
i would be very happy if the story above, and this one, were 100% accurate....are they? i dunno.
some things do play out. the russians have been shelling targets extensively, and only moving on them after their artillery has softened the area so much they should be able to send children in to secure it.
the russians have stopped using precision munitions, and air burst munitions. this would seem to indicate that they are running low on them.
but i also take Zelensky's media expertise into account, and automatically cut most of his estimates by at least a third, or inflate them by a third, which ever seems appropriate.
his men seem almost as brazen as putin's propaganda machine in their estimates and extrapolations. over hearing phone calls isn't the greatest proof. because something happened in one battle group isn't indicative that it is happening in all battle groups.
is there even a way to prove that the calls aren't staged to begin with, for Ukrainian propaganda? if so, i hope they work like a charm...but i don't feel comfortable just believing them, either.
i would be very happy if the story above, and this one, were 100% accurate....are they? i dunno.
some things do play out. the russians have been shelling targets extensively, and only moving on them after their artillery has softened the area so much they should be able to send children in to secure it.
the russians have stopped using precision munitions, and air burst munitions. this would seem to indicate that they are running low on them.
but i also take Zelensky's media expertise into account, and automatically cut most of his estimates by at least a third, or inflate them by a third, which ever seems appropriate.
his men seem almost as brazen as putin's propaganda machine in their estimates and extrapolations. over hearing phone calls isn't the greatest proof. because something happened in one battle group isn't indicative that it is happening in all battle groups.
is there even a way to prove that the calls aren't staged to begin with, for Ukrainian propaganda? if so, i hope they work like a charm...but i don't feel comfortable just believing them, either.
They are out to win the war and defend their country from a savage attack, I don't expect them to fight clean, but to kick Vlad square in the nuts whenever they can. I think there is an information war going on and deception is happening too, we must be deceived for Vlad to be deceived. A lot of the details won't be important in the end, some propaganda is for internal moral and some is to try and get more weapons and support. Zellenskiy is good at his job and knows PR too, he has right on his side and doesn't need to lie, some of the truth is plain to see.

The numbers don't add up for Vlad in terms of manpower, many have been making this point, I don't think he has the munitions either, especially the precision kind. They are hauling old tanks out of storage and from the east and are borrowing drones from other government departments. The Ukrainians are losing dozens of small commercial drones a week now and I heard the Russians lost over 500 Orlan drones as well as other types. From what I've seen the Russian army will go defensive in a couple of weeks because they are burned out and will need to hide out behind defenses.
Perhaps now is the time to start wearing down Vlad's remaining forces at a faster rate and begin accumulating shit for a big offensive drive, when Russia is on the ropes and is ground down more. Those new artillery crews will need to practice and it might as well be on Russians! I have a feeling we are gonna dump a lot of shit on Ukraine and might be already, Vlad threw in about all he can and he can't get any more in. I noticed Kyiv has been quieting down about the arms situation, so someone made a reassuring call. I'm curious, but we shouldn't be giving the Russians a laundry list of what we are sending and when, let it be a surprise.

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Today the allies are meeting at the Ramstein conference about giving more arms and munitions to Ukraine. A lot of the dire news and aid demands we are hearing from the Ukrainians is over this critical meeting today. I dunno how much we will hear about what we are sending, the wisest thing would be to say nothing or speak generally and quietly send the military aid they need. Defeating the Russians in my estimation means destroying the army they have in Ukraine and driving them from the country completely, so that reconstruction and resource development can begin. If he continues to fire rockets at Ukraine or cause trouble in the Black sea, cause trouble in Belarus and drop rail bridges inside Russia. Speaking of Railways, Russia's run on wheel bearings that are made in the west today and as they wear out, the trains will slow and then stop one day. Many of the parts on diesel electric locomotives and parts for maintenance equipment like welders and power tools all come from the west. Given enough time, the trains in Russia will grind to a halt eventually from lack of spare parts that are in constant need.


On the eve of the third Ramstein summit, a meeting of over 40 nations backing Ukraine in Russia’s invasion, Kyiv is crying out for more weapons and munitions — and says the West is failing to send enough assistance on time.

Russia’s grand offensive operation in Donbas, ongoing for almost 60 days, has not resulted in any major successes for the Kremlin. But the battle rages on, increasingly brutal and fierce, as the situation draws ever closer to a critical point for Ukraine’s military.

Ukraine is greatly outnumbered by Russian artillery, which has devastated cities and towns for the sake of the smallest advance on the battlefield. And Western aid, despite lofty pledges, is arriving way too slowly, or in such small quantities as to have little to no strategic effect. Some of it hasn’t arrived at all, according to official statements.

