The State Duma responded to information about the mobilization of cars of Russians
The Lower House does not rule out that the situation may change
Deputies of the State Duma are not discussing the possible seizure of personal vehicles of Russians for the needs of a special operation. Georgy Karlov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, told Podyom that information about the mobilization of vehicles is nothing more than “rumors, word of mouth and other misunderstandings.” According to him, "nonsense" of this kind is not discussed in the offices of the Lower Chamber, but Karlov does not rule out that the situation may change.
“And everything that goes around is rumors, word of mouth and other misunderstandings. There is no such nonsense within the walls of the Duma, at least not yet. There are no conditions, no need for this, and there is no talk about this either within the Defense Committee or in the State Duma as a whole. Let them sleep peacefully, drive, move, do everything in accordance with the law,” Karlov said.
it was reported that as part of the mobilization for the needs of the army, not only the population, but also personal cars of citizens can be involved. The law "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" lists an extensive list of vehicles of categories M1G, N1G (off-road vehicles and buses) suitable for the military, from Chevrolet Niva and Nissan X-Trail SUVs to UAZs and GAZs.
In addition, some Russian regions began to publish orders "On the announcement of mobilization", which spelled out, among other things, the procedure for the departure of citizens. In particular, in Tatarstan and Dagestan, citizens must deliver vehicles for registration, including road construction and lifting vehicles, to military registration and enlistment offices.
As BFM clarifies , all cars do not need to be transported: only equipment that can potentially be useful in wartime is taken into account.
Депутаты Государственной думы не обсуждают возможное изъятие личного транспорта россиян для нужд спецоперации. Как сообщил изданию «Подъем» член комитета Госдумы по обороне Георгий Карлов, информация о мобилизации машин — не более чем «слухи, сарафанное радио и прочие недоразумения». По его...