
Ukraine braces to launch counter-attack against Russia in east to take back Donbas - BBC News
93,862 views Sep 2, 2022 Government forces in Ukraine are trying to seize the initiative from Russian troops before the arrival of winter, with a counter-offensive is already under way in the south. Ukrainians are now preparing to expand this tactic in the east to take back land lost in Donbas and around Kharkiv in the north. Correspondent Quentin Sommerville and camera-journalist Darren Conway were given exclusive access to a unit of Ukrainian troops.

Ukraine braces to launch counter-attack against Russia in east to take back Donbas - BBC News
93,862 views Sep 2, 2022 Government forces in Ukraine are trying to seize the initiative from Russian troops before the arrival of winter, with a counter-offensive is already under way in the south. Ukrainians are now preparing to expand this tactic in the east to take back land lost in Donbas and around Kharkiv in the north. Correspondent Quentin Sommerville and camera-journalist Darren Conway were given exclusive access to a unit of Ukrainian troops.

that's kind of risky to do it now, UA needs to start preping for winter RA is gonna be cold, no food, no pay check etc, get units where they need to be, then hit them, cut the rails going into the southern region towards Kherson.....but that's just me
Interesting look at the financial considerations.

Below is an article looking at stockpiles and production rates; it’s from a Russian site, but people I know with good sources say this guy is a good source:

TL;DR seems to be that Russia will be HELPLESS - effectively DISARMED militarily by the end of the year…and that makes me wonder what Xi is thinking. A China-India alliance could sweep through - or bypass entirely - SE Asia, through the ‘Stans, and come up behind Erdogan; might even garrote Iran on the way past - all that oil, all those minerals, a Mediterranean port. On the horizon : Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia - maybe even Japan…depends on how bogged down & spent they think *WE* are right then, I guess.

Not saying it’s *LIKELY*, mind - just conceivable
i would offer them Vladivostok, sakhalin island, everything north and west of lake Baikal...but Japan gets the Kuril islands, with some very sunstantial fortifications...it would make them happy, would help stabilize their economy, would distract them from Taiwan, and it would be that much less mess for us to clean up...of course, that is all contingent on the UN and NATO going in first and securing all nuclear materials...
that's kind of risky to do it now, UA needs to start preping for winter RA is gonna be cold, no food, no pay check etc, get units where they need to be, then hit them, cut the rails going into the southern region towards Kherson.....but that's just me
they're running out of time...not with the russians, not with NATO...they're running out of time with the attention span of the common people...i go to the war thread and post almost every day, i read the news about it every day, but i've noticed less posts over time as the war drags on...less people paying attention to it, which means there is more chance that the senate will start to focus on other things...
if they had all the equipment they needed, if they didn't have to rely on their allies continued good will, a notoriously fickle good will...then they could wait. i think i'd feel a little rushed if i was Zelensky, too.
Gazprom completely stopped the work of the Nord Stream
Gazprom completely stopped the operation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline until the malfunction of the only working engine was eliminated. This was announced on the company's Telegram channel.

An oil leak was discovered at the Trent 60 gas pumping unit at the Portovaya compressor station during maintenance work carried out jointly with Siemens representatives.

Gazprom clarified that a warning had been received from Rostekhnadzor . The department said that the damage does not allow safe operation of the gas turbine engine.

The company added that a letter about the identified malfunctions and the need to eliminate them was sent to the president and chief executive officer of Siemens Energy AG, Christian Bruch.

Gazprom also reported that similar leaks were previously found on gas compressors with engines No. 075, No. 076 and No. 120. They underwent major repairs and are in a state of forced downtime. It is also noted that complete troubleshooting, according to Siemens, is only possible at a specialized repair facility.

Gas supplies through the Nord Stream gas pipeline were completely stopped on August 31. It was clarified that on these dates, scheduled work will begin at the gas compressor unit of the Portovaya CS. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that anti-Russian sanctions do not allow Gazprom to fully supply gas to Europe due to equipment maintenance problems. According to him, this led to the creation of a crisis situation in the economy.

Alexei Grivach , Deputy Director General of the National Energy Security Fund (NESF) , announced the consequences of a complete shutdown of Nord Stream. He believes that this will lead to a further rise in prices and a deterioration in the energy security situation in Europe.

Siemens Energy sees no technical reason to stop Nord Stream

Siemens Energy said that Gazprom's conclusion that the engine was faulty was not a technical reason for the complete shutdown of the gas pipeline, its representatives said.