The June 15 meeting of Ukraine’s allies in Brussels is expected to finally make a difference.

But as of the day before, Kyiv still does not know if it is going to get all that is necessary to repel Russia and deny its appetite for an even wider conquest.

As of mid-June, Russia has not reached any large operational success in Donbas, although it has made steady, limited territorial gains.

It has not managed to encircle and destroy a large Ukrainian military grouping in the Sievierodonetsk-Lysychansk area or sever key Ukrainian ground lines of communication, despite having concentrated the bulk of its military power in just one area.
The attitude of the ex military is probably the same as the current military and in spades for the intelligence services, they want to rip the shit out of Russia and destroy it's army. Almost every one of them says that the Ukrainians can kick their asses back to Russia, if we give them the arms to do it.

Ukraine has the gas resources to supply the EU and it would generate enough revenue for much of the reconstruction along with seized Russian money, for a strong Ukrainian defense and even the repayment of loans and aid. Europe needs Ukraine's gas and petroleum and the world needs the food it produces. The only way this will happen is if the Russian army is destroyed and it's ability to project power onto it's neighbors is eliminated. That will also mean the complete liberation of Ukraine including Crimea, both for control of the Black sea and it gas resources. The bridge at Kerch has got to go and when it does, it will mark a major turning point in the war. When it is destroyed might now be more a question of strategy and timing than anything else.

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So Putin can't move troops on his own turf, but the USA can have troops spread across their empire ringing Russia even ? Sounds legit. Pfft.

So the Federal Reserve can use the shell company they own (the United States / military) to make sure oil is traded in "U.S. dollars" (federal reserve notes) but Putin can't decide what he'll do and for how much with Russian gas ?

The United States would have done much better if it focused on independence, actual free trade alliances and stopped trying to police the world.

The chickens may come home to roost.

With you on that one Rob Roy.

America is a bully, and is just as liable for this war in Ukraine as Putin is, and if you think that is sh*t, well you are just brain washed with propaganda spread by the US Gov't and the Networks, no matter what side you are on. Yes, America is a divided country, and now is it not only fighting proxy wars, they are also fighting themselves.
American agression throughout the world will be the root cause of our world's demise. Put into perspective, American has more than 800 Military bases located overseas, China has 3 and yet America claims China is the agressor. America has dropped hundreds of thousands of bombs in the past 60 years, China has dropped ZERO. NONE, and yet, China is the agressor. China is a collective, America is divided.
Two American citizens are murdered by foreign countries (Saudi Arabia and Israel), and they get a pass as they are "friends" of the US. Biden even had a meeting with his friend MBS.
I have been to both China and the US. Whilst America in most places looks like it is falling apart with mass homlessness and crumbling infrastructure, China is booming with a standard of modernity and freedom that anyone who has not been there could ever dream of experiencing. Bullet trains, a digital network that leads the West for dead. They have recently raised 150 million out of poverty, Out of Poverty, not into homelessness, and here is America spending $70billion supporting thier war machine and givingit to Ukraine. Homes I would think would be more the priority.
I guarantee you one thing, no Chinese parent, and there are a lot of them, no Chinese parent sends their child to school wondering if they will be the victim of a mass shooting, and AMericans reckon they are free? Perhaps if you are white and rich, but you can't even wear your rolex's in the street for someone will come and take them, at the point of a gun. I am so grateful my mad neighbour does not have a gun, just saying. You see these mass shooters you have been experiencing these past decades are looking at their President(s) and saying, well, if he can do it, (main and kill randomly) why can't I? Yep, not a fan of America, though I do love China.
With you on that one Rob Roy.

