
I think cutting the 10 rail lines into Ukraine 100km or so inside Russia by taking out rail bridges, would be the most effective thing they could do; it would also be the most humane. It would save those poor bastards from going to Ukraine and trap Vlad's army inside Russia. Their limited road logistic capability and short range of operation from rail heads is their Achilles heel and can be used to keep them inside. It would save a lot of ammo and Ukrainians lives and make defeating and capturing large numbers of Russians in Ukraine easier. If they can take out the bridges, they can take out the crews and equipment attempting to repair them too.

Russian reserves are 'low grade' & 'don't want to go to war' - expert
182,219 views Sep 23, 2022 A British military expert has dismissed the first Russian mobilisation of troops since the Second World War as "low grade". Retired Lieutenant Colonel Glen Grant said the call-up of 300,000 reservists would simply mean "more dead bodies" for Moscow.
Russian state media are saying nuclear war appears to be “a given” and “everyone will be destroyed” if the West “pushes us into a corner”.
Cornered rat syndrome, all they have to do is leave Ukraine, all of it, though the sanctions will remain in place.
I think cutting the 10 rail lines into Ukraine 100km or so inside Russia by taking out rail bridges, would be the most effective thing they could do; it would also be the most humane. It would save those poor bastards from going to Ukraine and trap Vlad's army inside Russia. Their limited road logistic capability and short range of operation from rail heads is their Achilles heel and can be used to keep them inside. It would save a lot of ammo and Ukrainians lives and make defeating and capturing large numbers of Russians in Ukraine easier. If they can take out the bridges, they can take out the crews and equipment attempting to repair them too.

Russian reserves are 'low grade' & 'don't want to go to war' - expert
182,219 views Sep 23, 2022 A British military expert has dismissed the first Russian mobilisation of troops since the Second World War as "low grade". Retired Lieutenant Colonel Glen Grant said the call-up of 300,000 reservists would simply mean "more dead bodies" for Moscow.
You sound like you know what your talking about...
isn't it? it's the responsibility of the people to pick good leaders. it's the responsibility of the people to call those leaders out if they fuck up. it's the responsibility of the people to inform themselves about what their leaders are doing...
tell me how ignoring those responsibilities is not being your own enemy?

All you have to do is look back to 2016 and it's perfect storm; and even the best laid plans of mice and men (framers)?
My question again, why have we not heard of what would be a major win for Ukraine?
What's the range (80km) and accuracy of HIMARS (less than 2 meters)? I think one makes enough of a bang to tear up the rails. There are lots of things going on in Ukraine we don't know much about, and it is a target rich environment with a limited number of missiles and a lot of ammo dumps C&C and other targets to hit while trying to breakthrough on multiple fronts. They are also hitting rail heads and junctions far to the Russian rear.
The Russians do not have trains in their occupied areas?
Had such a thing been done, the PR value would militate toward publication imo.

With rocket availability limited, the main supply routes N and E of the theater would be the logical point of engagement.

Also, with the quality of Ukrainian ISR, I would expect a high-value weapon to be expended while a train was moving through the target point. It seems like a logical value multiplier.

What I’m watching is Ukraine’s ground attack aircraft. If they get used, Ukraine (select one)
- is close to winning
- is close to losing
- is going after a target of unusual opportunity, as was probably the case with the Su-24 seen at treetop level on the knife-edge on September 15.

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I think cutting the 10 rail lines into Ukraine 100km or so inside Russia by taking out rail bridges, would be the most effective thing they could do; it would also be the most humane. It would save those poor bastards from going to Ukraine and trap Vlad's army inside Russia. Their limited road logistic capability and short range of operation from rail heads is their Achilles heel and can be used to keep them inside. It would save a lot of ammo and Ukrainians lives and make defeating and capturing large numbers of Russians in Ukraine easier. If they can take out the bridges, they can take out the crews and equipment attempting to repair them too.

Russian reserves are 'low grade' & 'don't want to go to war' - expert
182,219 views Sep 23, 2022 A British military expert has dismissed the first Russian mobilisation of troops since the Second World War as "low grade". Retired Lieutenant Colonel Glen Grant said the call-up of 300,000 reservists would simply mean "more dead bodies" for Moscow.
it does seem like a good idea to do as much to upset their logistics as possible. damaging the rail lines a few miles inside russia would be pretty effective, adding hours, possibly days to the time it takes to resupply troops, or deliver replacements. or more zinc coffins...