They added that this is a normal procedure that is part of the maintenance work, and in the past such leaks did not lead to a stop in production. The company also clarified that there are enough additional turbines at the Portovaya compressor station to continue the operation of Nord Stream.

Siemens Energy indicated that they currently do not have a contract for repair work at Nord Stream, but the company is ready to start them.

The European Commission considered the decision not to resume the operation of the Nord Stream due to malfunctions "cynicism", said the head of the press service of the EC, Eric Mamer. He called Moscow an unreliable partner. According to Mamer, the Russian side "prefers to burn gas in flares instead of fulfilling contractual obligations to the European Union ."

You would think Russians are used to equipment leaking oil. Well at least there own.
The Ukrainians should focus their strategic attacks with clandestine and special forces on the Russian rail network, rail bridges in the areas surrounding Ukraine for instance or even ones inside Russia that can cut off significant portions of the country. Frying the roller bearings of rail cars with high voltage powerlines should be a common occurrence, wheel bearings are a weak point in their logistics and all are imported.

The Russian internal economy and military is heavily dependent on rail transport, far more than most other countries. Disruption of rail transport puts more cars and trucks on the road, wearing them out too and they can't get parts for those either. They must destroy the Russian economy as well as it's military to remove the threat and initiate change in the region. What isn't wiped out in Ukraine will be in Belarus when trouble starts there, this war won't be over soon, but it will likely expand or move on to other countries. It definitely won't end the way Vlad expected!

Ole Joe got the fascist bastards on the run in Ukraine and in America, thanks to Putin and Trump's over reach and blunders, which he wisely took advantage of. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump and Putin go down around the same time, about half way through Joe's first term. Joe didn't invade Ukraine and he didn't steal classified documents, but his team will use their blunders, arrogance and hubris against them to destroy them, slowly and patiently.

Russia freezes infrastructure projects due to sanctions: No new roads and subway, railroads collapse
135,693 views Aug 28, 2022 The Russian economy is bursting at the seams. Moscow is looking for ways to fill the budget. After all, it needs to finance the war in Ukraine. So Russian authorities decided to freeze hundreds of infrastructure projects. They just don't have the money. But such a policy could further shake the Russian economy.
they're running out of time...not with the russians, not with NATO...they're running out of time with the attention span of the common people...i go to the war thread and post almost every day, i read the news about it every day, but i've noticed less posts over time as the war drags on...less people paying attention to it, which means there is more chance that the senate will start to focus on other things...
if they had all the equipment they needed, if they didn't have to rely on their allies continued good will, a notoriously fickle good will...then they could wait. i think i'd feel a little rushed if i was Zelensky, too.
I share your concern…good information & trustworthy updates are shorter & further apart now; I think to some degree it’s inevitable - in a 24/7 news world, UA uses misdirection & obscurity where Russia uses bombast, threats & state apparatus…but I’d rather have slow-but-accurate news & decent analysis than the dueling bullshit & screaming fits that pass for content on the supposedly-conservative side of our own issues.

TL;DR = fresh, trained & well supplied UA forces are appearing all over the battle map as Russia’s rear (echelon) gets continually pounded
Good. The 3 billion the USA gave is helping. Isn’t this the Third World War now, since we are openly helping? Oh , I forgot, the media didn’t tell me.
More than America are helping, about 50 countries are, mostly liberal democracies, though Uncle Sam carries the biggest stick. America controls about 20% of the global economy these days and Russia could not receive the screwing it is getting financially and militarily without allies. Vlad stuck his neck out and the plan is to strangle him slowly while bleeding him white. No sudden moves to spook or nuke, but just steady pressure until they collapse. The Ukrainians are up for it and downright eager, every piece of irreplaceable equipment they destroy and every officer they kill is one less NATO has to worry about.

Look at it as an investment, not an expense and one that will likely be paid back with seized Russian money held abroad. The smart Ukrainians know that their only long term security is to destroy the Russian army and a longer war will destroy the Russian economy and keep Europe from going back to Russian energy. This war will likely expand into Belarus as it continues, that should finish off whatever army Vlad has left. Wars often have unintended consequences and are full of surprises, Vlad is finding that out. Nothing builds a nation like fighting off the Russians on your own (with our weapons), builds confidence too, no nation building required here, the Ukrainians are doing that on their own. These folks are the best bet Uncle Sam has had in a long time.