America is a bully, and is just as liable for this war in Ukraine as Putin is, and if you think that is sh*t, well you are just brain washed with propaganda spread by the US Gov't and the Networks, no matter what side you are on. Yes, America is a divided country, and now is it not only fighting proxy wars, they are also fighting themselves.
American agression throughout the world will be the root cause of our world's demise. Put into perspective, American has more than 800 Military bases located overseas, China has 3 and yet America claims China is the agressor. America has dropped hundreds of thousands of bombs in the past 60 years, China has dropped ZERO. NONE, and yet, China is the agressor. China is a collective, America is divided.
Two American citizens are murdered by foreign countries (Saudi Arabia and Israel), and they get a pass as they are "friends" of the US. Biden even had a meeting with his friend MBS.
I have been to both China and the US. Whilst America in most places looks like it is falling apart with mass homlessness and crumbling infrastructure, China is booming with a standard of modernity and freedom that anyone who has not been there could ever dream of experiencing. Bullet trains, a digital network that leads the West for dead. They have recently raised 150 million out of poverty, Out of Poverty, not into homelessness, and here is America spending $70billion supporting thier war machine and givingit to Ukraine. Homes I would think would be more the priority.
I guarantee you one thing, no Chinese parent, and there are a lot of them, no Chinese parent sends their child to school wondering if they will be the victim of a mass shooting, and AMericans reckon they are free? Perhaps if you are white and rich, but you can't even wear your rolex's in the street for someone will come and take them, at the point of a gun. I am so grateful my mad neighbour does not have a gun, just saying. You see these mass shooters you have been experiencing these past decades are looking at their President(s) and saying, well, if he can do it, (main and kill randomly) why can't I? Yep, not a fan of America, though I do love China.
thank you for regurgitating half the last years news stories in a conveniently incomprehensible wall of text that i quit reading after the first two lines...the gist of your wall of voodoo seems to be that this is all America's fault...to which i reply, fuck that. We did not instigate putin to invade Ukraine, he did that himself. Ukraine has the right to belong to any organization it wants to belong to, if that organization is willing to have it as a member. joining a defensive organization is the right of individual countries, and putin has not one fucking bit of right to do fuck all about it. he's a fucking fascist bully that would have already been kicked to the curb if he didn't posses a large arsenal of mostly antiquated, outdated, shoddily maintained nuclear warheads.
and, really, China is the good guy? really? a country with an ABYSMAL human rights record? did you see ANY of the video of how they dealt with covid lockdowns? dragging people into the street to be disinfected, killing peoples pets when they were locked up in basically jail cells to isolate them...those are the heroes? maybe you should ask the people of Taiwan how they feel about that whole deal before you project your outrage onto them....
I figured radio liberty and radio free Europe would be revived, they should cut a deal with all the VPN companies to offer free VPN service for those in Russia. Broadcasting radio and TV will not be overlooked, along with free satellite service in Russia for news. 80% of Russia's population live in European Russia and high transmitting towers with directed transmission can reach Moscow and St Petersburg plus plenty of other places with a DIY TV receiving antenna. I imagine with inflation and perhaps cut pensions, many won't be able to afford cable TV in Russia, so broadcast and internet TV or radio become options.

Vlad's biggest problem is the center of the Russian cultural world will gradually shift to Ukraine as Russia's brains and media people fill the country. I don't think it will be an issue for those opposed to old imperial Russia and Putin or his heirs. A liberal democratic Belarus would raise the heat on the Russian regime considerably and Russia would have no cultural barriers with the west and liberal democracy. The borders of Ukraine and Belarus would have plenty of radio and TV transmitters beaming programing into the majority of European Russia, plus VPNs and satellite TV's. It will be uncensored media for Russians by Russians, improving conditions in Ukraine and Belarus will be held up as examples in an unrelenting propaganda war. Ukraine and Belarus turning liberal democratic are easier to do than Russia and once transformed they will change Russia culturally and politically.
It's mid-afternoon in Kyiv. Here's what you need to know
Ukrainian forces are suffering heavy losses amid intense fighting in the east of the country, while Western leaders have promised to answer the country's call for more heavy weapons.
Here's the latest on the Russian invasion:
Situation in eastern Ukraine worsening: The Ukrainian military’s defense in the eastern region of Luhansk is growing more difficult, the head of Luhansk’s military administration said Wednesday morning. “It is getting harder, but our military is holding back the enemy from three directions at once,” Serhiy Hayday said via Telegram.
Conflict at pivotal point: Western intelligence and military officials believe Russia's war in Ukraine is in a critical stage that could determine the long-term outcome of the conflict, according to multiple sources familiar with US and other Western intelligence. Ukraine's military is burning through Soviet-era ammunition that fits older systems as the country pleads with the West to send more heavy weaponry and Russia amasses a significant artillery advantage around two strategically important cities in eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine suffering "painful" losses: Fierce fighting continues in Severodonetsk and the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said during a video address on Tuesday. In Severodonetsk “the losses, unfortunately, are painful,” Zelensky said. “But we have to hold on.” He went on to say how it is vital for the Ukrainian military to stay in Donbas.
Russia claims NATO weapons destroyed: The Russian Ministry of Defense says it destroyed a warehouse of weapons provided by NATO nations in the western Ukrainian Lviv region on Tuesday. “High-precision long-range Kalibr missiles near Zolochev, Lvov region, have destroyed a warehouse of ammunition for foreign weapons transferred to Ukraine by NATO countries, including 155-mm M777 howitzers,” the Russian MOD said Wednesday.
NATO promises more weapons: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday the alliance will continue to support Ukraine, supplying them with a military support package that would help the Ukrainian army transition from Soviet-era artillery to more modern weapons. "We are extremely focused on stepping up, providing more support, more advanced weapons ... because we support them in their just fight against the brutal Russian invasion," Stoltenberg said in Brussels ahead of a meeting of NATO defense ministers.
Ukrainian children suffering widespread displacement: Nearly two-thirds of Ukrainian children have been forced to leave their homes, according to Afshan Khan, regional director at UNICEF.
Macron predicts negotiations with Russia: “It is the reality of things” that Ukraine and Europe “will have to negotiate” with Russia over the Ukrainian war at some point, French President Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday. “The only desirable end to the conflict is either a Ukrainian military victory or talks at some point because fighting has stopped, so at some point we must talk,” he said while visiting French troops in eastern Romania.
Pope Francis keeps attention on Ukraine: The Pontiff made an appeal for people not to forget about the Ukraine war as the conflict rages on. "Let’s not get used to living as if war were a distant thing,” he said.
Russian plan to reopen bombed Mariupol theater: Russia is planning to reopen Mariupol’s Drama Theater this fall -- the location where hundreds of people are believed to have died after a Russian bombing on March 16 -- according to an adviser to the Ukrainian mayor of the city. "Dances on the bones, a performance at the cemetery,” he said. “There is no such depth of the inhumanity bottom that the occupiers have not hit.”
With you on that one Rob Roy.

