statement saying Ukraine’s territory and sovereignty should be respected and Russia should resolve this situation diplomatically and engage in talks with Ukraine as soon as possible.
All those little republics and stans along the route of their silk road plan are nervous about the bear, fertile ground for the CIA too.


Well-Known Member
Of course we fecking make Vodka & even fine wines.

Why not, we make everything/anything that will help ease the pain of existence.

View attachment 5092548

View attachment 5092549

You start your day with a nice refreshing mug of Fecking vodka & V8.
Nothing else (anything else just gets in the way & take up space) just 1/2 & 1/2 booze & juice.
About a quarter pint works well for me mixed with the same amount of juice.
You can then switch over to that fine Rose made in Ballysloane at around noon & I found that around a 1/2 gallon suits me well until I pass out at around 7
Fecking awesome!


Well-Known Member

Most of the conversation is about how the soliders ran into the forest, leaving abandoned Ukrainian military equipment ripe for pillage by local civilians.
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Well-Known Member
Russians Reject Putin And His War On Ukraine

Rachel Maddow rounds up negative reactions from Russian sports figures and cultural icons to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine as Russians continue to risk immediate arrest for speaking out against dictator Putin and his war.


Well-Known Member
The heat is on Joe to get even harder on Russia, courage never goes out of fashion and the former comedian was dead serious when he said, "come get them", when Putin demand they throw down their weapons.
Smerconish: Zelensky's 'Spartacus' moment

Ukraine's President has been transformed from an American political footnote to the new face of freedom and defiance. CNN's Michael Smerconish discusses Volodymyr Zelensky's role in fighting Russia's invasion of Ukraine.