
That's why you are ignorant . Yes the FBI was actively covering up the hunter laptop story.
I remember when Russia Russia was harped on continuously and it is a fraud fraud Hunters laptop kept being Russian disi formation. Well the Russia collusion narrative fell apart as a frame up by the intelligence services and Democrat party and the laptop was hyped by the fbi as Russian disk formation now we all know it's true , to I clide rhe videos of child molesting by Hunter on the laptop. We have known for a long time what was up. Do you k ow what they do to child molesters in prison? The problem is they get pro.oted to higher positions in government so they can be easily controlled.
Mo epstien did not kill himself and no Trump was not his friend. He was banned from all Trump properties.
Maxwells-epstiens client list needs to be released. The reason it is not is because of who is on that list
You are normally quite bright, but it sounds like you write for Q-Anon lately
That's why you are ignorant . Yes the FBI was actively covering up the hunter laptop story.
I remember when Russia Russia was harped on continuously and it is a fraud fraud Hunters laptop kept being Russian disi formation. Well the Russia collusion narrative fell apart as a frame up by the intelligence services and Democrat party and the laptop was hyped by the fbi as Russian disk formation now we all know it's true , to I clide rhe videos of child molesting by Hunter on the laptop. We have known for a long time what was up. Do you k ow what they do to child molesters in prison? The problem is they get pro.oted to higher positions in government so they can be easily controlled.
Mo epstien did not kill himself and no Trump was not his friend. He was banned from all Trump properties.
Maxwells-epstiens client list needs to be released. The reason it is not is because of who is on that list

A Hunter Biden's laptop thread is in the thread about Putin's war on Ukraine because Putin is responsible for both.
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A Hunter Biden's laptop thread is in the thread about Putin's war on Ukraine because Putin is responsible for both.
That was not purin I seen with his dick in a little kid. That was not purine snorting coke, shaving his own ass hole or lining up M and Ms on his own dick taking pictures of it. That was not Putin who invented the Steele dossier it was Hillary the intelligence service of the US and other countries who fabricated that story.
Looks like you are out of luck you Muppet.
That was not purin I seen with his dick in a little kid. That was not purine snorting coke, shaving his own ass hole or lining up M and Ms on his own dick taking pictures of it. That was not Putin who invented the Steele dossier it was Hillary the intelligence service of the US and other countries who fabricated that story.
Looks like you are out of luck you Muppet.
Hunter Biden's laptop story is so fucking ridiculous only an idiot would believe it.

Its a Russian psy ops project. Obviously.
Hunter Biden's laptop story is so fucking ridiculous only an idiot would believe it.

Its a Russian psy ops project. Obviously.
Yea, like the bew York times who confirmed the laptop as real. The real morons thought Trump was being peed on in Moscow by a couple of Russian hooked with mo record of Trump being there at that time. Or alpha bank in the Steele dossier that did not even exist. You all are a bu ch of brainwashed by propaganda Muppets
Yea, like the bew York times who confirmed the laptop as real. The real morons thought Trump was being peed on in Moscow by a couple of Russian hooked with mo record of Trump being there at that time. Or alpha bank in the Steele dossier that did not even exist. You all are a bu ch of brainwashed by propaganda Muppets
It was the New York Post, you idiot.
Those god damn Russian Windows -


The head of a Russian oil giant that criticized President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine died Thursday after reportedly falling out of his hospital window.

Lukoil Chairman Ravil Maganov died after falling from a window of the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow, Reuters reported, citing two sources familiar with the situation.

The company issued a statement early Thursday confirming the death of Maganov, 67, "after a severe illness," but did not specify the cause.

“Ravil Maganov immensely contributed to the development of not only the Company, but of the entire Russian oil and gas sector,” the statement read.

NBC News has not verified how he died. The hospital declined to comment and referred comment to the police, who declined to comment.