America is a bully, and is just as liable for this war in Ukraine as Putin is, and if you think that is sh*t, well you are just brain washed with propaganda spread by the US Gov't and the Networks, no matter what side you are on. Yes, America is a divided country, and now is it not only fighting proxy wars, they are also fighting themselves.
American agression throughout the world will be the root cause of our world's demise. Put into perspective, American has more than 800 Military bases located overseas, China has 3 and yet America claims China is the agressor. America has dropped hundreds of thousands of bombs in the past 60 years, China has dropped ZERO. NONE, and yet, China is the agressor. China is a collective, America is divided.
Two American citizens are murdered by foreign countries (Saudi Arabia and Israel), and they get a pass as they are "friends" of the US. Biden even had a meeting with his friend MBS.
I have been to both China and the US. Whilst America in most places looks like it is falling apart with mass homlessness and crumbling infrastructure, China is booming with a standard of modernity and freedom that anyone who has not been there could ever dream of experiencing. Bullet trains, a digital network that leads the West for dead. They have recently raised 150 million out of poverty, Out of Poverty, not into homelessness, and here is America spending $70billion supporting thier war machine and givingit to Ukraine. Homes I would think would be more the priority.
I guarantee you one thing, no Chinese parent, and there are a lot of them, no Chinese parent sends their child to school wondering if they will be the victim of a mass shooting, and AMericans reckon they are free? Perhaps if you are white and rich, but you can't even wear your rolex's in the street for someone will come and take them, at the point of a gun. I am so grateful my mad neighbour does not have a gun, just saying. You see these mass shooters you have been experiencing these past decades are looking at their President(s) and saying, well, if he can do it, (main and kill randomly) why can't I? Yep, not a fan of America, though I do love China.
Putin invaded Ukraine for no good reason. It was his choice. Your wall of text doesn't change that.

When Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons to Russia, they came with a treaty that recognized Ukraine's borders as they stood in 1994. Signed by Ukraine, Russia, US and UK. US and UK agreed to defend Ukraine if Russia invaded. So we are. End of story.

Regarding China,

People are desperately trying to get away from Chinese Communist Party control. The CCP considers the Chinese people to be their possessions and won't allow them the leave. Maybe you can arrange for an identity swap with one of them.
Macron predicts negotiations with Russia: “It is the reality of things” that Ukraine and Europe “will have to negotiate” with Russia over the Ukrainian war at some point, French President Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday. “The only desirable end to the conflict is either a Ukrainian military victory or talks at some point because fighting has stopped, so at some point we must talk,” he said while visiting French troops in eastern Romania.
translation..."i don't think the Ukrainians can win.".....what a fucking douchebag. you can think what you want to think, but you don't say shit like that about your allies, who are fighting for their lives, while you're going home to a warm dinner and a soft bed after your speech to the troops.